I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 98 The Shinomiya Family Is Surprised. If You Don’T Believe It, Just Give It A Try (Please Su

As soon as Shinomiya Huangguang came, he saw Shinomiya Yunying sitting on the side and Shinomiya Yanan leaning on the back of the sofa. Although Shinomiya Yanan was not always in the hospital at this time, his body functions were already very good. Very bad.

Sigong Huangguang suddenly felt that the matter seemed to be much more serious than he imagined, but the specific details were not yet determined, so he did not dare to make false claims easily.

Shinigong Yan'an could no longer speak loudly. He just half-squinted his eyes and said, "Who among you three caused trouble outside?"

"No!" x3

The leading man did not pay attention to these four people, but just took out a document and said: "Very good, the Shinomiya family has finally gathered together. I am here today to convey three pieces of news to you.

Shinomiya Huang Guang laughed sarcastically and said, "Which company does it belong to? Sir, why don't you sit down and have a good talk? Is there anything that we can't talk about?"

The man just said softly: "Do you think your tongue is redundant?"

A few drops of cold sweat flowed from Shinomiya Huangguang's forehead. The man took the document and said, "The first thing is that starting from the time we left, the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, Kaguya Shinomiya, left the Shinomiya family, and the same happened to the maid Hayasaka Ai. .”

Shinomiya Huangguang and the four others were stunned for a moment. Was Shinomiya Kaguya kidnapped because she didn't come back?!

Shinomiya Huangguang said with some urgency: "Sir, Kaguya is the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, how can you leave just because you just want to leave?"

"Oh? Do you think you are missing a bargaining chip for marriage?"

"No! Kaguya is the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family and our younger sister. Even if it is a marriage, she will choose her target carefully, especially since she is still a high school student and..."

The man raised his hand to signal Shinomiya's yellow light to stop. The man said softly: "In other words, you care about this sister very much?"


"You also care about whether she can be happy?"

"Unless the Shinomiya family's life and death are at stake, no brother would not want his sister to be happy!"

Hearing this, Sigong Yunying and Sigong Yanan both glanced at Sigong Huangguang, what a high-sounding statement...

"Ha... In that case, Miss Kaguya has found her own happiness at this time. She is expected to get married in the year after next. She is someone you dare not touch. She is versatile, has a well-off family, and has a good background and connections. And someone who takes good care of his lover's emotions, an only child of the same age, is this enough?"

Shinomiya Huangguang and the four others were stunned for a moment, and Shinomiya Yunying said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, this gentleman, whether in Tokyo or Japan, there is no such young talent yet, right? .”

"When did I say I was from Japan? The capital of China..."

Hearing this word, the four people's pupils shrank. They were richer and more powerful than them. They were from the Celestial Dynasty and from the capital city. They were definitely not simple people. But how did such a person know Kaguya Yangomiya?! And why? Must we take her away?!

Sigong Huangguang's mind was running rapidly, and he quickly thought of something and said softly: "Sir, I'm really curious, how did this young talent get to know my sister?

"The eldest lady of the Nakiri family is also his fiancée."


Shinomiya Yanan was stunned for a moment. He was from Tianchao Capital and had an engagement with the Nakiri family, which meant that the other party was definitely related to catering, but how could a catering-related company surpass their Shinomiya Foundation?! Unless it was WGO but WGO It’s not from the Celestial Dynasty either!

Why are you saying this?! What the Nakiri family is most proud of is the God's Tongue. This inheritance cannot be broken. At this moment, Shinomiya Yanan also felt that something was not right. "I slowly thought about what it could be." people.

The man said softly: "The second thing is, don't think about waiting for them at Xiuzhiyuan, otherwise, the name Shinomiya Consortium will appear in historical texts.


"The third thing, if you think you want to create some sound waves... maybe the bankruptcy of the Shinomiya Consortium would be a good choice."

Sigong Huangguang clenched his fist and said: "Sir, even if this person has a terrible family background, it will not bankrupt our Sigong Consortium! This hand must be stretched a little longer! Do you know the Sigong Consortium's What’s the market value!”

The man looked at the yellow light of the Fourth Palace indifferently. He was naturally not angry. Is their brother-master's intrigue all because of this behemoth?

"Have you finished talking? There are so many dirty things done by the Shinomiya family that ordinary people can't find out. Do you think everyone can't find out?"

The four of them, Sigong Huangguang, were all shocked. How could such a company be able to become such a company? Sigong Huangguang said in a deep voice, "I don't understand what you are talking about. This is slander."

"Ha... If Shinomiya Yanan dies, you won't know how many people are staring at the Shinomiya Foundation. You don't know how many dirty things the Shinomiya family has done. The role of Miss Kaguya will be to you. It means that we can hold on at this time."

"Is evidence sometimes important? You know the situation of the Sinomong Consortium better than anyone else. If the Sinomong Consortium wants to be defeated, there are too many companies that can find a lot, a lot, a lot of evidence that you don't even know. You Don’t you know?”

"What's more... do you think it's difficult for a strong company to destroy a weak one? Shouldn't you know better? Besides..."

"Here is the evidence you want. The person who investigated it and Miss Hayasaka investigated it. Do you think this evidence can destroy one or even many companies that have some ability to keep an eye on the Shinomiya Foundation?" How many times have you three idiots tried to fight for the treasure?"

As the man spoke, he casually threw the USB flash drive on Shinomiya Huangguang's head, and threw the documents in Shinomiya Yunying's arms. Then he turned around and left, and several other people silently followed. He followed and left, leaving only a few knocked out bodyguards, three brothers with ugly faces, and an old man who was still deep in thought.

Shinomiya Yan'an didn't care what would happen. Anyway, his happiness was over. He also knew very well about the Shinomiya Consortium that what the man just said was true. Now he was just curious about who this person was...

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