I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 339: Miyazono Kaoru’S Calmness, What About You? (Please Subscribe~)

In the end, I didn’t know who Kikuchichi Sonoko was, but Yuzu Ryoko wanted to say something, Kikuchichi-senpai, is there really no hidden thought in your eyes?

Yes, when Ye Mu and the others left, although Mu Jiuzhi Yuan Guo looked the same as before, her eyes were obviously very reluctant to leave. The most important thing was that Mu Ji Zhi Yuan Guo clearly had many other emotions in her eyes. .

"Ryoko, what do you think of senior sister's cooking?"

Ryoko Sakaki was stunned for a moment and nodded and said: "It must be very powerful. The most important thing is that, for some reason, I always feel that the dishes prepared by Kikuchi-senpai are all...~

"They are all different from what I imagined. There are also some dishes that are not on the menu, right-?"

"Yes, Senior Ye, do you know what's going on?"

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, "It's just not for eating, but for getting together, so I just prepared some of my own special dishes. This is more normal, isn't it?"

"That's it...but I always feel that my senior sister's relationship with you, Senior Ye, is not that good."

Ye Mu nodded and said: "After all, he is his future employee, so he must get to know him well. Understanding him is one of the prerequisites for a better relationship."

Ryoko Sakaki pursed her lips and said nothing. Is Ye Mu an idiot? Obviously not, Ye Mu is the BOSS level, just like Kobayashi Rindou and the others have always said.

He's just a little mastermind behind the scenes.

Is Ye Mu a guy without emotional intelligence? Obviously, he is still not, otherwise there would be no Kobayashi Rgentan and the others. "Ye Mu can't tell whether a girl has a crush on him? Can't he feel that he can't hide it? Do you like it?

Of course not, Xiaolin Ringtong and the others are all like this, but Ye Mu is giving them time. Now Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo is also like this, but what kind of time will Ye Mu give this time?

But thinking of this, Ryoko Sakaki's face also turned red. Does Ye Mu know what he is thinking? So what is Ye Mu waiting for him to discover in the time he gives himself?

Ryoko Sakaki shook her head and said nothing, but Ye Mu said with some confusion: "Huh? Ryoko, what's wrong with you? You feel a little strange, are you feeling unwell?"

"No! Senior Ye, where should we go now? We can't just hang around like this."

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Well? Why can't we hang out? It's a holiday in itself, isn't it?"

"Ah? Even though I say that, I always feel like I'm being lazy..."

Ye Mu smiled and said, "Vacations are for relaxing, right? Elite Ten are also human beings, and they always need to rest. Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Well... that's fine, but I don't know where to go at all. I haven't even planned an itinerary."

"We are resting now, not working, so there is no need to plan the itinerary, so you just mess with me."

The corners of Ryoko Sakaki's eyes twitched and she said: "Well... Although Senior Ye, you are rarely so reliable and I feel touched, but this stupid feeling

"Isn't it interesting? Okay, if you don't know where to go, just come with me. Today is Friday and tomorrow will be Saturday, so there will be more people."


In the school on the other side, several girls were also sitting on the rooftop eating lunch. Nanami Fuka Nami said with a strange face: "I feel that Mr. Totsugi seems to be very strange recently, as if he has changed. Do you have any?" Don’t you have such a feeling?”

Yoshikawa Yuki nodded and said: "Yes, yes, it feels so strange, suddenly I feel like a very mature big sister.

Hori Kyoko said helplessly: "You won't believe it. Two days ago, I saw a couple falling in love. Teacher Huji didn't react at all. His eyes were like looking at a child who hasn't grown up. The boy looked unconfident, and I even heard him quietly asking if something was wrong with him.

Hinami Aoi thought for a moment and smacked her lips and said, "It's unrealistic to think that Mr. Totsugi would change so much all at once. Kaoru, what do you think?"

Kaoru Miyazono on the side was stunned for a moment and said: "What do you think? What else can you think? You also said that Mr. Huji will not be like this suddenly. There are only two results. The first is that Mr. Huji is desperate, and the second is that Mr. Huji is desperate. It’s just that she has a boyfriend, that’s all.”

…………Please give me flowers

"Then she probably has a boyfriend. Despair doesn't look like this. I feel like Teacher Totsugi is happy every day. She also dresses a lot more maturely. She feels like she wants to be a good wife.

Hori Kyoko was stunned for a moment and said, "Ah? Can Mr. Toji really find a boyfriend?"

Hinami Aoi rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of something. She looked at Miyazono Kaoru with some uncertainty and said, "Kaoru, do you think it will be like that?"

Miyazono Kaoru looked at the phone while eating the food and said: "Do you want to say Ye Jun?"


"Uh...you're so calm."

Miyazono Kaoru waved his hand and said: "It's eighty percentile. Ye Jun has moved and Mr. Huji is here, so the possibility is very high. Besides, "Who else besides Ye Jun would have the intention to slowly study Mr. Huji?" ?"

Yoshikawa Yuki swallowed and said, "Xun, you are so calm. Isn't Mr. Ye the one you like?"

Miyazono Kaoru nodded and said: "Yes, I like Ye Jun, but I don't care whether others like Ye Jun or not. Everyone has the right to pursue the person they like. This is responsible for their own happiness. , Besides, Teacher Huji is very good to me, and I know her quite well. Teacher Huji is still a very good person.

Hori Kyoko clapped dumbly and said: "Xun, your consciousness is really very high... You are being overtaken."

"That doesn't matter. My current experience tells me that my waiting is effective. I do the right thing when it is right. I personally feel that this is not so much about me, but what do you think?"


Miyazono Kaoru put down the mobile phone in his hand, raised his head and said calmly: "Otherwise? You..."

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