I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 82: What A Deep Sisterly Love, The Reliable Kobayashi Gentian (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Ritsou once again showed his guidance as the eldest sister of Tōtsuki, a small group, and his usual cheerful demeanor became serious in an instant.

Hisako said with some confusion: "Sister Rindan, what's wrong? Is there anything that needs to be planned?"

"First of all, Mu is talking about the areas we are good at, so the question is, except for Xiao Taozi, the rest are basically very tolerant, so I think we can prepare some dishes that are biased towards Chinese cuisine. , you don’t think it’s really just preparing a plate of food, do you? It’s obviously an exam, will there be no test points in the exam?”

Erina nodded and said: "It makes sense, so now we have to analyze the test points first, um... should the range be more Chinese food?"

Alice scratched her head and said, "Is that so?"

"Stupid! Why do we work hard to improve our cooking skills? So that we can not become a shortcoming in our own restaurant in the future! Then the question is, "Where is the restaurant?"

"This... I seem to understand. It means that other dishes can also be prepared, but you must understand where the home court is, right?"

"At least you should know some Chinese food style. Forget it, Sister Fuyumi, haven't you noticed that they all specialize in foreign and Western food? Sister Hinata specializes in Japanese food, so they don't need to prepare those, but we do. Prepare some Chinese food options. After all, we are opening a restaurant in Tianchao. Do you think it is reasonable not to order Chinese food? At least there should be some."

Alice scratched her head and said, "It would be nice to have Chinese food style."

"That's more or less what it means. After all, my husband can definitely handle Chinese food. We can't really attack the Chinese food field, can we? For example, Ningning's soba noodles are very tolerant. I cherish the ingredients. The same is true for our cuisine, Erina is a brick, Hisako is a medicinal food and very tolerant, haven’t you noticed that our cuisine is all like this..."?"

Everyone nodded in surprise. Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning pushed up her glasses and said softly: "Then it's because of the assessment, so you should pay attention to the presentation of the dishes. The second thing is to pay attention to the fact that this is a meal at your own home, so the portions are also important. Guaranteed, and the conflict between the flavors should not be too obvious."

Kobayashi Ringtong tilted his head and said: "Okay, that's pretty much it. Now let's put together our own dishes."

Hisako thought for a moment and scratched his head and said: "I'll choose mutton. I have learned a dish before and I can try it."

Ryoko Sakaki thought for a moment and said: "In my case...then I would choose Black Fish."

"Eh? Ryoko, are you going to handle seafood? Have you thought about what to prepare?"

"Well, when Senior Ye and I went out some time ago, we had a Chinese meal. It was quite interesting. I investigated it when I went back.

Kobayashi Ringtong thought for a while and said: "Well... then I will choose... this matsutake is good, and I also want this whole chicken."

Erina looked around and sighed and said: "I'm not sure what to choose... Let's choose beef first. There is no shortage of vegetables. So far, Ryoko has chosen fish. Alice, what do you want to choose?" "

"Uh... I'll... um? This is... I choose scallops!"

Kobayashi Ringtong tilted his head and said: "It's interesting. This way, it's basically complete. Xiaotao, you don't need to report it. You are a dessert, and both Chinese and Western styles are acceptable. Just think about it slowly."

"No, Xiao Taozi has already thought about what desserts to prepare, but Xiao Taozi needs a lot of fruits and nuts. If any of you need fruits and nuts, please take what you need first.

Kobayashi Rgentan waved his hand and said: "You probably won't need it at all. You can just use it. Even if we use it, we won't use it much."

"All right...."

Everyone in the kitchen finally started the test that Ye Mu mentioned, while Ye Mu watched the TV unhurriedly, as if the test questions were not arranged by him.

Busujima Saeko said tentatively: "Mu, can I get some juice?"

"What's the need to say this? This is my home."

"Because aren't they taking exams now? I'm afraid of disturbing them."

Ye Mu raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It's said to be an assessment, but it's also dinner, isn't it? Don't take it so seriously.


Busujima Saeko said and walked towards the kitchen. Kitagawa Kaimu also shouted to get some snacks and followed him. Fujiwara Chika scratched her head and felt something was wrong, but she still didn't move.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Fengshi, do you have any information to tell them?"

Fujiwara Toyomi's eyes twitched. He was about to get up and go to the kitchen, but he leaned directly into Ye Mu's arms and whispered: "Mu, what did you say? Why didn't I understand?"

"It's really a close relationship between sisters...right?"

Fujiwara Toyomi puffed up his face and sighed and said: "Mu, Rindian and the others must be very nervous now, and... I don't know why, I always feel that this assessment

It seems to have a profound meaning..."

"Huh? It doesn't mean anything, it's just a monthly exam... maybe?"

Hearing these words, even Himuro Airiam's eyes twitched. It was obvious that Ye Mu had a purpose.

On the other side, when Kobayashi Ritsou and others were carefully preparing the dishes, they suddenly saw Busujima Saeko and Kitagawa Ummu running over. Akanekubo Momo said with some confusion: "(The dead) Saeko-san? Ummu" ?Why are you two here?"

Kitagawa Uimeng said quickly: "Sister Xiaotao! Have you all thought about what dishes to prepare?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Mu was super serious this time! And... He also said a lot of unintelligible things to Sister Su! His last words should have become a thing... Don't deal with me! Be serious!"

After Kobayashi Ringtong and others were silent for a while, they continued to deal with the dishes in their hands. Busujima Saeko said softly: "Ringtong, there is something I want to say to you..."


"It seems...it seems...Mu will come to the kitchen in person soon..."


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