I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 109: Inui Hinako’S Education, HōJō Miyoko Was Stunned (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko is completely stunned now, sister? Naturally, she will not be stupid enough to think that she is some outrageous biological sister who has been separated for many years, that is...

Thinking of this, Hōjō Miyoko was stunned. Just kidding, looking at it this way, Ye Mu's family is a bit too scary!

Although he didn’t know the identities of Busujima Saeko and Tianyu Zanzan, he knew half of the Tōtsuki Elite Ten, Ye Mu alone! In addition, there are Inui Hinako and Tōtsuki Elite Ten who are both outstanding. Fuyumi Mizuhara, if this family gets together to open a restaurant...

Then it's not an ordinary restaurant, then this is... No, maybe it should be said, if this can't win the star meal, then all the star meals in the world can be withdrawn.

Inui Hinako tilted her head and said, "Huh? Are you surprised? It's not like we can't fall in love and get married. We just become a family."

Hōjō Miyoko swallowed and said: "Senpai... I don't know about other areas of your family, but it is absolutely terrifying in terms of catering...

"Yes, we originally planned to live in China and run a new restaurant together."

"That... Nakiri..."

"She must be following, and... hey..."

"What's wrong?"

"That girl Alice is coming too.


This is no longer an ordinary horror. In this case, traditional cuisine and molecular cuisine are all available. This is a restaurant with no shortcomings, and... Erina knows that she is Ye Mu's woman. What the hell is Alice?! Experience life ?!Pursue your dreams?! Or...

She couldn't even think about it, it was too scary...

Hōjō Miyoko was still confused until she got off work. She didn't dare to think about what kind of restaurant this would be...

Looking at Inui Hinako who had locked the store door, Hōjō Miyoko pursed her lips and said, "Are you willing to fuck Senior Kiriya?"

"What's the point of not letting go? Its existence has proven a lot. Noriko and the others are going to leave their jobs soon. Even the sous chef is planning to change his life. It's time for Kiriwu to stop. What's more, Kiriwu No matter how much you grow, it won’t be much higher than it is now.”

"As for me, unlike you, Sister Dongmei and I have been running a restaurant for too long. If it weren't for Mu, I don't know when I would have my own love and a stable family."

"You are still young and don't know this kind of mentality."

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said: "Mindset?"

"Yes, I once founded Fog House with all my heart, starting from scratch and reaching the current level. But when I achieved everything and developed steadily, all I felt was confusion.

"Confused? Why are you confused about your dreams?"

"I thought so at the time. It wasn't until later, when I achieved what I have achieved now, that I started planning my life, but I suddenly realized that I didn't have time... I didn't have time to do what I liked. I don’t have time to manage my own life, should I continue to wait for my love?”

"Heh... there is no time. I am the store manager and this is a restaurant. What does this mean? As long as the store is still there, I will have to repeat it year after year, day after day. Don’t you think it’s sad to live like this?”

Hōjō Miyoko was also stunned for a moment and said: "I haven't thought about this, but if I think about it this way...it is indeed a bit depressing, and I feel like I can't see the future."

"Yes, that's it. So I cherish my love very much. When I go to China, I will have a new goal. When the time comes, the family will run a three-star restaurant together, although we still have to work every day. Prepare meals after work and after work.”

"But it's different. The family goes out to work in the same store together, gets off work together, and has a lively dinner. In a strange city, they will have their own children in the future, and it will be a new experience and a new life. In life, sometimes if you look back at your passionate dreams many years later, you will feel that you didn’t consider them enough.”

Hōjō Miyoko was silent for a moment. She was also thinking about her dream, to be the chef of Hōjō Building... Now think about it, do you really want to stay at Hōjō Building for the rest of your life? A person who dares to challenge Eishi Tsukasa's position. The purpose is just to be the chef of a restaurant? She felt that her horizons seemed to have suddenly improved, but she still had to think about it carefully.


Inui Hinako walked forward and said with some confusion: "So, Hōjō-san, why did you come to see me?"

"Yes, I suddenly remembered what you said, senior, when I was studying in the dormitory, take more walks. I was wondering if the place where Senior Ye practiced was not the kitchen, but the second area was outdoors?"

Inui Hinako said with a smile: "Since you came to ask in person, I won't hide it from you. Yes, Mu practices in the kitchen, but many of them are outdoors, and... outdoors The reason is because we don’t have a practice space at home, that’s all.”

"...Outdoors?! But isn't it in the kitchen to practice cooking?! Is there anything you can practice outdoors? And...and with Senior Ye's strength and talent, he still needs so much hard work..."

"Hōjō-san, if your words are heard by Erina and the others, they will have a fight with you. What the sisters at home hate the most is that one sentence of talent ignores all Mu's efforts."

"Mu is a genius, but Mu has to put in more effort so that his talents and talents can be effectively tempered, and this tempering can be said to be cruel and harsh to ordinary people.


"In the family, Mu has always been using his own money and cooking skills? Mu has never stopped having strict requirements on himself. Even in kung fu and music, Mu is extremely strict with himself. You have only seen the surface. , I just saw the talent and the sweat behind my back..."

"For outsiders, it is shocking and unbelievable, but for us, our loved ones are working so hard, and we feel very sad..."

"Fuck senior..."

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