I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 18: Himuro Iris And Bone Marrow Are All Super-Scientific (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Rgentan and others looked puzzled. What the hell, this beautiful woman seems to know her husband? Although it is not surprising, but why do these people know each other?

Ye Mu was also slightly surprised. He was not surprised to meet this girl again, but he was surprised that... the person he met at the summer camp when he was a child was Himuro Iris?! This is really a transformation of a girl. , the most outrageous thing is... why did Himuro Airiji come to China?! And she’s still at this age!

You know, judging by the way Himuro Iris looks like now, she should be studying mathematics at university! Why did she come here?

Sister Su also saw the curiosity of Kobayashi Rgentan and others and said with a smile: "You also know that she is your fellow countryman, right? Himuro, please introduce yourself. It just so happens that you didn't introduce yourself properly back then."

Himuro Iris nodded and said softly: "This is the first time we meet, I am Himuro Iris, a graduate student at Tokyo Metropolitan University..."

As soon as he said this, Fujiwara Toyomi slapped the table and shouted: "Ah! Why does it look so familiar to me! It's Himuro-senpai!"

Himuro Airi tilted his head and said: "You are..."

"Uh huh huh!"

"Who is 220?"

"Uh... I'm Fujiwara Toyomi! We met at the school's opening ceremony!"

Himuro Iris thought for a moment and then nodded suddenly and said: "You are the E from social science..."

"Yes, yes! It's me! And Yanzi!"

Zi Anyan also nodded and said: "Hello, Senior Himuro, I am Zi Anyan."

"The one in charge?"


Kobayashi Gentian said with some surprise: "Oh! That's awesome! Graduate student! What's your major?"

Fujiwara Toyomi said with a serious face: "Himuro-senpai is a top talent in the school. She is from the Institute of Technology. People in the school commented that even the bone marrow is a super-scientific existence! She is definitely a genius!"

"Oh! That's really amazing! A girl can actually learn science and engineering to this extent."

Sister Su smiled and said: "Let's talk later. Come on, let's eat first and talk while eating. We haven't seen each other for many years. Well... let me see... Come on, come on, you My position happens to be next to Ye Zi. You haven’t seen each other for many years, so we can have a good chat."

Xiaobai on the side also moved a new chair very well with his eyes. Himuro Iris was also stunned for a moment. Before she could recover, Sister Su pulled her to Ye Mu's side.

Although Ye Mu drank, there was no alcohol smell on his body. Instead, there was a light fragrance, which made people feel at ease. "Hinguro Airi didn't dare to turn his head and look at Ye Mu at all.

Xiaobai leaned into Sister Su's ear and whispered: "Hey, sister Su, I think Miss Himuro seemed to have a very good relationship with Ye Zi before."

"Why are you gossiping so much, eating vegetables and eating vegetables! Ye Zi personally cooks! I am here just to gain weight during this time!"

"Pfft..." n

But it’s a joke, who is here to gain weight? Ye Mu smiled and shook his head and said: "You guys, this means that the old man is not here, otherwise we would all be honest.

"Cut!" xn

Xiao Bai on the side stood up and said with a smile, holding a wine glass: "Come on, today was just a normal meal, but I didn't expect to meet a friend from many years ago. Let's do it to show your welcome!"

"Okay!" xn

Himuro Iris was stunned for a moment, and Sister Su tilted her head and said, "Bing... I'll call you Iris, can you drink? If not, juice is fine, don't take it so seriously."

"It's okay, it's okay..."

"Yes?" xn

Ice room (cgbg) Acorus tilted his head and said: "I have never drank it, so I don't know if it will work...but..."

Himuro Iris secretly glanced at Ye Mu's cup, then nodded and said, "I want to give it a try.

"Okay, but you guys also have gentian. It's all in moderation. You don't have to imitate them in one sip or one cup. We eat vegetables, so we don't imitate them."


Sister Su raised the corner of her mouth and poured wine for Himuro Iris. Everyone stood up and clinked glasses. Erina and the others had never drank wine before. After following Ye Mu, they would drink some at every dinner party, but it seemed like drinking like this was still a problem. I only learned it after I came to China, but it is much more atmospheric than the dinner parties in Japan.

After sitting down again, Zi Anyan said curiously: "Senior Himuro, why did you come to Celestial Dynasty? Aren't you supposed to be doing research?"

"Yes, yes, Chang Pu, why did you come to Tianchao? I didn't expect it at all. Aren't graduate students supposed to be very busy? I was quite busy when I was a graduate student."

Himuro Iris shook her head slightly, as if the sip of beer just now made her a little confused, but it was okay. Himuro Iris also came to the conclusion that she could drink, but the amount of alcohol needed to be tested.

Himuro Iris breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I am one of several publicly funded exchange students sent by the school. Among the exchange students, three of them came to China. In three cities, I am from China. I am in the highest university in China. Or science and engineering.”

Fujiwara Toyomi clapped his hands and said: "Yes, yes! The school is selecting exchange students. As expected of Himuro-senpai, she is really amazing. But we may become alumni soon. I plan to study here next year. We're in the same school, there's Saeko, they're all in the same school."

Himuro Iris nodded and said: "That makes me feel at ease a lot...because of the language barrier, I don't know anyone yet..."

Sister Su quickly said: "When did you come?"

"Yesterday, I finished my enrollment today and came to see you."

"Really! It's great that you came to us yesterday! I took these girls to school yesterday. Really, I'm impressed by you. Have you successfully entered the school? Are there any difficulties?

Himuro Airi also felt warm in his heart. It was obviously just a summer camp time together, but the person in front of him really regarded him as a very good friend...

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