I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 321 It’S Such A Coincidence, Let’S Go Home (Please Subscribe~)

In the end, they didn't find out what was going on, but what they knew was that Hisako and Sadatsuka Nao had a bad fate.

"Sister, we haven't been here since we cleaned up here."

"That's true...but I'm in a good mood. Maybe I'll get lucky if I change to a new environment. Zhihui, you've been watching Ye Jun's updates all afternoon and you haven't finished it yet?"

Qianhe Zhiwei waved her hand and said: "It's strange that I can read it all. There are many, and the more I read, the more I think he is a treasure man. It's really good... By the way, sister, I discovered something to my surprise! "

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I found that Ye Jun looks very similar to the child piano star Ye Zi Mu."

"Huh? Ye Zimu? How long ago was that? It seems like it disappeared for a long time, eh? Wait...how many years has it been?"

"I don't know, but it definitely won't be something that happened in recent years. Sister, it really looks like it. The more I look at it, the more it looks like.

Qian Er Xia Ya thought for a while and said: "Don't tell me, it's really similar. Moreover, Ye Jun also said that he can play the piano, and there is a video of him playing the piano in the news. It seems that he is really good. It's possible. Ah, Ye Mu, Ye Zi Mu... 26. Interesting..."

"Sister, it seems that Mr. Ye has been busy with a lot of things recently. He has been updated a lot."

"Isn't this already good? It would be good to know more about it, Zhi Hui, have you prepared any ingredients at home before?"

Qianhe Zhie was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh?"

The corners of Xia Ya's eyes twitched and she said, "Um...why didn't you speak suddenly? Zhihui, you are not unprepared..."

"Of course I..."

"Alright... ready..."

"It seems...probably..."

Qiantou Xia Ya sighed and said: "It seems that I can only ask the driver to deliver it soon. I really admire you, so I will change my clothes soon. You should have prepared clothes."


Qian Hao Xia Ya suddenly stepped on the brakes and said in disbelief: "Zhi Hui! What on earth have you prepared?!"

"I...I think I prepared some toiletries, drinks and...fruit, um, that's it, oh, and slippers and cosmetics.

Qianhe Xia Ya sighed and said: "Say you are not prepared, your preparation is okay, say you are prepared, but you haven't prepared many important things. "It's really yours..."

"Actually, I think this is enough. I also put two laptops, mobile phone chargers and other things, clothes and so on. I personally feel, can I just use a bathrobe?"

"It makes sense...it's okay. It's far enough to drive home. I'll have to focus on taking care of this side later, otherwise I'll have a headache."

Qianhe Zhihui nodded and said: "I understand, by the way, sister, where do you think the house Ye Jun bought is? Judging from Ye Jun's activities, Ye Jun seems to be very rich, and there are so many people, so it's probably not What a small place."

Qian Tu Xia Ya thought for a moment and said, "Is it in the outer suburbs? A self-built villa in the outer suburbs?"

"Sister, is it possible that it is that residence?"

Qian Tata Xia Ya thought for a while and said: "It's impossible. That main house is too expensive. Generally, no one would choose to buy that building. After all, this is Tokyo, and every inch of land is precious...

"But...will Mr. Ye not be able to afford it?"

"Even if you can afford it, you should think about it carefully and ask when the time comes. It happens that we will have contacts in the future. In this case, you can also pay a visit and build a good relationship with Chef Qian and the others."

"I know, but this villa area is really beautiful. It's also next to Tōtsuki, an absolute Feng Shui treasure. It's really nice to buy a villa here to change your mood from time to time.

Qianhe Zhie nodded and said: "Indeed, but then again, sister, huh? Wait...who is that in front?"

Qian Tu Xia Ya was also stunned for a moment as she looked at a man and a woman not far away who were walking forward. Good guy, I don't know why, but they looked very familiar.

"Zhi Hui, I remember that Ye Jun was wearing this kind of clothes?"

"It seems so...sister! Come and have a look!"

"You don't need to tell me what to do."

Qian Tu Xia Ya drove over directly. The closer they got, the more familiar they seemed.

"Senior Ye, actually I feel that there are some things that you should explain more clearly. In this case, Sister Long Dan and the others can also help you."

"There are some things that I can solve by myself. No, Liangzi, let me tell you something.


"It's just... hmm?"

Ye Mu was about to speak when he heard the sound of a car. He turned his head and saw a familiar car. Ye Mu was stunned for a moment. Ryoko Sakaki was also a little surprised and said: "Senior Ye, if I read it correctly, it seems to be the Senta sisters. It’s a car...827..."

As soon as Ryoko Sakaki finished speaking, the car stopped in front of the two people. Natsumi Senta and Orie Chitata walked out of the car and looked at Ye Mu and Ryoko Sakaki with surprised expressions on their faces.

Qian Tu Xia Ya said with a smile: "Ye Jun, I didn't expect to see each other again just a few hours after we separated. It's really fate."

Ye Mu smiled and nodded and said: "It is indeed fate. I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. It's a pity that you don't have a contract in hand now."

"Ye Jun is joking. It will take at least two or three days to finalize the contract. Ye Jun, are you here for a walk?"

"Why a walk?"

"Because Tōtsuki has already passed, Ye-kun, aren't you here for a walk?"

Ye Mu turned his head and glanced at Ryoko Sakaki, who also coughed lightly and said: "Well... we'll live here.

"Oh... we live here... hmm?! Ye Jun! You guys live in this villa area?!"

Ye Mu nodded and said, "Yes, it's time to go home after a day of shopping. Are you two here for a ride?"

"Um...let's go home too..."


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