I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 92: Your Most Satisfactory Answer, Himuro Iris’ Confusion (Please Subscribe~)

This was the first time for Kobayashi Rgentan and others to know that her husband himself was very capable of making money. Moreover, Ye Mu never seemed to say that he would not continue to invest. If you think about it, Ye Mu's financial resources are terrifying enough.

Alice said blankly: "What a terrible investment ability. Dad has said before that you should be cautious when investing and negotiating business, otherwise you will lose money. Senior Ye has been so good since he was a child..."

Sister Su nodded and said, "Yes, you should have seen Ye Zi playing with some reports, data and the like."

As soon as these words were said, Kobayashi Ryodan and others immediately thought that they had indeed seen it before, but they didn't do any research, so they didn't look at it carefully. Now it seems that this is called wrong billion․

Kobayashi Ryodan sighed and said: "Zhanzhan, you and Saeko, are you two suddenly feeling stressed now?"

Tianyu Zhanzhan said softly: "I don't know if she is under pressure, but from my words, I only feel the motivation, well... that's it, I feel the motivation.

"As expected of you... You are really confident, but your personality is very suitable for controlling important decisions of the company."

"This is the reason why I chose this major. I plan to visit the HUB in the future. Maybe I can learn something.

"Zhanzhan! I'm going too!"

"Well, you don't need to tell me about this. I'm not tying you up."

"This arrangement is not bad, Alice, you, Hisako and Ryoko. Of course, the main thing is Alice. You should solve the autumn election and then consider other things. Don't worry, after the autumn election... no. ..It should be said that after the school festival, it is unrealistic for you to expect anything to happen."

"Eh? Is that so? Hmm... My husband sent me a message. I have something to do with dinner today, so I won't have it at home. Eh? What are my husband's plans?" "

Sister Su waved her hand and said: "Generally speaking, I won't tell you when I go out to have a dinner, and I'm still here. I'm the queen of parties, so it's probably the same woman who was looking for Ye Zi before. Today she's looking for Ye Zi That’s it.”

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning pursed her lips and said, "Sister Su, is this woman really important?"

"For Ye Zi, if something needs to be solved, it doesn't matter whether it's troublesome or not. It's just that this person will bring an interesting little arrangement to Ye Zi's future plans, and it's also It can be simpler.”

Erina said a little weirdly: "So, what is Mu's plan? She is still abroad. Who is this woman..."

"You will find out later, and you may be shocked. Don't worry, you just need to believe in him."

"This is for sure, but curiosity is also for sure."

"Then it's no problem. By the way, I almost forgot to mention it. If Qiluoli and the others come over, there will be plenty of fun to play with. That girl is very skilled. As for you, maybe you can start from her. I learned a lot of information online.”

"Can she say it?"

"Yes, you can rest assured about this, she is still very reliable, eh? By the way, I suddenly remembered something, Chang Pu, in addition to research, do you have any plans for any dramas in the past two years?"

Himuro Iris was stunned for a moment and shook his head and said: "No...I haven't thought about this, but now...can you take the time to go to the restaurant?"

"Okay, it just so happens that Gentian and the others will take time to come back and have a look. You can come together, but is that it? That's right... After all, there is nothing you can do if Ye Zi is not here.

After saying these words, Himuro Iris was stunned for a moment. Yes... we have time, but the opportunity to get along...

Xiaolin Gentian sighed and said: "Sister Su, you'd better not talk to Sister Acorus about this, she's quite confused."

"But Acorus didn't react at all, and the summer vacation is not very long. If you don't talk about it, [Acorus himself will forget it?"

"No, I won't forget it... rather, I've been thinking about it..."

Sister Su was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh? Is there still such a thing? What did you think of?"

"I didn't expect anything..."

"Isn't this the same? Moreover, the most important thing is, Chang Pu, you are different from others. Others are deciding how to express their feelings or how to understand their own hearts. It's better for you. You are thinking about what you like. , you don’t even have any signs of rising from the roots.”

Himuro Iris was stunned for a moment and said: "But...argumentation is not a wrong thing...I agree."

"Calamus, sometimes a thing doesn't need to prove why it exists or what it is. You just need to ask yourself, if you choose, will you regret it? If you don't choose, you miss it, What do you think, this is enough, you are a human being, not a machine."

"On the contrary, he is also a human being, not a machine. What's more, this cannot be proven in the first place. Maybe you will figure it out many years later, and then suddenly realize that you have missed too much and can no longer catch up. When you Do I have to prove again why I chose that way? Why do I regret it?"

Kobayashi Rgentan and others also nodded again and again. Marriage may require careful consideration, but... feelings. (Nomo Zhao), maybe it just needs to be impulsive, maybe it is that simple... you just need to ask from the bottom of your heart. Take a look at yourself, do you like it? Do you want to go? Will you regret it?

If you like it, want to go, and don't regret it, then choose it. After a long silence, Himuro Iris said softly: "So... what should I do?"

"If it is a formula that cannot be proven... then what should be done..."

"You can only ask yourself this question, and you only need to do three things."


"Don't calculate, don't look for counter-examples, just use your own heartbeat and emotions to demonstrate... You will give yourself the most satisfactory answer..."

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