I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 110 The Easy-To-Understand HōJō Miyoko, I Have Something To Tell You (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned. She suddenly felt that the memory of Senior Ye suddenly became blurry. Everyone in the school knew that Ye Mu's family was very rich, but Ye Mu had always used his own money. This What does the sentence mean?

As long as you are not mentally retarded, you can tell that Ye Mu has never relied on his family. All his money is earned by himself. He is only one year older than him! He has made rich people one by one on his own. The net worth?! Even if it may rely on some family start-up funds and the vision brought by the background, it is not easily achieved.

In addition, when Ye Mu, a man who was so powerful that even the Elite Ten could not even compare to students who thought they were geniuses, Ye Mu, a man standing on the top of the mountain, suddenly told him "Zero Nine" "Zero" people, their training is much harder than theirs, even to the point of cruelty?! Cruelty! This word sounds very simple, but how many can do it?

And now it sounds like...Ye Mu has been training like this for more than ten years?! How did he train?! She would not doubt Inui Hinako's words.

Because Inui Hinako is much better than her. Her training, her tempering and progress in running a restaurant over the years, even if she said such words, she would naturally not have no reference standards, and let herself have more She is the one taking a walk! This is something that can be verified! There is no need for her to exaggerate.

Inui Hinako also saw her thoughts and chuckled and said: "You probably can't see it now, because Mu is in the Celestial Dynasty, and Mu will travel around the world frequently in the second half of the year, so you probably really have to try your luck. "

Hōjō Miyoko said softly: "Senior Qian, can you tell me how Senior Ye trains?"

"Eh? You don't want to learn too, do you?"

"Yes! I believe in my determination! I can be cruel and harsh to myself! As long as I can continue to become stronger, I..."

Inui Hinako waved her hand and said: "No, no, you really can't do this. I'm not looking down on you. Even Erina and the others can only train for two or three minutes in front of the weakened version.

Gentian is even better and can't train every day. "

"Huh?! This...what kind of training is this?!"

Inui Hinako tilted her head and said: "Hmm... Is your home far away?"

"Fortunately, my restaurant is in the Hōjō Building, but I usually live farther away..."

"Huh? That's not close! But it's not very far either. The time is not bad now... Well... just come home with me."


Inui Hinako sighed and said: "We made a video of Mu's training, and we usually use it to correct ourselves. Although it's okay to send it to you directly, I feel that your character will stay up all night after watching the video. If you can’t sleep, you will definitely come to the store to see me the next day.”

"It's so troublesome to talk about it step by step, so just go back with me. If you have anything to say after reading, just say it directly. If it's too late, just rest at home. By the way... .…Um…do you know the school?”

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said: "Understand the school? What...what do you mean?"

"That is to say, I want you to go do something, deliver something or something like that. Do you know the location?"

"This is very simple."

"Okay, then come home with me!"

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh?! Fuck senior! I..."

"You have to trust my judgment. Your character is a typical Muqiang strong woman character. You can tell from what you said that you can do it, so you will definitely react like this after reading it. It’s very troublesome, so it would be better to talk about it directly.”


“It’s here, it’s here!”

Before Hōjō Miyoko could say anything, she saw Inui Hinako and cheered, she could finally go home, it was really not easy!

"Fuyumi-sensei! Huh? Where are Kaguya and the others?"

"Yeko and the others are in the car. I asked them to buy some whipped cream or something, okay? Hōjō Miyoko? This is..."

Just as Hōjō Miyoko was about to speak, Inui Hinako pulled Hōjō Miyoko over and said with a smile: "Sister Fuyumi, Hōjō-san came here specifically to ask about Mu's practice today...



After Hōjō Miyoko got in the car, he still looked confused and said: "Mizuhara-senpai, I..."

"Okay, I know you want to send the video to you, but because of your personality, you will not be able to sleep. You will have a lot of questions to ask. You still have to go find Hinata the next day. The road is so It's short, there are still a lot of questions, it doesn't make any difference, Hinatako in the store doesn't have time to answer your questions."

Hōjō Miyoko's eyes twitched. Is she so stupid? Is she so square-headed? Is she like a girl who has no brains because she has such a good figure?!

Inui Hinako said with a smile: "Hahaha! Let me just say it! Your character is too obvious! Well, well, there are girls in the family. I just have something to tell you. Is this a two-way trip?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara said angrily while driving: "Going in both directions? You make it hard for me to believe that you passed the written test when you were in school."

"Hey, isn't this a metaphor? Sister Fuyumi, what are you going to eat tonight?"

"Zhixin rice cake hot pot, and...the rest will go back and see what 1.9 ingredients are left at home.

"Okay! By the way, do you think you should tell Mu directly about this girl?"

"you are right...."

"Right! Should I tell Mu?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said: "That's okay, but let's talk about it today, and let Mu know if it works or not tomorrow... Also, Hinata, did you miss five minutes of sword skills training yesterday... "

"Uh...I'll make it up today!"

"Well...then just chop the stuffing for tomorrow morning."


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