I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 323: Erina Doesn’T Dare To Break It Up, Sakaki Ryoko’S Doubts (Please Subscribe~)

After Ye Mu and Ryoko Sakaki came back, Kobayashi Ryoko and others were still chatting. As soon as she saw Ye Mu, Erina waved and said, "Mu! How was your talk today?

Ye Mu nodded and said: "It's not bad, but there will be guests coming soon, so I have to improve the food a little today."

Busujima Saeko was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? There are guests coming? Guests? What kind of guests?"

"It's the Qianhe sisters."

"Eh?!" xn

Kobayashi Rgentan said with a surprised look on his face: "Husband! Why did you come to the house? Do they have any business to discuss?"

Ryoko Sakaki sighed and said, "It's a coincidence that these two people actually live in the villa area.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was stunned for a moment and said: "Huh? These two people also live in the villa area? Is it true or false?"

"Of course it's true. They were both surprised to come. But having said that, talking about business today really refreshed my understanding."

Kobayashi Gentian smiled and said: "Let's talk about it, how it refreshes our knowledge. I want to see what shocking things my husband has done."

Ye Mu shrugged and said nothing. Ryoko Sakaki sighed and silently recounted what happened today. 253 Akane Kubotao said blankly: "Although he is very powerful and smooth, is this how to talk about business? When Xiao Taozi negotiated the contract, it didn't go so smoothly.

"This...maybe it's because of my good looks."

Everyone rolled their eyes, Tianyu Zhanzhan tilted his head and said: "So, this company will be coming to the house soon, right?"

"Yes, I guess I have to go back and make some preparations. It's quite sudden. Senior Ye, what are you going to cook? Can I help you in any way?"

"No need, you can just be in the living room. After all, if they come, they won't know each other. You are the only one who knows, so they can't be here, right?"

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said, "I understand, but Senior Ye, are you planning to make dinner alone?"

"That's right, Gentian, don't come either. After all, you haven't seen him before. You can't help but meet someone when he comes. Just wait here."

"Got it!"xn

Ye Muye (cgee) went directly to the kitchen without saying anything else. Kobayashi Ryuden waved to Ryoko Sakaki and said, "Ryoko Ryoko, come here."

Ryoko Sakaki sat next to Kobayashi Ringtong and said with some confusion: "Sister Ringtong, what's wrong?"

"Hey, what happened to those sisters?"

"What's going on? It's just normal. Talking about business normally, but if you want to say something different... I feel like the way they look at Senior Ye is weird."

Alice nodded and said, "As expected of Senior Ye, it seems that this courage and charm have attracted both the business sisters."

Erina said angrily: "Do you think everyone is the same as you? Besides, these two are business veterans. How could they be so careless? There must be some other purpose. Could it be that they think Mu is very young, so they said Very easy to fool?"

"That's not the case, because these two people showed great respect for Senior Ye from the beginning, but they were not so serious at the beginning. It was not until Senior Ye made those curry dishes that they really He became more serious, no, it should be said that it was Sento Orihe who became serious."

Erina said with some curiosity: "So, Mudu has prepared some magical chat?"

After Ryoko Sakaki said something, Alice said with bright eyes: "Wow! I'm very interested in this colorful curry. I want to study it carefully. Erina, what about you?

"What are you asking me to do?"

"Because you are very interested in Senior Ye's cooking, and no matter how you say it, it sounds delicious. You are the tongue of God."

Erina nodded and said: "That's true, but having said that, this champagne curry sounds quite interesting. Hisako, let's try it later."

"Okay! But Master Erina, do you know the ingredients?"

"I don't know, but I know there must be champagne, even non-alcoholic champagne drinks. As for other things, I'll study it slowly.

"Oh... By the way, Lady Erina, the previous kitchen seems to be full again. Do we need to find another research club to start?"

After saying this, Ryoko Sakaki said with a strange expression: "Actually, I have wanted to ask a question for a long time."


"Erina, I have heard that you often dismantle the cooking research club. We had discussed before at Polar Star Dorm how your kitchen was full, and it was still full of several piles? What did you put in it? ah...."

Kobayashi Gentian also nodded and said: "Yes, yes, Erina, what have you put in the kitchen? Why is it always full?"

"It's nothing. Ingredients, kitchen utensils, refrigerators, tables and chairs, bottles for spices, etc. It's normal for them to fill up quickly. It requires a lot of practice. Naturally, a lot of ingredients are needed. To keep the ingredients fresh, a refrigerator is naturally needed. , it’s normal for it to be almost full.”

Ryoko Sakaki said blankly: "It's not normal anyway. How much practice have you done? Why do you need so many ingredients? Can you eat it?"

"It's not full in one day, and full means that there is no room to add more. There is no place to put it in the refrigerator. It's not that there is no place to stand, it's just that there is no place to put the ingredients."

"So, you are planning to dismantle another one? Be careful to dismantle Fuyumi-sensei and Hinata-sensei's research club, oh! And who is Saiha-senpai? Maybe you have already dismantled it."

Erina's eyes twitched and she said: "No...it can't be such a coincidence...Hisako! Don't dismantle it! Just let them go for now, and I also have a kitchen at home. The most important thing is that someone can comment." , and it’s summer vacation soon and I don’t have the time to talk to them, so no, no, no.”


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