I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 87 Ye Mu’S Arrangement, This Is A Threatening Order (Please Subscribe~)

Xiaolin Ringtong and others now feel that they have realized that Ye Mu's purpose is indeed too obvious, but it is really the most useful and the most helpless for them.

If a person pretends to be asleep, he will never be woken up. On the other hand, if a person does not want to grow, does not want to face his own mistakes, and calmly feels that there is still a chance, and if there is still time... it will be difficult for him to go further. , it is even less likely to really grow.

Just like what is written in many anime and novels, the assessment in the secret realm basically involves facing one's own illusions in the end. One is one's best and most valuable opponent, the most rational and thorough judge.

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "That's pretty much it for now. Just take some time to think about suggestions and the like, Yaezi."

"Hey! Honey, what's wrong?"

Ye Mu raised the corner of his mouth and said softly: "Yezi, take some time to show Kaguya and Xiao Ai around. If Shinomiya Huangguang and the others contact Kaguya recently, do you know what to say?"

Yaeko Minesaki was stunned for a moment. She was not an idiot. On the contrary, she would not know about a gold medal manager who had become a big developer at a young age. She was a top student, and she knew it instantly.

Ye Mu is asking Minesaki Yaeko to accompany Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai. Is Shinomiya Kaguya afraid of the Shinomiya family? Of course she is, even if she knows that her own family in the future will not be afraid of the Shinomiya family, and even the Shinomiya family will be afraid She, she still has a strong psychological shadow, and what can Hayasaka Ai say?

Fuyumi Mizuhara and the others don’t have time. Senta Natsuya and Sentata Ori and she should be the most able to help Shinomiya Kaguya at this time. There is no problem in terms of brains or time. Compared with Senta Natsuya and Sentata Tawarori E, she is more in line with the requirements.

Minesaki Yaeko still wasn't too confident. After all, Shinomiya Kaguya was her sister, and the Shinomiya family were all old foxes. Minesaki Yaeko thought for a moment and said softly: "My dear...then say...what needs to be said. I’ve already said that Kaguya and Ai-chan have nothing to do with the Shinomiya family and the Hayasaka family from now on. Do you think so.[?”

Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai were also stunned for a moment, Ye Mu nodded and said: "It's not impossible to say so... But Yaeko, you should know very well... We were the ones who let Shinomiya go mercifully. home, rather than communicating with them.”

"Um...honey, what should I say?"

Ye Mu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "When they call, just tell them directly that Kaguya and Xiao Ai, the Shinomiya family and the Hayasaka family are disassociated. You are not qualified to say anything, and have no interest in listening to you, unless it is Kaguya or Xiao Ai." Take the initiative to contact them, otherwise, if anyone from the Shinomiya family contacts them privately, the Shinomiya family will become a lesson in the history books in the shortest possible time. The above is a notice."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai were also stunned. These words were completely orders, and they were still threatening orders, but... they felt very safe...

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning pushed up her glasses and said softly: "But what if they come to Kaguya directly or ask Kaguya to go home? There should be many reasons..."

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: "Hmm? Come here? In this case...wait a moment."

Everyone looked at Ye Mu with some confusion, not knowing what Ye Mu was going to do. The next moment, they saw Ye Mu making a phone call and said casually: "By the way, when I went there, there was no invitation from me. Anyone who enters or comes to my house privately will be treated as if they broke into a house without permission and attempted robbery or murder. Of course, it is reasonable to be overly defensive, that's all."

After Ye Mu hung up the phone, he smiled and said: "Okay, now that one option has been eliminated, it's time for the second option. What if we ask Kaguya to go home? Kaguya, did you forget anything at home? ?”


"In this case... if they come to you and say they want to go home for a meal and have something to explain, just say that you are not used to eating outside, and the situation at home has nothing to do with you. Of course, if you are nervous If so, Fuyumi and the others can say whatever they want. It’s not impossible if you want to go back for a meal. Anyway, they don’t dare to do anything, it will just affect their mood.”

"If it's your father who wants to see you, it depends on your mood. However, my suggestion is... why not ask him to go to the hospital and talk while he recovers? After all, you have to be filial...

Ye Mu said the word filial piety very seriously, and Kobayashi Ryodan and others instantly understood that since they wanted to chat with Shinomiya Yanan, of course it had nothing to do with outsiders. If Shinomiya Kaguya used his poor health as an excuse, Asking him to go to the hospital to recuperate and talk to him by the way, Sigong Huangguang and the others could only watch and couldn't do anything, and they couldn't say anything to their nephew.

Even if the Shinomiya family can arrange a hospital, it is still a public place, so Ye Mu's previous threat can be used. Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for two seconds and immediately understood.

Shinomiya Kaguya also nodded and said: "I understand, I will remember it well.

This is not flattery, but Shinomiya Kaguya really thinks this method is good. After all, she does not want to see her three brothers, but if it is an elderly father, although he does not care enough for her, but ...After all, he is also his father, and his health is indeed very poor. He might leave Hexi at some time.

Therefore, it is not impossible to talk to him before she dies. What's more, she will go to the Celestial Dynasty later, and she will have studies and career in the future. Whether she can come back after Sigong Yan'an passes away is a question, so Ye Mu [Fourth Kaguya is very satisfied with this arrangement.

If she wants to go, there will be no psychological pressure, and it can be regarded as fulfilling a daughter's last filial duty. If she doesn't go, there will be no psychological burden.

"Well, that's what it is, let's continue having dinner."


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