I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 99: Sigong Yanan Is Enlightened And You Are Free (Please Subscribe~)

The men left. Shinomiya Huangguang clenched his fist and looked at the U disk on the ground, and then looked at the documents in Shinomiya Yunying's hand. If he were a woman, his nails would have penetrated into his palm.

Shinomiya Huangguang said with bloodshot eyes: "Who is it?! Who is this guy?!"

Shinomiya Qinglong said with an ugly expression: "Brother, next, Kaguya..."

"Do you think the murderous aura in them is just a joke to you?! Cloud Eagle...just open the file in your hand and take a look~"

Although Sigong Yunying and Sigong Huangguang were fighting for power, in this matter, Sigong Yunying still chose the same trench. When the file was opened, there were various forms and some information inside, and he did not hide them. , the three of them just held a few documents and looked at them.

The more he looked at it, the uglier his face became, but the more frightened he became. The person who could find these evidences was no longer as simple as having a terrifying background.

In this way, it can be confirmed that those people who said before that they are more powerful than the Sigong Consortium may not be joking or trying to scare people.

Shinigong Yanan said softly: "It seems... it should be more than just one or two things..."

"Father, this..."

Shinomiya Yanan said softly: "I don't have much time left...What happens next is your business...I'm just curious about what this is...#Btst...."

"Father, what did you think of?"

"Capital Tōtsuki...could it be him?!"

Sigong Yanan suddenly thought of someone, and his pupils shrank. He suddenly thought of a person. If it was that person, all the conditions were indeed met. It was true that those people before had dared to say so. , the Shinomiya Consortium made him angry, and it was not impossible that their house would become a toilet in a short time.

Shinomiya Huangguang also saw what possibility his father had thought of. Shinomiya Yanan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "If Tōtsuki is mentioned on purpose, then it is likely to be that person..."

"Father, have you guessed who it is?"

"If that's the case...if it's that family, Huang Guang..."


"Kaguya can't come back...Go and contact Kaguya...I just wish her happiness..."

Sigong Huangguang and the other three were stunned for a moment. Sigong Yanan compromised? And he had no intention of fighting for it at all? This.


"If that's true, you'd better accept your thoughts... Just confirm whether her future husband's surname is Ye. If so, then wish her happiness.

Shinomiya Yanan closed his eyes as if he had nothing to say. Shinomiya Huangguang and the other three looked at each other without saying anything. They told the maid to take good care of Shinomiya Yanan and then left.

In a car on the other side, the young man from before breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "You said it?"

"Captain, I brought you the exact words. But, Captain, are you so sure that they will open the USB flash drive and take a look?"

"For them, especially that idiot Shinomiya Kumohawk, he will not let go of Hayasaka Ai's betrayal. This evidence is also what he is looking for, and he will definitely see it, so he gave the boy's home phone number and Hayasaka Ai's betrayal. Leave your new mobile phone number and they will see it.”

"Yes...Captain, where will we go next?"

"Tōtsuki, you can just stop at the door of Tōtsuki. I will go see Mr. Nakiri in person."


As he said that, the car drove away. Not long after, he saw the young man take out his mobile phone, find a number and call it.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was studying economics on the other side of the phone, was stunned for a moment. When he saw that it was an unknown caller, he was a little panicked. It couldn't be a call from home.

Hayasaka Ai was silent for a moment and then said softly: "Miss, they don't know that your mobile phone was used."

"Yes....Who are you?"

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't say who she was when she picked up the phone. If it was her three brothers, she still had time to think. After a moment of silence on the phone, she said calmly: "Miss Kaguya... "

"Eh? You are... you are Mu's brother!"

…Please give me flowers…

Hayasaka Ai's eyes also lit up, clenching her fists and staring at the phone. A word on the phone could determine their life.

"The Shinomiya family will probably call you within a few hours. Answer it directly. Don't be nervous. They will only ask who your fiancé is. You only need to say your last name is Ye. As for other questions, you only need to Just say a word and that's it."


"Do you think anyone will know that you are asking questions?"

"This... you just need to say this. This will block all the words. Of course, if you want to answer, that's up to you, but you just need to express calmness."

"I know...I know, then"

"Then, just like what he said, if your father wants to see you, just follow the method mentioned before.

"I know, so what this means is that...I..."

"From today on, you and Hayasaka Ai, you two have left the Shinomiya family, and you are free."

After saying that, the phone was hung up. Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to say something more but she could only hear the busy tone of the phone. Hayasaka Ai stared at Shinomiya Kaguya with her fists clenched.

"Miss, how are you?"



"Just now, he called and said that starting from today, he will leave Shinomiya's house..."

Both of them fell silent. After a long time, Fucheng Ai breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Miss...it's over."

"Yeah, it's over... It's over? It's over like this... Heh... Wuwu..."

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't know how she felt now, but she felt that she suddenly felt relaxed, she just lowered her head and covered her mouth with one hand, crying silently.

"Miss... Do you want to tell the group?"

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