I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 78 Tianyu Zhanzhan Is Helpless, And Zian Yanzhuan Has A Headache (Please Subscribe~)

Ryoko Sakaki said that she had learned it, but since she was abroad during the summer vacation, she wouldn’t need it!

Wait...if it's abroad, doesn't that mean that for a long time, Ye Mu will be the only one beside him? And he is always with him, isn't this a real two-person world every day? What?! Moreover, since I am not familiar with this place, can I have a reason to ask Ye Mu to accompany me around? In this case, isn’t it...a real date!

Looking at Shen Liangzi who was deep in thought, everyone looked confused. What happened to this girl? Why did she suddenly become so calm?

Alice pursed her lips and said, "So, how can I succeed? I feel like I have a headache..."

Rgent Kobayashi held up his face and said: "What's the trouble with this? It's just that once you have determined your mind, you just need to find a suitable place. When you make up your mind and say the first word, you don't have to I’m worried about this, everyone is like this, um... except for Haimeng, Ori-e, Natsuya, Yaeko and... Kaguya! Well, that’s it, except for these few, everyone is like this !”

Kitagawa Kaimu scratched his head and said: "Eh? I confessed my love properly, why was I excluded?"

Akanekubo Momo said angrily: "You successfully set a new record for the fastest confession in the family. It's so outrageous. Without warning, you suddenly hit the vital point. I was stunned."

Kitagawa Kaimeng puffed up his face and said: "But I made a good confession later! Although I was already with Mu at the time, I confessed! So I wasn't so hasty!

Busujima Saeko whispered: "If I had to say it...Zhanzhan didn't even express his feelings properly..."

Alice was stunned for a moment and said in disbelief: "Ha?! Really or not! Isn't Sister Zhanzhan a madman who protects her husband?! Even if she complains about Senior Ye, she might kill her, so you don't even confess?!"

Minezaki Yaeko and the others also nodded. When they met Ye Mu, Tianyu Zhanzhan had already begun to learn to be a good wife, so they didn't even ask what was going on.

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and said: "Yes, I was very curious about how the president got together with Mu...Did you skip the confession? How did you do this?"

Tianyu Zhanzhan coughed slightly and said, "I have a confession."

Busujima Saeko said angrily: "Zhanzhan! I'm still here! If you insist on having a fight with Mu, not having a fight, and then in turn making a lot of yandere declarations as a confession, then I I have nothing to say..."


Fuyumi Mizuhara was stunned for a moment and said: "Huh? I seem to have heard some incredible character attributes... Yandere?"

Tianyu Zhanzhan narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm not a yandere."

"That's you! That expression scares me when I look at it! Just stare at Mu and say something... You must be mine! No matter where you go, you will find something like that! It's so scary!"

"Hiss..." xn

Tianyu Zhanzhan said angrily: "This is just to express my excitement, and I am not a yandere. Otherwise, there would only be two of us sitting here eating today."

"Ha?!" xn

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning swallowed her saliva and said: "Wait... If I remember correctly, Sister Zhanzhan seemed to be... If she loses, she will be a good wife. If she wins... it seems... …”


Tianyu Zhan put down the water glass without leaving a trace and said softly: "Although it is true, but after thinking about it, it seems that it is not like this.


Tianyu Zhanzhan just sighed secretly. It seemed that he could no longer take off the title of yandere. "Damn it! It was actually discovered (huh? It seems like something was exposed...

Alice thought for a moment and said: "You guys really made some of my original ideas blurry in an instant (cgi...um...how do I say this?

"It's okay for you. It's more convenient. Yanzi is going to have a headache. Yanzi, have you thought about what to say?"

"Sister Fengshi! It's not convenient for me! Sister Yanzi has plenty of time! I must succeed before my parents arrive!"

Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said: "No, you don't have a time limit. This time is just your own time to pursue romantic love. Even if you really say it, you can also tell Mu directly, whether it is a confession or a It's okay to just say that you have an engagement, anyway, your aunt and Mr. Senzaemon will talk for you.

Erina nodded and said: "Yes, you just give yourself time. It is more difficult for Sister Yanzi."

Zi Anyan shook her head and said: "I don't know what to do, especially since Ye Jun still has a lot of things to do in the second half of the year. Maybe I am ready, but Ye Junren is abroad...

Inui Hinako thought for a while and said: "Swallow, wouldn't it be better for you to move into your home as well? This way, we will have more time to see each other.

"This... I have no reason to move there."

"Huh? Do you need a reason to move here? Just move here. Don't worry, Mu won't have any objections if you move here. He will only welcome you. But then again, I don't know where Mu is going. He even drove the car on purpose, not knowing what the situation was..."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning pushed up her glasses and said softly: "I feel... something might happen during this period. Sister Su, do you have no news at all?"

Sister Su put down her chopsticks and sighed and said, "I'll give you some science on how this circle is stratified and you'll know."


"Things about the older generation, very important things, are basically between Ye Zi and that kid. They are the only ones who can handle them. For ordinary things, all three of us can ask. About that kid, only the older generation and Ye Zi can handle it." Can say, I said he will consider, except for the older generation, even that kid can't handle and investigate the matter of Ye Zi privately, especially important plans."

"Furthermore...my matter, Ye Zi, that boy, the older generation is very clear about it, but the half-immortals still have to think about it, so... Ye Zi obviously has something to do today, so that's it. It’s not something I can check, otherwise, our family would definitely call me and scold me to death.”


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