I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 102 Nakiri Senzaemon’S Excitement, Mr. Ye’S Letter (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, several cars were parked quietly in front of Tōtsuki. The man who had delivered the message to Shinomiya's house was leaning in front of the car, holding a tablet in his hand and not knowing what he was doing.

"Vice-captain, did the captain say when he will go back?"

"I didn't say anything. I sent the data from this time and asked the technical team to analyze it later. Tōtsuki...it really occupies a large enough area."

"After all, there is a mountain..."

On the other side of Tōtsuki Academy, it is summer vacation. The school can be said to be clean. The rest are probably the dormitory and the poultry raised, and some teachers on duty. After all, Tōtsuki does not have any If you fail, you need to make up classes and make up exams. If you fail? That means you fail. If you save more, you will be expelled directly.

The young man walked straight into a building and did not stop until he reached an office. He knocked on the door three times. [Ten men in suits in the office opened the door and said with serious expressions.

"what do you?"

The boy just said softly: "Is Mr. Nakiri here?"


"Let him in.

"Yes! Please come in."

When the boy walked in, he saw Nakiri Senzaemon writing something on a document with a brush. With such energy and energy at this age, it is no wonder that he is a guy with a title among the older generation.

Nakiri Senzaemon put down his brush and said in a deep voice: "What a calm young man, tell me, who are you?"

"Grandpa Ye is an old friend at home."

"Huh?! What's your relationship with that kid?"


Nakiri Senzaemon knew that Ye Mu was the only one in the Ye family, so he was probably the opposite-sex brother from the two families. Nakiri Senzaemon gathered together and said, "Why did you come to see Lao Wei?"

The young man said in a deep voice: "His idea solved the matter of the Shinomiya family. You should also know the matter of Shinomiya Kaguya."

"Naturally, the result..."

"It's been resolved. He asked me to stop by Yue Yanshe. However, it would be rude not to see the elders when I come here. Besides, there is something else I want to give to you.


The young man put the document in his hand on the table and said softly: "Presumably, Tao can guess who this is for you.

Nakiri Senzaemon was stunned for a moment before his eyes lit up and he said: "That old guy is still alive?!"

The young man did not speak, but looked at Nakiri Senzaemon quietly. Nakiri Senzaemon also breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that the boy in front of him would not tell him, but the document in front of him was really curious to Nakiri Senzaemon.

Because if this document existed before Ye Mu came, then 80% of it would be about Erina. If it was written not long ago, it would be interesting. What does this old guy want to do?

"The things have been brought here. In that case, I will leave first. There are still things to do over there.

"Okay! You take him to Yueyanshe, I don't need anyone right now."

"Yes! Please."

The boy nodded and said goodbye and left. As soon as the boy left, Nakiri Senzaemon took the document directly. After opening it, there was a letter and a document with only three or four pages.

Nakiri Senzaemon directly took out the letter and read it. It didn't matter if he didn't read it. After reading it, he was stunned for two seconds, and then he said with a smile: "Hahahaha! I know that a monster like you won't die that easily! But this old guy is really straightforward! Hahaha!"

The content of the letter is very simple: "Senzaemon, you should know that I am still alive when you read this letter. I have met Erina and Fengshi. They are both good children. Erina has a lot of room for growth. This bastard of mine will do well." taught her.

"Besides, you don't have to worry about this guy treating her badly. Otherwise, I will be the first to teach him a lesson. The purpose of that guy's coming back is to choose the location of the restaurant and hotel. I have already arranged it, so there should be no problem."

"In addition, I also saw Alice. That girl is nice, lively and cute, and she is also a little genius in molecular cuisine. This girl has a great crush on this boy of mine, so I will tell you directly."

"I regard this girl Alice as my granddaughter-in-law. You should be able to tell what that girl is thinking. In addition, I didn't say she was just Erina back then. So, let me tell you, do you want to tell Alice that she is yours?" But if you don't say anything, if that girl is really with this guy of mine later on, don't stop her, or your office building will be demolished."

"As for the WGO matter, that kid has already started to deal with it, but the ugly words are ahead. I will not let that incompetent waste go. You should be able to guess how WGO will end, so in order to stop the loss , Alice, my granddaughter-in-law, will definitely enter the door of my Ye family. I have decided to let you know."

"After reading this, take the time to send the letter to old man Fujiwara. Everyone will understand what it means, that's all."

He didn't have the demeanor of a chef at all. Those who didn't know it thought he was some kind of charlatan, but Nakiri Senzaemon laughed out loud after reading it. He was very happy that the WGO matter could be resolved. This was the happiest thing. His old friend was still alive. And it seems that the situation is very good. In the end, it was my ex (haha Zhao) who just decided about Alice.

Today this old guy came with a letter.

In this case, the excuse I was planning to make is no longer necessary. Now it is really an engagement. Nakiri Senzaemon smiled and shook his head and said: "What an old guy... But that girl Alice will laugh like crazy if she knows about it." Well...well...it's better not to tell her yet, lest that girl get too excited."

"But...Old Fujiwara? Huh? What a good old guy, he's such a protector! Looks like he's going to take some time to go there, huh? This document is...huh?! Bastard! Late-night cook ...I want to see what that bastard can do!"

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