I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 341 Miyazono Kaoru’S Awakening, Asuna Realizes It (Please Subscribe~)

Asuna was also stunned, what the hell? Why did it suddenly turn into a blind date? But she didn't seem to have any idea to refute it immediately.

Yoshikawa Yuki said with some emotion: "As expected of your family, have you already been on a blind date when you were only a sophomore in high school?"

Asuna shook her head in panic and said: "No...I don't know! Neither mom nor dad told me! Wait..."

"What's wrong?"xn

Asuna swallowed her saliva and said, "Aoi, you tell me."

Hinami Aoi rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Then what were you waiting for?"

"I...I don't know. I just saw that you seemed to have thought of something, so I told you to calm down first."

Hinami Aoi sighed and said: "I'm really convinced by you, okay, if I remember correctly, what uncle and aunt were talking about when they were talking... You have a better candidate, uncle said that looking at 26 is a pretty good candidate. Nice guy right.


Hinami Aoi tilted her head and said: "Then there are three explanations now. Which one do you think is more reliable? The first one is that there is no blind date at all, but! It is not realistic, because my uncle seemed to have said something later. Time brings home, right?”

Asuna's eyes twitched and she nodded without saying anything. Hinami Aoi thought for a moment and said, "Then there are only two explanations left. One is that the uncle and aunt are talking about the same person, but the aunt simply doesn't like the uncle's choice. Candidate, but in this case uncle will not bring him home to see and compare."

"Um...well...that seems to be true."

"Then there is only one explanation, that is, your uncle and aunt are going to arrange a blind date for you, but from what your aunt said, it seems that you have known for a long time that your uncle has arranged a blind date for you, but your aunt is not satisfied, so you have your own recommendation. , in this case, wouldn’t it be reasonable?”

Nanami Fuka Nami nodded and said: "Such words do sound very reliable, but having said that, Asuna, what do you have in mind? The family will arrange a blind date for you."

Asuna pursed her lips and said: "What ideas can I have? Let's see. Anyway, whether it works or not depends on me, and I don't know who it is, so I can't say what the reaction is... "

Hinami Aoi thought for a moment and said, "No, Asuna, do you really not know?"

"Huh? Where do I know where to go..."

Miyazono Kaoru thought for a while and said: "At Christmas, my aunt's attitude towards Ye Jun is quite subtle. This is the first time I have seen my aunt talking so opportunistically to boys of our age. No, I should say... This is the first time I see my aunt admiring a young man so much, right?"

Asuna was stunned for a moment and nodded and said: "That's true... This is really the first time I saw my mother admire a young man so much, and then she also said that she wanted to get along well with Ye Jun, etc. ...Xun, you don’t mean to say..."

Miyazono Kaoru nodded and said: "That's right, the time is almost consistent, and the aunt will bring out the boys for comparison. Apart from Ye Jun, who I admire very much, I can't think of any other possibilities, and my uncle doesn't I have met Ye Jun, and this fits perfectly."

Asuna swallowed her saliva. She really hadn't thought about it that much. She only started thinking about blind dates today, but having said that, she was still quite resistant to such blind dates.

However, when she knew that it was probably Ye Mu, Asuna didn't know why the haze in her heart immediately dissipated, because she already had a good impression of Ye Mu, and Ye Mu was indeed very good. If it was Ye Mu If so, she was really looking forward to it.

Yoshikawa Yuki smacked her lips and said: "So, it is very likely that the aunt will ask Ye Jun to visit her home. In fact, it will be a blind date. Asuna, you have made a profit.

Asuna sighed and said: "If it is really Ye Jun, I will burn the incense. I still have a good impression of Ye Jun. Wait... I seem to be able to guess that dad is going to give me a choice. Who is it?"


"If nothing else, it's probably the guy named Sugou Nobuyuki. He usually likes to support his father. And he is indeed a bit talented, but he is a very annoying person to look at, and he is much older than me."

Yoshikawa Yuki said with a look of disgust: "That's strange, then why did uncle introduce him to you? Is it just because he can flatter others? Or is he a little bit more talented?"

"Maybe, anyway, my father is very optimistic about him, and he has said it twice at home, but neither my mother nor I like this person, and in terms of his talent, he is far behind Ye Jun

Nanami Fuka Nami smiled and said: "Ye-kun is definitely a top match. His appearance, figure, personality, family, character, life, talent, sense of responsibility, etc., the software and hardware are all top quality. There is no comparison." ah."

Kaoru Miyazono nodded and said: "So, if it's really what Kaoru and Aoi guessed, I definitely don't want to choose Ye Jun directly without even thinking about it. We already know each other, and it's much better. Secondly, I am more familiar with him and I like him quite a lot, but I feel a little sorry for Xun..."

Miyazono Kaoru said casually: "It doesn't matter. If Asuna can be with Ye Jun, I will support it. I've said it before, everyone has the right to like someone. We are friends to begin with. Rather than watching you be annoyed by this matter, I might as well give you a good choice."


Hori Kyoko smacked her lips and said: "I have heard it almost now, so I should still say something with emotion, Kaoru, that you are very enlightened, but what did you mean when you said Aoi and the others before?"

Kaoru Miyazono said casually: "It's nothing, it just feels weird because I prayed for love during the New Year, and then it was all good luck. With Valentine's Day in February, there were some interesting little surprises. Right~"

"Um..." xn

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