I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 97: Start Attacking The Shinomiya Family, A Straightforward Threat (Please Subscribe~)

When Ye Mu came back, he naturally found the best taste testers. If it were normal times, Xiaolin Ringtong and the others would be good at cooking, but if they took the initiative to review Ye Mu, it would be impossible no matter what.

But now it's completely the other way around. I'm rushing to find Ye Mu for comment. Ye Mu's words are too mild, but I'm not satisfied. After tasting it myself, I can always find something to ask Ye Mu back, for example.

"Husband! Please comment carefully! Don't treat me like a child! There is obviously something wrong with the ratio of sugar!"

"Mu! The amount of milk powder is too small, even the little peaches can be eaten!"

"Sigh...the flavor of the spices in the sauce is too strong..."

Not only Xiaolin Gentian and the others, but even Tianyu Zhanzhan and others also took time to ask Ye Mu about investment and management. Sister Su called Ye Mu a scumbag, but when she said that, Xiaolin Gentian and Ye Mu Mu stood aside, which made Sister Su call her Lan.

At the same time, on the other side, Clara also shared her experience with Ye Mu today with Declara. After a long time, Declara directly said with a surprised look on her face: "These three reasons... There really is such a man..."

"Yes, really... Dekra, you don't even know that when I heard these three reasons from Mr. Ye today, my heart has never been so fast."

Dekla sighed and said: "But I always feel strange that I can't explain. It's not that Mr. Ye is bad, but I feel like I have overlooked something...

"I feel the same way, but I can be sure that Mr. Ye is a good man."


Life is still the same as usual. Kobayashi Ryoden and others still go out every day, take time to learn cooking, and prepare a dish for dinner every day. Tianyu Zhanzhan and others take time to learn business and management. Himuro Iris is busy. What, Kraqi didn’t look for Ye Mu again, but she would chat with Ye Mu from time to time.

Time flies, and it is a sunny day in Tokyo today. Although it is summer, there is more wind for some reason.

Normally, many people would feel very comfortable, but in a villa at this time, a bald man said strangely: "What? That girl Kaguya is not at home~?"

"Yes, brother... Hayasaka Ai is also missing. The strangest thing is that when I looked at the room, the floor, the sofa, and the coffee table, there was a faint dust. Without treatment, this could not be formed in a day. They I haven't been home for a while."

"Oh? There's still this matter? Where is the Fujiwara family?"

"I called, but I'm not here. The eldest and second young ladies of the Fujiwara family went on a trip."

"Oh? Where will it go?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man on the side said softly: "Brother... tell me, could it be that they had an accident?"

"Who dares? Go and find out. Have you asked the driver?"

"I asked, but they didn't know. They gave them instructions on the morning of their summer vacation to buy some ingredients, and when they came back, there was no one there."

"呲呲呲... Qinglong... you don't think they want to run away from home, hahaha!"

"Huh? It's impossible. They have no funds, no identity, and no time."

Sigong Huangguang held up his face and said: "Then why don't you go and look for it? As long as they are still in this city, they can't escape! I really want to talk to my dear little sister about why she stays up all night. After all, the society outside is so dangerous..."



Just when Shinomiya Qinglong was about to turn around and leave, the door was kicked open. Shinomiya Huangguang narrowed his eyes. No one in the Shinomiya family dared to do this. Even a business dispute would not come over so quietly. And it will completely offend the Shinomiya family. "He is really curious about who dares to do this.

But the next moment, both Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Qinglong shrank their pupils. Two men dragged two men with blood at the corners of their mouths over and threw them aside. The leading man adjusted his mask, and the man on one side handed him A document came to me. After taking a look at it, the man said softly: "Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Qinglong, right?"

Sigong Huangguang naturally felt this strong evil spirit. This was not an ordinary killer or thug. This was definitely at the level of an evil star. He didn't know how much blood he had on his hands, but Sigong Huangguang was very curious as to why such a being would Find yourself.

But he knew very well that it was better not to try to hide it. He knew without guessing that the bodyguard group of the Shinomiya family was finished. Shinomiya Huangguang gave a standard fake smile and said: "...That's me, what are these two gentlemen? Where are the people? It’s not about business, right? Or is it someone from some family who hired you? My Shinomiya family can give you a higher price!”

The man didn't say anything, but took out his mobile phone and said softly: "I found it, what's next?"

"Take the two of them to the living room. If they want to talk more, bring them over with a stretcher."


The man glanced at Shinomiya Huangguang and Shinomiya Qinglong indifferently and said softly: "If you are not deaf, just shut up and go to the living room, immediately, immediately."

Sigong Huangguang was stunned, but he didn't dare to speak, because these two people might break their necks immediately. They were obviously not asking for money or being hired. This level of neatness was more like They were hired soldiers (to win over Zhao).

In the hall at this time, a man was looking down at a document while sitting on the sofa and looking calmly at the two men in front of him. The old man said softly: "This young man, VR..."

"Old man Sigong, you don't need to talk about this. You will understand some things after a while, Sigong Yunying... You don't have to stare at me like this. I can feel the warm gaze. If you let me feel it again, If you are tolerant and resentful, I don’t mind letting you lose your ability to show your eyes, do you believe me?”

As he spoke, he threw a dagger away casually and passed it close to the corner of his eye. Sigong Yunying immediately shrank his pupils.

"Father?! Third brother?!"

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