I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 112 Fortunately, I Stayed, Isn’T That A Loss? (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko didn't understand, but she was shocked at this moment. Good guys, are you big shots really so childish?

However, what she really wants to complain about is...

Qianhe Zori and others were either holding fruit plates or eating snacks, and they were all sitting on the sofa and watching TV as if they were waiting to watch a movie. Hey! Please be serious!

"Um...this is..."

"Oh, I've put it in too many times. It's a little slow. Just wait. You can choose fruits or snacks. Don't be too formal."

"I'm not being cautious...forget it, I won't speak anymore, but this video is not short.

Minesaki Yaeko waved her hands and said: "It's okay, otherwise, my dear, one training session would take an hour and a half. If every training content is cut in, it would be almost like a part-time documentary. Although my husband would watch it no matter what It won't feel boring, but...it's not necessary.

"So... this is accelerated?"

Hutsugaru nodded and said: "Of course, just remember all the training. Except for the knife skills and the like, which are only practiced a few times, the rest of the pot-turning and other things are all about one and a half. Hours, you can see for yourself that the time is at the highest speed, and you will know by doing the math.... Ah! Okay!"

Hearing these words, Hōjō Miyoko also quickly turned her head and looked at the TV. To be honest, she admired Ye Mu. Among the male cooks, she felt that the ones she admired were basically the older generation of super cooks. Her peers, Even someone older than her, she was not convinced at all.

However, admiration is admiration, and if you can't catch up, you can't catch up. Don't you even have the strength to practice with him? To be honest, she couldn't imagine how cruel the training was, and she was a little unwilling and unconvinced.

"Is this really in the wild?! Wait... what is the purpose of this wooden stick~"?"

"Keep your balance. You'll know after a while. By the way, my dear, those two wristbands are not light either. They seem to be in the kitchen. You can try them on yourself later."

"This... Throwing the pot... There is no stove to support it. It is as perfect as a textbook. There is too much sand! Can this be moved?! Wait... This... .How long is this set?!”

"I don't remember this. I just said that Mu's cooking skills, except for those that only need to be practiced a few times, took one and a half hours to complete.

"What?! This...this...is this endurance and mental power a monster?! This...has not changed at all, even in height and speed.

Wait?! Has the break been cut off?! But

"No, Mu's pot-breaking training is three hours of training without any rest in between."

"What?! Wait...this...this sword skill?!"

The following smell training, carving training, temperature training, etc., etc., Hōjō Miyoko was dumbfounded. Is this amount of training a normal person can do?! Before, she thought Ye Mu's training might be outrageous, but still It won't make myself unable to imitate, but now...

Can she have such stamina to practice teasing? Or does she have that terrifying sense of smell? Or sword skills? And so on... Every part of Ye Mu's training completely surpassed her imagination, even beyond Her knowledge of the human body's mental strength and endurance.

Fuyumi Mizuhara and Inui Hinako also ran over to take a look. Hōjō Miyoko was already stunned. When the video ended, Hōjō Miyoko hadn't recovered yet. Just as he was about to speak, Hayasaka Ai said softly: "Keep watching, the above They are all weakened versions of training content.”

"This...this is a weakened version?!"

But when she saw the chains, the huge iron pot, and the blackened sand in the pot that looked so heavy, when she saw the still red, swollen and trembling arms picking up the steaming ice cubes, her fingers He was slightly red from the cold, but still carving exquisite patterns steadily and quickly, when he saw the hundreds of spices in the cauldron, and when he saw the terrifying knife skills of the bow left and right.

Wait, wait, everyone in Hōjō Miyoko froze. Fortunately, Kobayashi Ringtong and the others didn't go back for long, so there was no video that was too long, and this was not for correction at all. This was what my sisters came to watch. , I’m just kidding that the weakened version can’t do it, how dare you even think about it?

The video finally freezes on the scene of Ye Mu jumping out of the wooden mannequin, with exquisite appearance, body like a work of art, and a charming unicorn tattoo. Qianhe Zhihui smiled and said: "Hey..." ..I’m so confused. I haven’t decided whether to use the photo with Darling as the lock screen or this one as the lock screen.

Fuyumi Mizuhara tilted her head and said, "I wouldn't think so."

"Fuyumi, you..."

"Otherwise, if you take the subway or go to other places where there are people around, wouldn't it be an advantage for others?"

"That makes sense!" xn

Hōjō Miyoko stared blankly at everyone who had put the food on the table. She just wanted to say: "Thank you for bringing me here, otherwise you will really see me again tomorrow.

Inui Hinako waved her hand and said: "Hōjō-san, you have finished reading too. I can see from your expression that you have a lot of questions to talk about. Let's eat something together? Let's talk while we eat?"


Hiratsuka sighed and said (Okay, okay): "They also have something to say to you, and besides, it feels weird that you are asking now..."

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and then realized that if she didn't come to the table, Fuyumi Mizuhara and the others would also feel that it would be strange to chat.

Hōjō Miyoko sighed and said: "Then I'm sorry..."

"Straightforward, I like this character. Would you choose to chat with us, or would you choose to talk to dear Liu directly?"

"What's the meaning?"

"It's just that we have to make a video call now, you can talk to my dear directly.

"I...if possible, I would like to thank you, senior Suihara..."


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