I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 100: Shinomiya Kaguya’S Changes, My Last Name Will Be Ye In The Near Future (Please Subscrib

Shinomiya Kaguya just cried quietly, and Hayasaka Ai told the group the news, so...

At this time, whether it was the office of Katagiri School, the F restaurant, the Kiri Room, or the HUB, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Although they all believed in Ye Mu unconditionally and believed in Ye Mu's power, the Shinomiya Consortium It's not a small role, and it really doesn't make people worry at all.

Just when Shinomiya Kaguya went to wash away the tears, Minezaki Yaeko drove directly back and shouted as soon as she entered the house: "Ai, where is Kaguya?"

"The eldest lady just cried for a long time. Now she goes to wash her face. Sister Yaeko, why did you come back so early?"

"Didn't you say that those three guys haven't called yet? I was afraid that Kaguya would be nervous, so I came back. Anyway, it's the same reason. My dear "627" is the VIP of the company's VIPs."

"Well...they haven't called yet, but they will probably call soon."

Just as she was saying this, she saw Shinomiya Kaguya walking out, dressed in casual home clothes, with her long hair blown down naturally, with a few drops of water on the ends of her hair. Shinomiya Kaguya also wears makeup at home, which is also a big deal A habit developed by the children of the family.

It's not certain whether anyone will come to visit, and secondly... Shinomiya Kaguya is now considered to be married, so she has to pay more attention to her image. Now that she has washed her face, her original light makeup is gone, but she doesn't look any different.

"Sister Yaeko, I'm fine, you don't have to rush back."

"You don't have to say so much. They just waited for them without calling. I want to see what they dare to say."

"Sister Yaeko..."

As she was speaking, Hayasaka Ai suddenly raised her eyebrows and said, "Miss, it's..."

"They called? Just answer it directly. I'll be fine. Sister Yaeko, Hayasaka, don't worry.


Yaeko Minesaki took out her cell phone and called Kobayashi Ratsu and the others. The call was answered instantly, but no one spoke. The moment the call was answered, a calm voice sounded on the other side and said: "Ai Hayasaka...you are really good, you are really good..."

"Master Yunying...it doesn't matter what I said, you should be looking for the eldest lady, and there are also Masters Huang Guang and Qinglong on the other side."

Shinomiya Huangguang said in a deep voice: "Kaguya, don't you think you should explain it to us?"

Minesaki Yaeko was about to speak when she saw Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Brother...since you can call me, you should know it. There is nothing to explain, and there is no need to explain it to you."

"You have really grown up and become capable... Do you know what happened to the Shinomiya family today?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter, because I don't live in that house, and I can't participate in the affairs of the Shinomiya family, so what goes wrong has nothing to do with me. I just need to ask out of filial piety... Is my father okay? That’s it.”

Hayasaka Ai and others were stunned for a moment. It seemed that Shinomiya Kaguya was not just crying again, nor was she just washing her face. She was also constantly calming down her mood and giving herself a new position. And now she is obviously this effect.

However, what Shinomiya Kaguya said made Shinomiya Huangguang and the three of them stunned for a moment. They were completely speechless. How dare they shout at this sister? If they dare to shout, maybe they will really talk to Shinomiya Yanan. Same, I don’t know how I died.

Sigong Huangguang snorted and said, "You didn't think about your father when you left."

"Brother, you don't need to say this. I'm not a three-year-old child. It's useless to use this method. I'm just asking about my father's physical condition.

"Not good, plus what happened today..."

"I understand....Is there anything else?"

Seeing Shinomiya Kaguya's calm look, Shinomiya Huangguang also punched the cotton with no impact. Shinomiya Huangguang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Who is your young and talented fiancé?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was silent for a moment and then said softly: "What's the point of knowing who it is? If you really care, the surname is Ye."

Sigong Huangguang and the three of them all shrank their pupils. They had some hope before, but now, as Sigong Yanan said, if this person is named Ye, he cannot be offended.

Sigong Huangguang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "You..."

Shinomiya Kaguya said softly: "Father must have said something...especially when you know his surname is Ye."

"Kaguya, you have really grown so much in just one or two months that I don't recognize you..."

"Really? Maybe it's because I have a family of my own. Is there anything else? If nothing happens, I'll hang up. If it's not my father's business, there's no need to contact me."

Shinomiya Huangguang glanced at Shinomiya Cloudhawk, who rolled his eyes and said: "Kaguya, you have your own lover now, and we brothers will naturally be happy... However, my father's body No, you are getting older. Even if you leave the Shinomiya family, if you want to marry far away, you should come back to see your father. He will have a lot to say to you."

Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief. It was indeed what Ye Mu and the others said. If Ye Mu and the others hadn't said anything, Shinomiya Kaguya might have really agreed. Now...

"In this case... My father is not in good health, and I suddenly got married now. Out of compensation and filial piety, I will send my father to the hospital for recuperation. I will pay for it, and we can talk in the nursing home, and it can also prevent Some unexpected situations."3.3

The three of them, Sigong Huangguang, all clenched their fists. Damn it, who taught her this? There was absolutely no way around it. They couldn't even play the moral kidnapping and emotional cards.

"Kaguya, you don't plan to"

"I have no plans other than that. After all, I am married outside, which means that in the near future, my surname will be Ye! That's it. Finally, I will say eldest brother, second brother, and third brother.

What else did Shinomiya Yunying want to say? Shinomiya Huangguang narrowed his eyes and said: "Kaguya... you are really capable... That's it. From now on, Shinomiya Kaguya will leave Shinomiya. Home."


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