I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 16 Ye Mu’S Brother, The Girl He Found (Please Subscribe~)

When Kobayashi Gendan and others came back, they saw Ye Mu drinking tea with several people. One of them, a young man wearing a black shirt, had a faint spirit in his eyebrows.

Kobayashi Rgentan and the others are not stupid either. They can tell at a glance that among these people, Ye Mu and this young man have the highest status or the right to speak. Among these people, only this young man has never met.

Xiaolin Gentian came over and said with some confusion: "Husband, you are back, this is..."

Before Ye Mu could say anything, he saw Sister Su saying blankly: "Wait... why are you here now?"

"Sister Su, although I don't have much time now, I can't lose my etiquette."

As he spoke, the young man said softly in Japanese: "Guys, it's our first time meeting you. I'm Ye Zi's friend. I was busy with something and didn't have the chance to come over yesterday, so I came here to apologize.

Tianyu Zhanzhan narrowed his eyes and said, "You...are the one who can deal with the Shinomiya family?"

The young man said calmly: "Everyone in this room can solve it, but it will be quieter if I solve it. Ye Zi, that's it. You can come see me later. I have something for you."

Xiaolin Gentian and others were stunned for a moment. What did Grandpa Ye give to Ye Mu? Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "I know, has he met you?"

"Well, I don't know what's going on now. I can only talk to the older generation about this matter, but you also know that the older generation has basically retired and can't be found. The matter is over.

I’ve seen people too, so I’ll leave first and see you later. "

Ye Mu nodded and smiled and said warmly: "How many girls have you scared away with your cold face?"

"It doesn't matter. It's better to say that it would be more comfortable for you to have a family than for me to have a family myself. That's it."

The young man stood up as he spoke, casually picked up his suit jacket and nodded to Kobayashi Gentian and others before leaving. Erina quickly said: "When will you...

The young man walked straight forward and only left one sentence: "The time that Ye Zi mentioned was before midnight that day, and the Shinomiya family did not speak. I will apologize personally."


I just wanted to ask why I suddenly felt that my level had improved a lot. After the boy left, Sister Su breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yi Zi...this boy seems to be more talkative than you."

Ye Mu raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said softly: "Because we are brothers."


Busujima Saeko said quickly: "Mu! You are not..."

Sister Su waved her hand and said, "Grandpa Ye and his grandpa arranged this a long time ago. The children in the family are brothers, and they are very protective of each other."

Tianyu Zhanzhan and others all nodded. Akane Kubotao said with some confusion: "What is his name? He looks very serious and has a cold feeling."

The young man wearing glasses on one side waved his hand and said: "It's not that he won't tell you his name, but his name can't be told. It's in the confidential documents, so you just know that he is from the military, and he also has family property."

"Hiss..." xn

Ye Mu stretched and said, "It seems like Sister Su doesn't plan to have dinner out at this time.

"Of course! Nothing cooked outside is as delicious as what you cook! Hey, hey, what delicious food have you prepared?"

"Don't worry, it's almost ready. You can fry it once it's done." The fried ones are already stewing.

"Okay, it has to be you. I'm really looking forward to it."

Kobayashi Ringtong said blankly: "You can still eat it."

"Otherwise? No one can be full after having afternoon tea.


"I think what you said makes sense." [011611026 Feihu 042540]

After hearing this, everyone turned their heads and saw Kitagawa Kaimu nodding in approval while eating the fried skewers bought on the road. Everyone was stunned for a moment, good guy, as expected of you, you really did not disappoint.

Kobayashi Ryodan and others took the opportunity to take some digestive medicine, and they wouldn't have been unable to eat it. But since Ye Mu was cooking it himself, it would definitely be delicious. If he ate less, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

In fact, it was just as they thought. The dinner could be said to be extremely sumptuous, pure Chinese food. When the dishes were served one after another, Kitagawa Uimeng's eyes almost turned green.

Everyone was sitting at the dining table and chatting. Sister Su’s cell phone suddenly rang. Sister Su was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh? Sister-in-law? Why did you remember to call me..." Hello? Sister-in-law, what's wrong? What's the matter? Yes, yes! Come to Ye Zi's house quickly! Ye Zi has made a feast!"

"Ah? You have to go do something, so why are you calling me?"

"Huh? Give me a gift? This is not a Chinese New Year holiday or my birthday. What gift do you want to give me? You shouldn't take the opportunity to ask me to help you work overtime. It's impossible. I won't help you even if I kill you.

"Huh? Surprise? Okay, I'm at Ye Zi's house, you can just come directly. Sister, if you try to trick me, I will remove the 763 tires on your member's car later."

Kobayashi Rgentan and others all twitched at the corner of their eyes. Good guy, you are really a little devil. You are afraid that your family will make some money.

After hanging up the phone, Akanekubo Momo said curiously: "Sister Su, what's wrong?"

"My sister-in-law, she said she was going to do something, but before she did it, she wanted to come to me and give me a surprise gift package. I don't know what the situation is. It's weird... but it shouldn't be a big deal. She probably tricked me into working overtime for her. I'm naive and I won't be fooled.

A woman in a sports car on the other side smiled and said, "I wonder if that girl and the others will be surprised to see you. By the way, does this simultaneous interpretation work?"

"Well, it works great, thank you."

"It's a small thing, our coaches are all qualified. After all, this is the capital city. Many international students come to practice. There are many languages ​​​​and they are all prepared. They will be there in a minute. It just so happens that Ye Zi and the others are here, so you can have a good time catching up on old times. , if you need their help if you need anything, don’t be shy, just say it directly.”


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