I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 17 He Still Remembers Me, Miss Himuro (Please Subscribe~)

When the woman drove the girl to Ye Mu's manor, the girl was stunned for a moment. Good guy, isn't it a little too luxurious?

It seemed that the girl's idea had come to mind. The woman smiled and said: "It seems that you don't know the identities and backgrounds of Ye Zi and the others. You will find out after we chat for a while. Let's go, I will take you to find them."


After all, they are neighbors. Although the manor is next to the manor, the guard obviously knows him. In other words, he is not the gatekeeper of this manor, but the gatekeeper of this community. He let him go without saying anything.

The Chinese dishes in the manor on the other side were also fully prepared. Sister Su took the chopsticks and was about to start eating when she heard Xiaolin Gentian said with some confusion: "Sister Su, aren't you waiting for your sister-in-law?

"Well...I think it should be..."

Before Sister Su could finish her words, she heard the sound of the doorbell. Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning said with some doubts: "Your sister-in-law?"

"Maybe. I want to see what kind of surprise it is. It's so mysterious..."

Sister Su said and walked to the door. When she opened the door, she saw a woman dressed in workplace attire. Sister Su said angrily: "You just want to trick me into working overtime! Come here empty-handed! Where is my surprise?!"

The woman smiled and pulled the girl over. When she saw this girl, Sister Su was stunned for a moment. She was really beautiful, and her figure was really exaggerated. She didn't find it strange at all to say that she was a model. .

But that's not the point. The point is that she feels that this girl looks very familiar, but she just can't remember who it is.

Sister Su tilted her head and said, "You are..."

The girl said in Japanese: "You are Su..."

"My surname is Su, how do you know me? Huh? It looks familiar, and I'm from Japan?"

The girl nodded and said, "Well, do you remember the summer camp?"

"Summer camp...Summer camp?! Oh my god! Really fake! You girl has changed so fast! I don't recognize you at all! Wait...wait... ...I remember your name was...ice...freezer! Right!"

The girl's eyes twitched and she said, "It's Himuro..."


The woman on the side laughed out loud, and Sister Su also said with some embarrassment: "Uh... I'm sorry, sorry, it's been too long. I remembered that it had something to do with refrigeration. It's a small problem, a small problem, my God. I didn’t expect you to actually come! And you’d become so beautiful!"


The woman smiled and said: "How is it? Is it a surprise enough?"

"It's such a surprise! I thought of her some time ago. Sister, you've been a big help! It's time for dinner, so you can come and have some too."

"No, I will not participate in the table with you young people. I have to do things. I am still losing weight recently. You just have to have fun. I will leave this child to you. The rest is up to you. I go first."

"Don't worry! Goodbye, sister-in-law!"

"You are really real. Then Miss Himuro, I will leave first. There is no need to be polite to this girl and the others, and they are your fellow countrymen, so that's it.


After the woman left, Sister Su smiled and said: "What a fate! It just so happens that Zi Zi and the others are here. You should really want to see Zi Zi. I still remember your disappointed expression when you knew that Zi Zi was leaving early. Woolen cloth.

It was obvious that Himuro's face turned red. She also remembered that Himuro suddenly thought of something and said with some confusion: "So, Ye Zi?"

"Otherwise? You won't forget it, right?"

"No, but it's not...a chair?"

"Um...it's an accent problem. It's a small thing. It's about time for dinner. Let's chat while eating. It's just right. Everyone who was in the summer camp is here, and there are a few of your compatriots.

You can have a good chat. "

"Hmm...but, won't it be too disturbing..."

Sister Su waved her hand and took Himuro's hand in a familiar manner, walked into the room and said with a smile: "What's the trouble? We are all friends. When you come to Tianchao, do you still remember how to find me?"

That means you still remember me as a friend, so there’s nothing to say, I’ll protect you. "


The girl was also a little nervous. Ye Mu and others were still chatting in groups. As they were talking, they heard Sister Su chatting excitedly with someone.

"Hmm? Is Sister Su chatting with her sister-in-law?"

"No, that guy Su Bapi has never had such a passionate chat with his sister-in-law. He is only so passionate when he cheats on each other."

"Uh..." xn

Akanekubo Momo was about to speak when she saw Sister Su walking in and said angrily: "Death Half Immortal, just wait, I am in such a mood that I am too lazy to talk to you! Ye Zi Ye Zi! Guess who my sister brought to us. Already?"

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said, "You brought someone? Who?"

"Hey hey... Dang Dang Dang!"

As Sister Su said this, she pulled Himuro in, who was standing at the door of the restaurant. The moment they saw Himuro, everyone's eyes lit up. This girl was so beautiful and so temperamental.

Zi Anyan narrowed her eyes and said, "Why does it feel so familiar... Senior sister, what do you think?"

"I feel the same way..."

Several people around him looked surprised, because they all felt familiar. Himuro also noticed Ye Mu sitting in the main seat at a glance.

Not because of Ye Mu's temperament and appearance, but because she knew at a glance that this handsome (Zhao Nuo's) man was the one who left a deep impression on her childhood.

Xiaobai on the side patted his leg and said: "This is... no... this looks too familiar! Just this hair color and expression! Brother Ye! Brother Ye! Does it look familiar?"

Ye Mu recovered from the surprise before Kobayashi Rgentan and others could say anything. He laughed and stood up and said warmly: "Long time no see, Miss Mathematical Olympiad from the summer camp~"

Himuro was stunned for a moment and then couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth. He remembered himself!

Himuro also said softly: "Long time no see..."

"Is it really her?!" xn

Looking at the reactions of the people around them, Kobayashi Rgentan and others neatly tilted their heads and said, "Who is it?"

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