I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 83: Ye Mu’S Arrangement, No Time To Be Nervous (Please Subscribe~)

Xiaolin Ringtong and others froze immediately. They never expected that Ye Mu would come soon. They thought he would come when their food was almost ready. Did he come directly? !

In cooking, there is a cooking method, live cooking, where the diners stand around the stove and watch. Generally speaking, there should be no flaws.

Live cooking is to showcase the art of cooking. Any mistakes in any link will be discovered immediately. Any tension in any link will lead to mistakes.

The current situation is more complicated. Live cooking is a performance, and the space is relatively empty. In addition, it is prepared in advance, and there are no high-end restaurants with live cooking all day long.

And now? Although the space is not small, it is at home after all, and it is too sudden, and it is also an assessment, an assessment given to me by my lover. As a senior husband with strict control, Kobayashi Ringtong and others can be said to be I became nervous in an instant.

Just kidding, it would be interesting if he suddenly made a mistake or forgot something. The most important thing is 917. Is Ye Mu here to watch, or what? This is the key, Ye Mu’s strength is ready It was such a simple dinner.

Not to mention anything else, the most powerful among them now is Xiaobayashi Rgentian. Xiaobayashi Rgentian was easily solved by Ye Mu in the last most difficult challenge in history. This time it was even more sudden. Although they They are also working hard to improve themselves, but it has just been a year from last summer vacation to this summer vacation. This year they still have to go to class, deal with documents, and live a normal life.

The real time spent on improving oneself is not calculated in twenty-four hours, so Kobayashi Ringtong and others became extremely nervous in an instant.

On the other side, Fujiwara Toyomi just huddled in Ye Mu's arms and stopped talking. Fujiwara Chika still looked confused, and she didn't know what this idiot was wondering about.

Ye Mu touched Fujiwara Toyomi's head and said softly: "Sometimes, maybe in just a moment, a lot of things can happen... Sister Su, I have something to send (cgdg) back to China later. Find someone to take it over and send it to Mr. Li's house."

Sister Su was stunned for a moment and said: "It seems that I felt right that day. He was in the yard, right?"

"Huh? I didn't say anything..."

"Hey...you guys, I really admire you. By the way, where did that kid go?"

"I don't know, I guess I'll be on a mission soon. I'm really looking forward to what will happen.

Sister Su sighed and said: "I've convinced you two brothers, Zhanzhan!"

"Huh? What do you want to say? What did you two just say in Chinese?"

"Ah? It's nothing. I just asked the boy when he will deal with Kaguya's matter. After all, it seems that the boy wants to solve it in advance. It's a small problem. Zhanzhan, do you plan to come here right after graduation? Or wait. Are you coming with Ye Zi?"

Tianyu Zhanzhan thought for a while and said: "I personally want to wait for Mu to come here, but I might come over to go through the admission procedures and so on. I said before that it seems that it is okay... I don't have to go to class often? "

"Yes, you don't have to go to class often, especially the major you choose, because you will become the core management of your own star wine, so your performance list is the best paper and homework. You only need to do it when the time comes. Just find a course that interests you, and you should still write your graduation thesis."

"Understood, then I'd better wait for Mu to come with me. Kaguya and the others should think the same way. They should go to the remedial class first during this period."

"No problem, it won't take a year, and you can take classes both offline and online. Ye Zi, aren't you curious about what remedial classes I signed up for them?"

"Huh? I'm not curious. After all, you won't trick them. By the way, there is something... I need to tell you. You can deal with it when we go back.

"What's the matter? It probably has something to do with Acorus, right? After all, they have all gone back, and Acorus is the only one left here."

Himuro Iris was stunned for a moment and said, "Eh? Does it have anything to do with me?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "That's right, Sister Su, you can tell the school when you find time later, because Chang Pu's Chinese is not very good, so I hope you can make some reports and papers, and if allowed, I can After the postponement, I went to help her find some information in English and Japanese.

Himuro Iris felt warm in his heart, and his ponytail swayed. Sister Su nodded and said, "I almost forgot about it if you didn't tell me. Don't worry, it's no problem. I'll take the time to take Iris for a visit later." Go to school, Chang Pu, you can go to school with me when the time comes, just before the summer vacation ends. Your English should be okay?"

Himuro Iris nodded and said, "I'm pretty good at English. I have no problem with conversation."

"Well, that's good. I'll take some time to look at the professional terms later. That's about it. I don't know much about science like mathematics and physics either.

"Well, it's almost the same. The rest are just formulas and numbers. I will take time to learn Chinese. Thank you Jun Ye, thank you Sister Su..."

Ye Mu waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I just suddenly thought of it. Well... it's almost time. You guys can continue watching TV. I'm going to prepare dinner, eh? Yanzi, what do you want to say?"

Zi Anyan struggled for a while and said: "Um...I have something I want to say during dinner in the evening, so I don't need to talk about it alone.

"Okay, no problem, just say whatever you want."


After Ye Mu left, Fujiwara Toyomi sighed and said: "Rendan and the others are probably nervous to death... Why did Mu suddenly arrange the assessment? It's so strange. Sister Su, do you know the reason?"

"This matter... you will know soon. Ringtong and the others cannot be nervous, and there is no time to be nervous."

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