I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 116 HōJō Miyoko’S Change Of Mentality As A Secretary (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko now feels like she is about to spontaneously combust. These big sisters with evil smiles in front of her are really cheating. Her buried girl's heart has just climbed out of the grave. One sentence will directly cause hypoglycemia. I lay back down, but fortunately the ground was broken.

Qian Bao Zhie smiled and said: "Hahaha! It's really yours! But it is indeed something that a person with your personality can say.


Fuyumi Mizuhara chuckled twice and then said softly: "Okay, stop laughing and let's talk business first, Hōjō-san, are you willing to be Mu's secretary?"

Hōjō Miyoko is in a particularly complicated mood now, because she was already ready to have a good chat with Ye Mu, but in the end, she was not asked to fall in love, but to be a secretary? Although this prestigious school currently only has enough space for one Sakaki Ryoko, And it also made her feel relieved, but what a girl's heart! What a girl's shyness!

Although Hōjō Miyoko's mood is very complicated, 26 also knows very well that he absolutely cannot choose to talk about this matter now, otherwise he will really be betrayed!

Hōjō Miyoko breathed a sigh of relief and said with a red face: "Well... isn't there already Ryoko Sakaki?"

Inui Hinako nodded and said: "Yes, yes, but... Ryoko is the secretary of all duties, and Mu Nei also has many extra-school affairs besides school affairs.

Ryoko needs to be responsible. "

"Besides, you should also know that Mu said that he would find a few helpers to take care of things inside the school. Of course, there are also helpers outside the school, but they are not as busy as Liangzi."

Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said, "I've heard about this, but... why did you choose me?"

He said softly: "It's very simple, because first of all, your cooking skills are not weak and you can convince the crowd. Secondly, your personality is capable and confident enough, so you can speak better. And then you are also familiar with the school. This is one of the prerequisites." one."

"In addition, you are also good at Chinese food. Mu is very impressed by you. Even if you deal with things outside the school, your personality and work efficiency will not be a problem. You and Liangzi happen to have complementary personalities, one strong and one soft. It will be a great help.”

Hōjō Miyoko pursed her lips and was about to speak when she heard Yaeko Minesaki say with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether you agree or refuse, just listen to the employee benefits first."

"Eh? Employee benefits?"

"Yes, after all, Mu's secretary will definitely get a lot of benefits. Hōjō-san, what do you think are the benefits?"

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said: "It should be to improve your experience and have more freedom...and...more resources, and Mr. Ye

Qian Tu Xia Ya nodded and said: "That's right, but it's not comprehensive. Let me tell you this. But before that, I need to ask you a question. I want you to be your secretary for my dear. How resistant are you? , or are you expecting more? Because according to our analysis, your personality should not choose to be a secretary."

"However, from your previous reaction, it is obvious that you are in a very complicated mood now. If you have jumped out of the circle of Hōjō Tower, or in other words, out of your obsession, you should consider many things. Therefore, this is what Fuyumi and the others are taking you to Reason for coming back.”

Hōjō Miyoko pursed her lips and said: "As you said, my personality will not allow me to be a secretary for others. However, if it is Mr. Ye, I might agree, but I will definitely ask for it to be done regularly. Duel with him...but, now..."

"To be honest, I don't know what I think. I am not qualified to challenge at all. I respect Senior Ye very much. I am indeed in a very complicated mood right now. I am not sure about many things, especially when I am thinking about it now. In the future..."

"However, if it were me now, I would be very curious about Senior Ye, as well as his thoughts and vision. If I could learn even a little bit from it, it would be a transformation for me, and it would be a transformation for Senior Ye. Being a secretary has only advantages and no disadvantages..."

"I have no regard for other male chefs, including Eishi Tsukasa... But Mr. Ye is an exception. If it is Mr. Ye, if it is me who chooses now... I I should choose to accept this position, I want to try and see what changes will happen to my life."

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said: "Objectively speaking, it is true that there are only advantages and no disadvantages, so your answer and your question can be stated together.

"Can I have a life of my own?"

"It's natural. Liangzi doesn't come to live here often. She is still in Polar Star Dorm. Life is your own. Only you have the right to choose. You are a secretary, not a slave.

"Heh...then I don't have any reason to refuse, tell me what I need to do...

Everyone looked overjoyed. It would be too difficult for Hōjō Miyoko to be a secretary. She is a strong woman with a heart as high as the sky. There is no doubt about her ability. Ryoko is gentle and considerate, and she is capable and shrewd. If two people cooperate, they will definitely solve it perfectly.

Inui Hinako coughed slightly and said: "Let Mu tell you this in person tomorrow, and you and Ryoko should also communicate. Although you are specifically responsible for the school, it is possible that you will be responsible for some extra-school matters together. "

"Okay...but I've never been a secretary, so I'm not sure I can do it well."

"Don't worry, Ryoko was like this at first, and she was very unsure, but now she's not so confident. Even Hisako praises it, and it's all simple work. Don't worry, Hisako and Ryoko will help you when the time comes. of.


Qian Tu Xia Ya said with a smile: "Since you have decided to be a secretary, employee benefits are definitely indispensable, but it is not as simple as you think."


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