I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 111 HōJō Miyoko Is Stupid, It Feels Real (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Hōjō Miyoko has come back to his senses, but he still feels too dreamy. Why is he going to be a guest?

However, what she really felt dreamy about was...

At this time, Inui Hinako took off her shoes, her hair was spread out, and she was playing songs one after another on her mobile phone. However, there was no one who was not happy, and she looked like a child who had not grown up.

"Sister Fuyumi! I think this album is great!"

"It's okay...but I've never been too fond of this group. The dancing is okay."

"That's right! Hey, Cai Zhai can dance. I don't know who is better."

"You don't have to think twice to know that it's vegetable picking."

"Eh? Why?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara said casually while driving: "Think about it for yourself, Cai Zhai was an idol before, but then he stopped being an idol and became a teacher. He has not trained for such a long time, and his dancing and singing are no better than those of girl groups. They are different from idols, and they are very stage-savvy. Those girl groups and the like practice every day, and the effect is about the same as Caizhao. Who do you think is better?"

Qianri 26 nodded to Xiangzi and said, "It's true, Cai Zhai is really suitable to be an idol, but it's a pity that she has no interest in continuing to be an idol."

She is very family-oriented, and it can be seen that she prefers the profession of teacher to being an idol, plus...haven't you heard her say the reason?"

"No, is there any reason? Why didn't I know you guys had chatted?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara sighed and said: "You and Erina were both asleep at the time. This is what we talked about later, and Mu also heard it.

"Ah? You are really energetic..."

"You are too useless. I don't see how diligent you are in the gym at home. Be careful if you become fat and Mu will dislike you again."

"Tōtsuki doesn't have a body that's prone to obesity! Besides! I work a lot, right? I don't eat a lot! I...I won't become a fat ball!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara sighed and said: "Let's not talk about it for now. Cai Zhai said at the time that she would come to China in the future. The entertainment industry in China seems to be very complicated. She has no patience. And at this age, she might as well save it. She prefers to be a With more teachers, I will be able to settle down in China and have more free time and freedom."

"After having children, it can be a reliable career, and then...it won't matter anymore, the rest is not very important."

"I see... Speaking of which, I want to take a bath again. When will the summer vacation end..."

"Oh... let's get through it..."

Hōjō Miyoko's mouth twitched, "Hey, you two are also celebrity chefs and veteran Elite Ten, can you not be like ordinary women in love! And it's too cruel to say in front of the students that they hope the summer vacation will be over!"

"Senior Suwon, this is too..."

Although she knew about this villa area in the City Garden series, Hōjō Miyoko was still a little surprised when she saw the main house. It was too luxurious.

After Fuyumi Mizuhara parked the car, she walked over and tilted her head and said, "Huh? I feel like I've gotten used to it after living there for a long time. Ringtong and the others probably haven't gotten used to living in the capital yet.

"It's a manor after all! Sister Fuyumi! Hōjō-san, you two hurry up! Pick vegetables! We have guests!"


When Hōjō Miyoko walked in, before she had time to express her emotions, she saw Huji Nazhai and others. She had never seen them before. It seemed that Senior Ye was more attractive than she thought.

"Eh? Who are you? Cheongsam? You can't be from China, right?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara sat on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief and said: "No, she is Japanese, but their restaurant is a Chinese restaurant, she has loved Chinese food since she was a child, and she is a student of Tōtsuki.

"Oh...Ah! You are that Hōjō Miyoko, right! Darling mentioned you before!"

Hōjō Miyoko said blankly: "Um... I don't know if I recognized the wrong person... You are... Senba..."

"That's right, it's us. There's nothing surprising about it. It's not like the CEO can't fall in love."

"This...Senior Ye is too outrageous..."

Qianhe Zhihui said with some curiosity: "Darling mentioned you before, and you even entered the autumn election, but why did you come to our house? Are you looking for Darling?"

Although this title made Hōjō Miyoko feel very fantasy, Hōjō Miyoko still coughed lightly and said: "That...I am..."

Before Hōjō Miyoko finished speaking, Shinomiya Kaguya and the others also walked in. They also had the same problem. Fuyumi Mizuhara came out of the kitchen wearing an apron and took the ingredients that Shinomiya Kaguya and the others had brought and said helplessly: " She wants to know how Mu was trained, but she still has the character of a strong woman, so do you understand?"


Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said: "Wait, do you really understand? I...I can go home..."

Hayasaka Ai shook his head and said: "No, you can't go home, because you will definitely lose sleep when you see Master Ye Mu's training. You will have a lot to say. Instead of coming back tomorrow, it is better to solve it today."

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was watching the show, nodded and said, "I, 420, am such a person, so you will definitely be like this. You can tell from your hairstyle and eyes that you are definitely a very strong person."

"I...I am so easy to understand?"

Minezaki Yaeko waved her hand and said: "It's a person like you who has a very distinctive personality, so it's easy to understand. Fuyumi, you go prepare dinner, and we'll just find a video for her."

"Well, by the way, I'd like to cache the recording of Mu's daily practice that Ringtong and the others recorded before."

"Ah? You have to learn. There is no place at home, and you can't even do it with chop. You guys..."

"What are you thinking about? I'm just collecting Mu's different states so you can watch them. 1"

"Husband control!" xn


After watching Fuyumi Mizuhara leave, Shinomiya Kaguya sighed and said: "I feel like what Fuyumi-san told Alice before was not a joke..."



"If you are like Fuyumi-san, maybe you have already taken action.


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