I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 103 Chika Fujiwara’S Desire To Survive, Alice Is Stupid (Please Subscribe~)

After the boy on the other side came to Yue Yanshe, he didn't waste any time. He walked directly to Ye Mu's room, opened the door, got the things Ye Mu asked him to bring back, and left without even a second. treat.

At the same time, Ye Mu was sitting at the bar of a bar and said with a smile: "It's still fast."

"I'm talking about Ye Zi... To be honest, your arrangement is perfect. What's going on? What's the next step to have a good summer vacation?"

"Summer vacation? Besides, I've been planning the construction of a hotel and restaurant recently. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any major problems, but we should have solved them earlier and the ice sculptures are pretty good."

"After all, I am also a person who won the gold medal in the bartending competition. Speaking of which, there is something I have always been curious about."

"We are all friends. If you have anything to say, you can just say it."

"Hey, tell me, with your current itinerary, have you arranged a proposal or something like that? Do you have time?"

"So, why do you think everything has to be resolved in the second half of this year?"

"As expected of you... Then you have to plan carefully."

Ye Mu smiled and shook his head without saying anything. He just drank in silence. Logically speaking, the bar would not open at 993 at this time, so there was no music or all kinds of lights in the bar at this time. It was just so quiet. Drinking wine quietly.

This means that Xiaolin Ringtong and the others are not here. If there is one of them here, they will definitely not let Ye Mu drink so much prepared spirits.

Kobayashi Ringtong and others were all excited at this time. Shinomiya Kaguya's matter was resolved. This was the biggest thing at home during this period besides restaurants and hotels.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Sister Kaguya is really free now, it's great..."

Akanekubo Momo also nodded and said: "Yes, Kaguya and Ai must have been very nervous all the time, but now they can finally feel relieved."

Tianyu Zhanzhan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "In this case, everything has been solved. It can be said that everything has been solved during this summer vacation."

Busujima Saeko said a little weirdly: "That's what I said, but...don't you still have to practice every day? Zhanzhan, are you okay? It hurts just looking at the wooden dummy." ( cgad)

"I'm fine. Rather, I feel like I'm making rapid progress, very fast. Even with the medicinal bath that Mu prepared for me, there's basically no problem. Although I'm still sore all over my body, I feel like I'm gradually getting used to it."

Kobayashi Ryodan smiled evilly and whispered something into Tianyu Zhanzhan's ear. The next moment, even Tianyu Zhanzhan's face turned red and he glared at Kobayashi Ryodan angrily and said: "You are really overachieving." It’s time to let yourself go more and more.”

"Not really... Hey... But you're right, huh? Alice, what are you studying there, you're mumbling."

"Ah! It's nothing, I'm just calculating the ingredients. It's not a qualifier but a curry. I've thought about it, but I still have to be precise."

"You want to use molecular cuisine? So precise?"

"Of course! I have a great idea that will definitely surprise Sister Xia Ya and Sister Zhihui!"

Erina said angrily: "Don't make a mistake and it will taste terrible. Isn't molecular cuisine very particular about this?"

"Hmph! I'm a genius! And I told Senior Ye that it's a good method.

"Huh? You still asked Mu? When did you ask?"

"Yesterday, I asked a question when I was watching a movie yesterday! Senior Ye said it was a very good idea, but it still needs extension, so I thought about improving it.

Hearing this, Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo was stunned for a moment and said: "Alice, rather than saying that there is room for extension, why should we extend?"

"What's the meaning?"

Ryoko Sakaki said helplessly: "That is to say, Senior Ye has approved your cooking, but he just said that there is still room for growth. This is just a preliminary round. You don't need to extend it to a very high level... .”

Fujiwara Toyomi also nodded and said: "I feel the same way. With this time, you might as well think about how to improve yourself and how to express your love.

Alice's face turned red, but she still said blankly: "So, am I really wasting my time?"


Alice covered her face and stopped talking. Chika Fujiwara scratched her head and said, "It feels so strange. Did I forget something..."

"What's wrong with you?"

Fujiwara Chika didn't expect it after thinking for a while. She just suddenly thought that someone said something to her, but when she suddenly asked, she completely forgot about it.

"It seems like my mother said something to me...I don't remember..."

"Qianhua, it's true that you never disappoint in terms of unreliability."


Fujiwara Toyomi didn't say anything, but silently took out his mobile phone and made a call. Fujiwara Chika was stunned for two seconds before saying with a look of horror: "Sister! Don't call mom! I will be scolded to death!"


"Fengshi, how do you feed me?"


"Qianhua? Where is your sister?"

"Um...Mom, just tell me what's going on."

"Didn't Fengshi call me? Forget it, we'll talk about it later. Qianhua, did you say what I asked you to say to your sister?"

Fujiwara Chika said with cold sweat on her forehead: "I told you! I must have said it! How could I forget it! Hahahaha!"

Kobayashi Ringtong and others all looked at Fujiwara Chika with weird expressions. Good guy, you really dare to say that. If it really is a big deal, Fujiwara Chika will probably be settled.

"Well, that's fine. I'll ask Fengshi to call me back later. I have some questions to explain to her."


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