I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 322: He Should Be Happy With Qiantu Xia Ya’S Thoughts (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, the few people in front of the villa area all had weird looks on their faces, because Qianhe Xia Ya was surprised that Ye Mu had a house here, and Ye Mu was surprised that these two people seemed to be neighbors with him?

After a long time, Xia Ya said tentatively: "Well... Mr. Ye, you mean you have a house here?"

"Otherwise? It looks like you two are too."

"Yes, we do have a house here. We just bought it and planned to come here today to change our mood. Unexpectedly, Mr. Ye, we are actually neighbors."

Ye Mu nodded and said: "This is indeed quite magical. I didn't expect it. It's been a while since I moved here and I haven't seen you two."

"We don't usually come here, today is just because of special circumstances.

Ye Mu smiled and said, "That's it..."

Qianhe Zhihui said quickly: "Ye Jun, which building are you in? Let's go back together."

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "In this case... In this case, why don't you come to my house as guests in the evening? After all, we are also neighbors."


"Of course, if it's inconvenient for you, don't force it, but it's quite lively at home."

Qiantou Xia Ya turned her head and glanced at Qiantou Zhihui and then said with a serious face: "Okay, but Ye Jun, it may take a while for us to get there, so, Ye Jun, which building are you in? "

"I really don't know what date it is. You can just come directly to the main house."

"I know...huh? Huh?! Ye Jun! Say it again! Which building?!"

Ryoko Sakaki smiled and said, "I know what you are thinking. Yes, it is the main house. After all, there are many people in the family."

"This...Ye Jun, you...how do you buy it..."

"How did you buy it? I paid the full price. I'll see you two later. There are guests visiting, and I need to have an extra meal today. I'll excuse you for now. Ryoko, I'm leaving々々."


Looking at the two people leaving straight away, Qianhe Zhihui said blankly: "Sister, it seems that Mr. Ye is richer than we thought. He bought the main house with the full price."

"Sister, why don't you speak?"

"Oi E, don't you think it's strange?"


"If Mr. Ye is so rich, why would he still care about the dividends? Although it is definitely more profitable, it is really unexpected to express it directly.

Qianhao Zhie nodded and said: "It does feel magical to say so, but sister, why do we have to go there after a while?"

"Prepare gifts. You can't go to someone else's house empty-handed, especially Ye Jun. Not only because they are business partners, but also for two reasons. One is that there are other Elite Ten and head chefs in Ye Jun's house. We can't have a bad impression. Another reason is that Mr. Ye is also a target of our interest, so we can't be rude."

Qianhe Zhihui nodded and said: "Okay, I probably understand it. By the way, sister, there is something I just discovered.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Hmm...didn't you realize that although Ye Jun was surprised when he found out that the two of us were neighbors, I still seemed a little happy? Is that so?"

Qiantou Xia Ya was stunned for a moment and said, "How did you see that..."

"Not really... The main thing is that you two were chatting just now, and I was watching from the side. Then I realized that Ye Jun seemed really happy.

"Is that so? Forget it, let's not talk about it for now. I still want to go home as soon as possible. By the way, the driver does not have to prepare the ingredients first. The prerequisite is to prepare two souvenirs. The ingredients can be delivered later. Tomorrow Still have to have breakfast.

Qianhe Zhie nodded and said: "Yes, I understand, but what souvenirs should I prepare?"

"I saw Ye Jun's updates before. Ye Jun likes coffee, tea and wine. At this time, it is probably not easy to find red wine of good vintage. So, let the driver prepare a bottle of high-quality brandy. Then prepare another tequila, this one is a little more ordinary, but the age is about the same.”

"I have four bottles of pretty good tequila at home. Let the driver pick up a bottle. If the company has brandy...if the company has it, ask her to pick up a bottle and pack it and bring it over. The ingredients can be delivered later."

Qianhe Zhihui nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, I will tell her now. In other words, we will stay at home before she comes?"

"That's for sure, but... I think they will open a shop as a chef. I feel like I won't be able to see you. Zhi Hui, you..."

"I know, please pay attention, sister, I am not a child anymore, can you trust me more?"

"I want to, but you are very interested in Ye Jun now. I'm afraid that if you have fun chatting with me then, you will end up chatting endlessly.

Qianhe Zhihui waved his hand and said: "No, no, don't worry, it has been sent and the driver has already gone to prepare. Sister, let's go back first.


Just as these two people were leaving, Yuliangzi on the other side also said with some confusion: "Senior Ye, I didn't expect them to live here.

"Actually, there's nothing we can't understand. In fact, given their financial resources, it's normal for them to have a villa (Li Hao's) in the newly developed villa area to change their mood. What's more, it's next to Tōtsuki, which is very suitable for them. , maybe we can discuss a business or something. It’s close to Tōtsuki and their home, so it’s convenient for anyone to go to.”

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said: "I guess I understand, Senior Ye, they won't come to live here often in the future."

"Come on, this is their home. You can't say anything when you go back to your own home. Moreover, these two sisters are good business partners. It would be good to communicate more."

"I understand... Do you need to inform Fuyumi-san and Hinata-san that they will come back early?"

"It's not necessary. Ringtong and the others will keep dragging them until they come back~"

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