I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 104 Alice Is Going To Be Angry And Cry, The Three Terrible Fujiwara Sisters (Please Subscrib

Fujiwara Toyomi looked at Fujiwara Chika who released her cover of her mouth and tilted her head and said, "Is it related to me?"

"Um...it seems so..."

"Hmm...is it still related to Mu?"

"Um...it seems...right...ah haha..."

Fujiwara Toyomi thought for a while and said: "Qianhua, you are such an unreliable sister. I am really relieved, because you are still the same you, but... Qianhua...


"Do you know how to commit the perfect crime?"

Fujiwara Chika and others stared blankly at Fujiwara Toyomi who looked calm. Sister, what do you mean by this? How come murderous intent can still be felt by hearing it?

Chika Fujiwara said quickly: "Wait! Sister! Let me think about it! I must be able to think of it!"

"Is five seconds enough?"

"Five seconds?!"


"I...I thought of it! I-really thought of it!"

Fujiwara Toyomi silently put down the tea cup in his hand and said softly: "So, what is it?"

"Well... Mom said that you and Senior Ye are an unmarried couple, so you don't need to be so rigid and conservative. You are older than Erina and the others, so naturally you have to be more generous. And... well... ……….You can probably guess the rest, that’s it! Really! Sister! Please confirm with your mother!”

Fujiwara Toyomi's face turned red and he coughed slightly and said: "It seems that I really didn't tell my mother about the current progress of Mu and I... But why could you forget it before?

"Um......probably because there are too many things going on recently, so I just forgot about it..."

Fujiwara Toyomi sighed and said: "That's it...although it's far-fetched, but you've passed the test, Qianhua, after all, you don't want to see Atlantis...

"Yeah, yeah! Long live my sister! Sai Gao!"

"This statement sounds like the truth."

"Um..." n

Sister Su smacked her lips and said: "In just a few minutes, the three Fujiwara sisters once again refreshed my understanding of thoughts, and it has to be you.

"Sister Su, in a sense, I am innocent."

"What kind of meaning?!"

"In a certain sense, it's probably an unknown existence..."

Sister Su rolled her eyes, Xiaolin Ringtong smacked her lips and said, "Let's talk about it. I always feel that Mengye is more reliable than you two, right, Haimeng."

Kitagawa Umume said angrily: "What's more, when I think about the whole process of my confession, including my jealousy, being broadcast live by Moeha, I really want to have a good chat with her!"

Busujima Saeko said with a helpless look: "Haimeng... be more open-minded.

"Because Moeye has good intentions, I know that, but!"

"It's not because of this. I'm afraid that if you talk to Mengye alone, you might fall into a trap..."

"Huh? What do you mean? Why don't I understand?"

Kobayashi Rgentan and others also covered their faces and said nothing. How do you answer this? Could it be that Fujiwara Moeha has always wanted to capture you, tie you up and hide you in the basement? Just kidding, these three sisters don’t have a fuel-efficient lamp! It’s just that Fujiwara Moeha is just more reliable!

Kitagawa Kaimu sighed and said: "It's really frustrating... But then again, Mu is so busy and can still think about Otonogizaka. It always feels like Mu is very clear about everything. .”

"It's not like you don't know this. Mu has a very developed intelligence network, and there are probably only a few people who know his thoughts so far. There is one person who knows more, but he doesn't say anything at all!"

Sister Su waved her hands and said: "It's useless for you to know this, because it has nothing to do with you, but... if you have to say it, this is also Ye Zi fulfilling one of his promises? Well... that should be said There’s no problem.”

"Promise? To whom did my husband promise? Except for getting married after graduation, all the current promises have been fulfilled [Does anyone else have any promises? Is it because Minister Leonora's Chinese score has reached excellent level?"

.........Please give me flowers...


After Alice laughed twice, she froze and said blankly: "Long...Sister Long Dan, say it again? What?"

"Leonora's minister, his Chinese score has reached excellent, what's wrong?"

"No... I know that my mother studies Chinese, but what does this have to do with Senior Ye! And it has reached the level of commitment? I don't know?"

Akanekubo Momo was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh? Alice, didn't you know this all along?"

"what do you know?"

Erina tilted her head and said: "You really don't know. Aunt Leonora found Mu directly after Mu and their autumn election. Then, it was said that she was always busy and she was always absent from Chinese classes. The Chinese teacher also Without small classes, she had a headache, so she asked Mu to give some tutoring on the Internet, correct wrong questions, ask some questions, etc. You really don’t know.

Alice said blankly: "I don't know. In other words, my mother has known Senior Ye for a long time. She has known Senior Ye since I didn't know him?"


"And they have a very good relationship and are in constant contact?!"


Alice was stunned. After a long time, she clenched her fists and shouted with tears in her eyes: "It's too much! Mom never told me! I even told her about Senior Ye several times! She didn't even tell me! They didn’t even tell me that they knew each other! That’s too much!”

"If I had known earlier, I would have been in contact with Senior Ye a long time ago! Maybe I am already with Senior Ye now! I am so angry! Why did you tell me!"

Alice was really going to cry. When she was in the third year of junior high school, she was still talking about Ye Mu every day. She even told Leonora about it, but Leonora didn't tell her that they knew each other. She didn't know until before this autumn election. This matter, in other words, she missed a whole year!

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