I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 93: Kobayashi Gendan Discovers A Blind Spot And An Undercurrent Surges (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Himuro Iris seemed to have been touched in her heart, as if she suddenly understood something... But she was still at a loss. She had never tried to do this otherwise, but... she felt Maybe you will gain something amazing.

Kobayashi Rgentan thought for a while and said: "Actually... Sister Changpu, you are just too rational. Sometimes, if you abandon some rationality and think with ordinary people's thinking, things will be much simpler."

"The thinking of ordinary people? Am I not an ordinary person?"

"From a biological point of view, it is true that you are an ordinary person, but from a cognitive point of view, Sister Changpu... you really cannot be regarded as a purely ordinary person..."


Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning nodded and said: "That's right, because no matter what, Sister Changpu, your understanding of many things is virtual, what should I say? In short, it is you who are to this world and to normal life. It’s said that there is a lack of basic understanding.”

"Basic understanding? Senior sister also said so... 510 However, there is no problem with my common sense of life."

Tianyu Zhanzhan shook his head and said: "It's not your basic common sense, but your understanding of common sense. You have digitized your life, so many times when you deal with things rationally, you will deviate from normal cognition."

"In general... you have to think of the things and events in front of you as concrete things, not as a bunch of numbers. In this case, you will discover a lot of things."

Although Himuro Iris didn't seem to react, he was actually in a state of deep thought.

Kobayashi Gentian said a little weirdly: "Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered, Sister Calamus [is this how you have known each other since you were a child? Is this how you knew her before you studied science?"

Hearing this, Himuro Iris was stunned for a moment, and Nino Kuni Ningning and others also reacted. Yes, if you have never been exposed to science, there is no reason to have science methods and thinking to think about problems. ah.

Himuro Iris shook his head blankly and said: "(cgcb) No... not..."

"Then it was because of your own judgment that you had irreparable consequences before, so did you become like this after you came into contact with science?"


"Then why are you like this suddenly?"


Himuro Iris also realized this problem. If Erina directly commented on the wet nurse since she was born, it is because God's tongue is indeed a structural talent. It is an instinct to taste food that exists in the bones and blood. No one needs to be taught.

And Himuro Iris is not. No matter how talented a person is, it is impossible for him to learn to understand the Hodge conjecture without having any exposure to science. It is also impossible to directly understand the theory of relativity. This cannot be learned directly. .

This requires accumulation slowly. Even a genius needs a basic understanding, then understanding, and then thoroughness. If you don’t understand anything, just leave it like this. This is not a genius, it is either a system. , either he was a mathematician in his previous life and was reborn in this life, or he would just spend the rest of his life as a guinea pig in the laboratory.

No one is like this. Himuro Iris is a super-scientific person. The same is true. Kobayashi Ryoden and others looked at Himuro Iris who seemed to have suddenly realized something. They all smiled. It seemed that Ice Iris Muro has not been like this since she was a child, at least not before she came into contact with science... Maybe she has been sensible since she was a child, but she certainly won't read everything.

It's math.

Sister Su smiled and said: "Then think about how you think and look at life when you don't even have the concept of numbers and when you don't have such a complete science foundation."

"I... I understand, um... thank you, although I still need some time, but I think before the summer vacation is over, I should at least have the simplest understanding..."

"That's enough...it's almost time. Ye Zi won't be eating at home today, so it's up to you. Go home!"

Xiaolin Gentian said angrily: "Sister Su, are you really just waiting to eat?"

"Who said that! Don't accuse me wrongly!"

"Then you also want to show off your cooking skills?"

Sister Su shook her head and said: "That doesn't mean I can't cook. What I said is that I didn't wait to eat. I was looking for something to eat while waiting.

"Well... As expected of you..."

As we walked home, the boy who left before appeared again, but this time he was in a bar-like place.


"You may not believe it, and I don't believe it myself. This guy actually lay down for a period of time because of a car accident. After recovering, he was immediately held responsible and thrown in."


"Does he make so much money just to earn a living?"

"It seems that the person he rear-ended was richer and had a relationship with you. He was fine, but because of the damage to the car and the mental damage, he was thrown in, and he came out after half a month and a month. Well, it’s really outrageous..."

Everyone in the bar nodded. There were so many people in the crowd. No matter what car you hit, if you just find a car you can't afford to hit, who can withstand it?

"Commander, Tōtsuki's Autumn Election is coming soon. According to his plan after the Autumn Election, he should take action before the school festival. What if he fails?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as the person in WGO is still there, the competition will only be held sooner or later, and... Anyway, the preparations have been long, and it cannot be disrupted by a problem in one link. Let the emperor and the others wait in the autumn election During this period before and after the event, you can go to Tōtsuki’s various partner companies and wait patiently.”


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