I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 84 Ye Mu’S Real Purpose, You Scumbag (Please Subscribe~)

While Busujima Saeko and Kitagawa Ummu were still watching, their expressions suddenly froze, because they saw a familiar and extremely familiar person, and it was not Ye Mu.

Kobayashi Ryodan and others were still concentrating on the cooking, and did not notice that Kitagawa Kaimeng was about to speak when he saw Ye Mu making a silent gesture, and then walked over slowly.

The cooking skills of Kobayashi Ringtong and others are much better than when he first met. From this, it can be seen that these girls are not really just playing around.

"Ning Ning, give me the vinegar."


Kobayashi Ringtong and others just cooperated like this, but it can be seen from their expressions that Kobayashi Ringtong and others are really nervous, and even ordinary handling techniques must be handled with caution.

"It seems that you are more careful than I thought, but in order to start dinner normally, you can speed up a little. After all, this is a normal meal at home."

Hearing these words, Xiaolin Rgentan and others trembled all over, Ye Mu is here!

Akanekubo Momo breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Mu, why are you here so early? We have just started to prepare the food."

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "Huh? It's nothing, I just need to prepare dinner. Judging from the looks of you, you basically choose Chinese food or oriental taste. In this case... I probably know What ingredients should be prepared?

Erina swallowed her saliva and said, "Mu... um... how many dishes are you going to make?"

"I don't have any plans. Once your food is ready, I'm almost ready."


Kitagawa Uimome was stunned for a moment and said: "In this case, it will only be two or three dishes at most..."

Busujima Saeko swallowed and said: "No...Haimeng...you don't understand Mu's strength. Others can handle a salad or staple food, a soup and a stir-fry at a time." Kind of like that, but Mu, it depends on how serious he is, it is not calculated using specific numbers..."


Ye Mu smiled and ignored the surprise and panic of Kobayashi Ringtong and the others. He walked to the ingredients area on the side, glanced at it and directly determined the menu. While holding the ingredients, he looked at the spices around him. Kobayashi Rgentian The others all swallowed their saliva.

As the person next to me, how could I not know that Ye Mu had already decided on the menu, even the spices needed and how much to use. At this moment, I felt so stressed...

Kitagawa Haimeng ran out directly and called Tianyu Zhanzhan and others over, but when Tianyu Zhanzhan and others came in, they were stunned for a moment.

Almost as soon as they picked up the knives, Ye Mu had already cut the various ingredients into the way he wanted. He always kept two knives in his hand, two different knives.

All the ingredients needed for this dish were placed on every plate. The speed was so fast that Himuro Iris was dumbfounded. Guoguo said, "The potential of the human body can't be calculated completely and accurately using numbers." ....”

Kobayashi Rgentan and others were also stunned. This was their first time making food with Ye Mu. Such a sense of oppression was not something ordinary people could imagine.

Just like during an exam, you are scratching your head and thinking about how to write well. Just when you just think of the solution to the first question, the people around you are already writing the answers on the answer sheet and preparing to hand in the paper. In an instant A kind of pressure arises spontaneously.

Handling several dishes at the same time, Ye Mu always seemed extremely calm. Chika Fujiwara said blankly: "Oh my god... Mr. Ye is too scary... Grandpa Ye's cooking skills are so scary." ah!"

Everyone nodded blankly. Xiaolin Ringtong and others also came back to their senses because of their previous surprise, and quickly started to process their ingredients. Ye Mu still looked unhurried, but the person who made the dishes The speed is not slow at all.

After a long time, when all the dishes of Kobayashi Ryodan and others were emitting their proper fragrance, Ye Mu also stopped directly, and the whole kitchen became quiet for a while.

…………please give me flowers……

Erina breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Mu...how many dishes have you prepared?"

"I didn't pay attention. It's enough to eat, isn't it?"

Kobayashi Rgentan tilted his head and said: "Now we suddenly feel that husband, you are deliberately making us nervous.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Huh? Why do you think so? Will doing this do me any good?"

"This...intuition! You know! This is an intuition!"

Ye Mu shook his head and said: "Obviously, your current intuition is a wrong way of thinking. In this case, you can have dinner soon. I am really looking forward to your work."

Ning Ning from Ji Zhiguo said softly: "I don't know why, but I always feel that some part is weird. Mu, I'm curious, why did you suddenly set up an assessment so seriously?"

"This... is just because it's time to determine the direction of my next efforts. I can't just go in any direction all the time."

Erina scratched her head and said: "But, I am like this..."

"Erina, you can also have a specific direction, but you need to determine this slowly. However, you have learned every cooking category very well. Once you determine the direction, you will make rapid progress. Also, that is Whose food will taste more mushy if it is served later."

"Yeah! My soup!"

After smelling it, Sister Su came to Ye Mu and said softly in Chinese: "Hey, Ye Zi, I think the fragrance is quite good. Don't be too picky for a while! Otherwise, be careful of him getting angry."

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "I have always said that this is a dinner, nothing more, why can you think so?"

"It's weird to believe you! Can you really treat it as just a dinner? Wait... it's possible, I seem to know the purpose of this guy! You shady guy!"

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