I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 85 Your Name Is Wrong, Everyone Is Surprised (Please Subscribe~)

There is no formal ceremony, and there is no bloody potential explosion. As mentioned in the preface, this is just a dinner.

After Kobayashi Rgentan and others' dishes were served, no one moved their chopsticks, they were all waiting for Ye Mu's move.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "Why don't you eat it? Isn't this a dish that you made very seriously? And it's dinner time now."

Kobayashi Gendan said angrily: "Isn't it an assessment? I'm waiting for you, the examiner, to review! Don't pretend not to know! Hurry up!"

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "What I'm saying is, think of it as a review, but in fact it's just dinner. You don't have to think so much. You should eat and drink. There is nothing to review.

Alice said tentatively: "Really?"

"Of course...you're already hungry after shopping all day. "807", let's eat."

Alice and others looked at each other, tentatively picked up the chopsticks and tasted them and found that nothing happened. Then they breathed a sigh of relief. However, Sister Su looked at Ye Mu with disgust the whole time. Obviously, Ye Mu still took it. Kobayashi Rgentian and the others were tricked.

Knowing that nothing happened, Kobayashi Ryo and the others also became active. Kobayashi Ryo held the bowl and said angrily: "Husband, you almost scared us to death. Really, I have never felt that a dish can be made with such precision. Pass."

Ye Mu smiled and said, "This will at least make you a little more serious."

"You are very serious! This is definitely a demonstration of all the levels you have improved so far!"

Ye Mu squinted his eyes, stared at the food on the table for a while, and then said softly: "Not bad..."


"Mu, what exactly are you going to say today? We can't tell you until Sister Dongmei and the others get home.

Ye Mu smiled and said, "You can make a video call to them. They should all have gone home."

Although Kobayashi Ratsudan and others looked puzzled, they still made a call. Fuyumi Mizuhara and others on the other side of the phone had just put the dishes on the table, and there were still several dishes being processed.

Hayasaka Ai, the helpful person, answered the phone by the way.

"Huh? Gentian, why did you call so early? Our dinner hasn't been taken care of yet."

Kobayashi Gentian sighed and said: "I have to ask our husband. He suddenly said that he had something to announce, and then threatened us with an assessment. We were so panicked!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara came over and put down the food and said, "Hmm? Mu, do you have anything to say? Just Hinata and a soup are ready."

Ye Mu held up her face and said with some confusion: "Where is Kaguya?"

Hearing this, Hayasaka Ai turned the camera to Kaguya Shinomiya, who was writing furiously, and said softly: "Miss, Lord Ye Lin has something to say to you."

"Eh? What...what's going on."

"It's nothing, I just feel weird not seeing you. What are you writing?"

"I'm learning Chinese! I'm practicing writing my name."

Hayasaka Ai leaned over and took a look before shaking her head and saying, "Miss, although you wrote very seriously, but..."

"Chinese is so difficult! If you don't write well, there's nothing you can do about it!"

"No, I mean, you wrote it wrong."

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked at the dictionary, then looked at what he had written and said with a serious face: "Haasaka, you are wrong this time. I compared the dictionary and wrote stroke by stroke, Shinomiya Kaguya, that’s right.

Hayasaka Ai said softly: "Absolutely not right... Miss, if you want to write your own name, this name is wrong.

"Ah? Then what should I write?"

Hayasaka Ai breathed a sigh of relief and whispered into Shinomiya Kaguya's ear: "Ye...Kai...Ye..."

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for two seconds before nodding her head with a sudden look. The next moment, her face turned red and she said in disbelief: "Ha?! Hayasaka! Are you serious?!"

"Miss, is there anything wrong with this?"

"This...this...although it is true! But isn't it too early?!"

Hayasaka Ai said softly: "Miss, this is a kind of habit formation. What's more, it doesn't take a long time, right?"


"Besides, isn't this much easier to write than this name?"

"Ah...that makes sense..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara sighed and said: "Stop talking about these things, let's talk about business first. What's wrong? Hinatako, just put the soup in the pot first, come here first...

"Oh... Mu, what's wrong?"

Ye Mu said helplessly: "There's no need to be in such a hurry and we won't miss these ten minutes."

Qianhe Zhie smiled and said: "The sooner I know, the sooner I can rest assured. What's the matter?"

Ye Mu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, since you all want to know so much, let's talk about it now. I went to see Mr. Li today. You guys already know about this, right?"

"I know, what next?"

"Then I have two things to say. The first thing is that I met that guy. That is to say, Kaguya, you and Xiao Ai should have obtained their freedom in advance. It seems that he has obtained it in advance. There is a mission."


Shinomiya Kaguya also looked surprised and said: "I thought it might be postponed, but I didn't expect it would be advanced?"

"Yes, maybe in the past few days, I don't know what the old man said to him at that time, and I don't know much about it.

Qian Tu Xia Ya said with a smile: "Whether you know it or not, for our family, isn't this a good thing?"


"Then the second thing, shouldn't you all know about 5.6? The old man left things for us all. I have a lot of things, but when I reach a certain stage, someone will send them to me, so ,I got two pieces of land today...."


"Yes, there are two pieces of land that are enough to build Star Wine and Star Dining. The old man asked me to choose one. If I am not satisfied with it, I will choose it myself. I went to take a look at these two pieces of land today. I am very lucky. The second piece of land is Just what I need.”

Everyone was stunned for a moment. After a long time, Tianyu Zhanzhan said tentatively: "So... you have determined the land, and as long as you have the design drawings, you can start construction?"

"That's right."


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