I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 77 Hisako’S Teaching, Outrageous Fuyumi Mizuhara (Please Subscribe~)

Ye Mu went to see Grandpa Ye. Xiaolin Ringtong and the others didn't know. Even if they knew, they would treat it as ignorance. Otherwise, what should they do? Ask Ye Mu? How could they tell them honestly? Besides, , do you really dare to ask? It’s better to just pretend you don’t know.

At this time, in a Chinese restaurant, Kobayashi Ryodan and others found a restaurant under the leadership of Sister Su. Fuyumi Mizuhara and others were specially selected during their lunch break.

Fuyumi Mizuhara said with some confusion while eating lunch: "So, Yanzi and Alice are considered sisters?"

Alice said blankly: "Sister Fuyumi...Isn't that what I am?"

Minezaki Yaeko waved her hands and said: "Come on, for a while, Fuyumi wanted to strangle you and Qianhua to death.


Fuyumi Mizuhara shook her head and said: "Yezi, don't talk nonsense."

Alice nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes! Sister Yaeko! Sister Fuyumi is so good! Sister Fuyumi is so good!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara took a sip of soup and said calmly: "Not for a while, until now, no...not until now, until now I want to strangle them both to death."

"Huh?!" x2

Alice said with a look of horror: "Why! You all locked me in the room all night! Sister Fuyumi, why are you still strangling me?"

"Huh? Because you made me waste several days, maybe you can realize my wish to be a mother? So, in a sense, you have attempted to hurt someone."


Even Sister Su was stunned. Good guy, you have a reasonable basis. You are really outrageous. Alice said blankly: "This is all right? Sister Fuyumi! Are you serious?!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said: "Although I am serious, but...after all, I am one of my own family members, so...that's all."

Kobayashi Gentian said helplessly: "Sister Fuyumi, I think it's better to think about what to do with Alice and Sister Yanzi."

Qianhe Zhihui held up her face and said: "It's not that complicated. The motives of both of them are very clear. Just find an opportunity to talk about it yourself."

"Yes, Liangzi is still like this, or hasn't he become Mrs. Ye yet? What a pity for this unique advantage!"

Ryoko Sakaki's face turned red and she said, "Why are you still talking about this... Besides, we are talking about Alice and Sister Yanzi now."

Kitagawa Kaimu put down his chopsticks and said angrily: "Ryoko, if I had the advantage of being in a world of two with you every day, I would have found a corner and laughed like crazy! You are obviously a fried dish that has just come out of the pot. If you don’t eat the chicken, it’s a waste!”

"That's right! If you don't eat the fried chicken that's just come out of the pan, it's a waste to eat it cold!"

Minezaki Yaeko also nodded and said: "Yes, especially during the year, except for the time when everyone is together, you usually live in a world of two. If you change it to a normal woman, you are now an expectant mother.

Ryoko Sakaki said angrily: "Even in a two-person world, you still have to work! You have to deal with documents!"

Hisako whispered: "Sir Ye Mu...it's okay if you don't process files. After all, if you really process everything, there won't be so many squeezed files..."

Ryoko Sakaki said blankly: "Hisako, how come this is completely different from what you told me originally?! You...didn't you mean..."

Hisako turned away and whispered: "Then I didn't know you wanted to be Mrs. Ye, and... with such a good advantage, you must arrange some benefits for yourself... Mr. Ye and other cadres... no the same.

"This... Hisako! You won't tell me, you have arranged it for yourself!"

Hisako's eyes twitched, but he still nodded and said: "Of course...otherwise this secretary would be just a robot, it would be such a waste."

Kobayashi Rgentan said meaningfully: "Don't you see that Hisako also has great ideas? Then tell me...if you were to be your husband's secretary, how would you arrange your schedule? Tell the truth, otherwise the family will take care of you!"

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment and said in disbelief: "Eh?! Does our family still have a family law?! What is it! Why didn't I know! Hayasaka!"

"Hmm...I don't know either."

Inui Hinako coughed lightly and said: "You will know this later, Kaguya, don't you want to have a good chat with Mu? Or for a long time, you can just ask in passing."

Hayasaka Ai took a look and then nodded and said: "Miss, I want to thank Sister Hinatako."

"Oh! Yes, Sister Hinata, thank you for reminding me."

Kobayashi Rgentan and others all smacked their lips. This child is so innocent. But after a good chat, she should learn to grow up. Fuyumi Mizuhara and others wanted to say, you taught her this way.

Doesn’t your conscience hurt?

Hisako blushed and whispered: "Ah? I..."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning nodded and said: "Yes, you are just giving advice to Liangzi, so you'd better tell the truth, otherwise... Liangzi will probably cry."

"I won't cry!"

That being said, it can be said that Ryoko Sakaki is looking forward to it. Hisako breathed a sigh of relief and said: "If it were me... no matter what kind of tasks I have today, I will arrange it based on at least two hours. free time."

"It might be lunch, or it might be the afternoon break (promised). In your free time, you can connect with the next activity location. If you are close, you can walk together on the street, and you can also go shopping. If you are far away, you can come back. When you are free, you can arrange it for two hours at most. You can arrange many different appointments with about an hour and a half of free time...

"Cafes, parks, shopping. If you come back in the afternoon, you will have more time. You can pass by shopping malls, aquariums, etc., and if there are shrines, you can also visit. Firstly, it is not working time at that time, and secondly... ..I have plenty of time to have a good time. If it’s not working time, it’s directly turned into a date. We can talk about anything.”

"Ryoko! Study hard!"

"Ah? Oh..."

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