I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 340: Miyazono Kaoru’S Awakening, Asuna Has A Headache (Please Subscribe~)

The rooftop was very quiet, not only because there was no one there, but more importantly, they were stunned by Kaoru Miyazono's question. Of course, Hori Kyoko was really confused because she really didn't know him.

Hinami Aoi said calmly: "So, Kaoru, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? If you have to say it... your attitude towards Mr. Ye after Valentine's Day is quite subtle."

Hinami Aoi's eyes twitched and she said: "This... is nothing subtle, it's just the same as usual."

"Really? That's really awesome, but...Kui, have you chatted with Ye Jun?"

"Well...after all, he is a rare boy on the list. He definitely wants to chat. Why don't you just add it to the list to recharge?"

"Seven Nine Three" Yoshikawa Yuki and others also nodded quickly. Obviously, they felt something was wrong. It would be more reliable to just follow Hinami Aoi.

Miyazono Kaoru nodded and said: "This reason sounds good, but... Aoi..."


"Ye Jun seems to be the only boy you keep in touch with every day.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Sunflower also said in surprise: "How did you know?!"

But Hinami Aoi was stunned for a moment after she finished speaking, because she saw Kaoru Miyazono's mouth curled up and stopped talking. It was obvious that Kaoru Miyazono was trying to trick her.

Just kidding, even if Miyazono Kaoru and Ye Mu are very familiar, even if Miyazono Kaoru and Ye Mu know each other's feelings, even if Miyazono Kaoru and Ye Mu usually dare to say anything, they won't really run away stupidly. Go over and ask: "Ye Jun! Have Kui and the others chatted with you every day recently?"

Just kidding, if we chat like that, is it still carbon-based life?

Nanami Fuka Nami glanced at the frozen Hinami Aoi and knew what was going on. After she froze for a moment, she turned to look at Miyazono Kaoru and said: "Kaoru, it's just a normal chat, nothing serious. .”

"I didn't say there was anything wrong, but to be honest, if you have any ideas, I don't have any psychological burden. I like it, it's my business, and you like it, it's your business."

Miyazono Kaoru looked at the sky and said softly: "I feel that liking someone is a normal thing. Everyone has the right to like someone, but it just depends on whether they have the courage to say it."

"If it had been before, I would never have told him that I liked him. Even if it was my favorite, which was the most important part of my life, I wouldn't have said it, because I couldn't give him a promise, no promise. he."

"But it's different now. I can do everything I want to do, and have all the expectations I dare not have. I'm very lucky, really lucky..."

Miyazono Kaoru said softly: "Because of this, I know very well what I want to do now and what I am looking forward to. My goal is very pure, so I don't have to worry too much. I only know, I'm doing what I want to do, and that's enough.

"If someone likes Ye Jun, and I don't hate him, then I will never have any objections. If they are familiar with him, I might even form a small team."

Hori Kyoko said blankly: "Although I don't know what you are talking about, I feel like Xun is very powerful."

Miyazono Kaoru waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, I just expressed my thoughts. After all, I am not a child anymore. The big stone in my heart has finally fallen. I have to think more about things, right?"

"That's true, so based on what I heard...it seems to be because of that Mr. Ye?"

"Who knows, right, Aoi."

Hinami Aoi sighed and said: "I really don't know what you think, but...Xun, you just said that you don't mind others liking Ye Jun, and you are very supportive, but the premise is that you don't hate it, but .....What can you do even if you hate it?"

Asuna and others also nodded and looked at Miyazono Kaoru with curiosity. Miyazono Kaoru smiled and said: "Of course I will confess my love to my best friend, and then... Haha...

Yoshikawa Yuki and others all trembled. Good guy, you are really cruel. This is an internal solution to the problem. Most people really can't do it. But... that being said, Miyazono Kaoru is not Ordinary people!

Miyazono Kaoru looked at the silent people and said nothing. Suddenly Miyazono Kaoru seemed to have thought of something and said strangely: "Asuna, you seem to be very relaxed recently. Did Auntie give you a holiday?"

"Well... to be honest, I feel a little strange..."

"What do you mean?"x

Asuna thought for a while and said: "About ten days ago, my father came home, and after dinner, my mother asked me to make a cup of tea..."

"Then what?"

"Then I went to make tea. When I came back, I didn't see anyone in the living room or my father's study. I heard some words when I passed by their bedroom.


Asuna sighed and said: "I didn't hear everything, but what I probably heard was... Mom said that Asuna would have a better choice, and then Dad said that he looked like a very good person, so Mom and Dad There's a quarrel."

"I didn't dare to enter the house. After 4.0, I heard my father say something like this. Let's talk about it later. When we go back, let Asuna bring it home to have a look. It's always good to compare. .”

"Then my mother stopped talking, and that's about it. I felt a little weird. After that, my mother didn't say anything, and my father didn't tell me either, but I just felt that things were weird."

Hinami Aoi was stunned for a moment and said: "Why are you listening..."

"What are you listening to?"

"It sounds like your uncle and aunt are planning to arrange a blind date for you?"

"Eh?! Really or fake?!"

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