I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 86: It Would Be Weird To Believe You In The Determination Of Kobayashi Rgentan And Others (P

When the news came out, everyone froze, joking, is this just a notice? It seems like this to outsiders.

But for Kobayashi Ryo and others, it is definitely not the case, because for them, although they have planned a long-term future, in terms of career and the career of this big family, this star meal and star wine are the ultimate goals, at least for now. Is such that.

Knowing that the land has been selected, it means that it seemed like there was still a long time, but suddenly I became nervous. Now that the land was confirmed, who knows how many design drawings have been prepared, or even whether it is ready. , in this case, the original preparation time directly becomes a countdown.

Kobayashi Ringtong and others glanced at the chopsticks in their hands and then at the dishes on the table. At this moment, they knew why Ye Mu set up an assessment and why he asked them to take it seriously.

Originally, they were very satisfied with their progress, but at this moment, they felt that their cooking was all lacking and lacking in various ways.

Yes, this is Ye Mu's idea, because in this case, they will immediately panic when they have just relaxed, and they will be able to find many shortcomings. At this moment, their current works that they are very proud of will actually become It becomes a worry for them, time, time, time.

This is Ye Mu's real purpose. He will not make any evaluation, because Xiaolin Ringtong and the others will give him a big bad review. No one knows him better than himself. This is Ye Mu's method.

Kobayashi Ringtong and others fell silent at this time, including Fuyumi Mizuhara and Inui Hinako on the other side of the phone. After a long time, Fuyumi Mizuhara said meaningfully: "That's so fast.

This sentence is all she feels now, and it is also the emotion of Inui Hinako. The strength of the two of them is completely different from Ringtong Kobayashi and the others. They are originally the second members of the Elite Ten, and they have been practicing for many years. Their vision and handling skills are very good. They can't compare to Ringtong Kobayashi and others who haven't graduated yet.

They were already at the level of star chefs, so naturally they were not as panicked as Ryoya Kobayashi and others. Tianyu Zhanzhan said softly: "The design drawings of the restaurant and hotel were decided so quickly.

"This... probably has some outlines. You can think of some suggestions in the past few days. I will ask someone to draw a drawing later, including what kind of kitchen utensils you want to use in what area and what layout is needed. , different room layouts in the hotel, etc., you can all think about these until the end of the summer vacation."

"If you have any suggestions in the future, let them be discussed within a month. Before I go back, I will summarize the suggestions and hand them over to the person in charge. It is expected that the restaurant will be completed next year to the year after that. As for the hotel... the prototype is probably fine. Come on, everything after that will take about a year, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded and shook their heads in a daze, as if they understood, but seemed to still not understand many things.

Ringtong Kobayashi said blankly: "That is to say... the latest at the end of the next year, the earliest at the beginning of the next year, the restaurant at home can be opened?!"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. By the way... it should be the middle of the year after next. Firstly, it's because Tōtsuki graduated in March, and then... the promise I made was also the old man's I said it when I left for Tōtsuki and got married, so it would be around the middle of the year when everything is over and I come back again.

Kobayashi Gentian and others are in a very complicated mood now. On the one hand, they are very happy and excited because their restaurant is about to open. What is even more happy and exciting is that the family promised by Bai Yu

The promised wedding became more clear.

However, they are relatively nervous. It seems to be more than a year, but in reality? Before graduation, they have to process documents. After graduation, they have to come back regularly to check on the construction situation. Finally... there is also the bride training. Classes, these all take time.

Secondly, there are obviously many things to do in the second half of this year, and it is impossible for them to put all their minds into practice. After all, what is more important than their husbands?

Finally, it seems that there will be a complete year next year, but in fact? Not at all. Getting married is not something you say you want to get married and then get married the next morning. It is impossible. This requires good preparation.

Wedding dresses, wedding photos, things like wedding certificates, wedding venues, rehearsals, guest invitations, and other preparations all take time, not to mention that they are a big family, which takes even more time. Years of time? Impossible!

In this case, there will be even less time for practice. Thinking of this, Kobayashi Ringtong and others have a bit of anxiety in their eyes, there is not enough time!

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "What's wrong? Aren't you happy?"

Kobayashi Rgentan shook his head and said: "No, we are very happy...but...husband 223, don't worry! Our current strength is almost like this

But if we pay more attention to these dishes, we will handle them better! However, we will improve our strength before the restaurant is built!"

Ye Mu raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Don't be so nervous. Time is enough. Your potential and strength are enough, so you don't have to think so much."

"Husband, you don't need to comfort us. We know it ourselves. Many small problems are felt when we make the food, so we also know the direction of improvement and the direction of attention."

Erina also nodded and said: "Yes, Mu, we will grow to the specified strength within the specified time and will not exceed the goal!"


Sister Su sighed and said, "You guys are really well understood by Ye Zi. Ye Zi, you shady guy, are you the judge of this assessment?"

“It’s just a dinner.

"I don't believe you!" xn

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