I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 117: HōJō Miyoko Is Stupid, You Just Call It That? ! (Please Subscribe~)

Although Hōjō Miyoko also knows that there are employee benefits, he doesn't think it's worth mentioning them separately. It's just more detailed.

But, the next moment...

"First of all, if you work as Mu's secretary, except for necessary exams, you don't have to go to class, and it won't affect your class time."

"I know this. I often see Arato and Sakaki absent from class, but the class time is not affected."

"Right, and then you are free to leave school, but you have to inform one of us to report what you want to do. It's not to monitor where you go, it's just to avoid accidents.

Hōjō Miyoko nodded, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Fuyumi Mizuhara continue: "Then there are the connections you mentioned before. In addition to Mu, you are also one of your own, so, including Rindian, Erina and all of them, in the school If anything goes wrong, you can go to them directly. In other words, you have the entire Elite Ten Council and Gaodian to support you.

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said: "The entire Elite Ten Council and Tōtsuki senior management?!"

"Yes, because the five Elite Ten are all members of the same family. The remaining ones, Teruki Kuga and Isshiki Satoshi, are Mu's best friends. Eishi Tsukasa and the three of them are all friends with Mu, and they often compete with each other.

Do you know why so many people want to take Ryoko's place, but they haven't had one so far?" 1

"Isn't it because she doesn't agree?"

Inui Hinako waved her hand and said: "No, no, no, she agreed. The Shokugeki department will not pass, because if you want Ryoko to be a Shokugeki, two Elite Tens must take up their seats and drop out of school. At the same time, she has to drop out. It is one of the most basic and basic conditions, and there are also some minor conditions that no one can meet, so you don’t have to worry about someone annoying you every day々||.”

Hōjō Miyoko swallowed, it was really scary, two Elite Ten seats plus dropping out of school, Fuyumi Mizuhara said softly: "Besides, you can bring your family and friends to Fog House and my F restaurant in the future, all of them It’s the lowest discount, don’t say anything yet, these are just employee benefits for the secretary.”

"And it's not over yet. You can choose not to live on campus, but to move here. In this case, whether it's ingredients or the kitchen, there will be five Elite Ten on campus, as well as top-notch configurations."

Hōjō Miyoko swallowed and said: "No...no...Isn't this a little too good..."

Hayasaka Ai shook his head and said: "No, no, the above are the employee benefits of ordinary Elite Ten secretaries, but the employee benefits of Lord Ye Mu are not these."


Qianhe Zhihui breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Being Darling's secretary, among other things, the food of Seven Elite Ten cannot be measured by price. Secondly, the evaluation of God's Tongue, the suggestions of Darling himself, and other Elite Ten’s food tasting is not something you can do with money, but these will become the norm.”

"This... God's Tongue?!"

"Yes, Ryoko was dragged to practice cooking once in a while, and she was evaluated by the way. She has improved a lot."

Hōjō Miyoko swallowed. It was really pie in the sky. You know, it was almost impossible for Hōjō House to invite Nakiri Erina to try it, and it would take a long time to make an appointment... Now there is another Ye Mu. Suggestion, this is even more rare.

"It should be gone..."

"No, this is just the beginning

"Huh?! Start?!"

Hōjō Miyoko's head was empty all of a sudden. This was just the beginning?! She couldn't think of anything else!

Fuyumi Mizuhara said softly: "Yes, this is just the beginning. Although you are dealing with school affairs, in the second half of the year it is obvious that Mu has a lot of things to do, so he has to go abroad often. It is better for you to handle school affairs alone, or Ryoko." , can’t bear it, so maybe you will set off together, or swap after a few trips.”

"That is to say, you may have to go abroad with Mu to do business, and your round-trip air tickets, shopping, and living expenses will not cost you a penny."

"Eh?! Going abroad?!"

"Yes, Liangzi will tell you the details later. It's not over yet. Listen carefully. Later, you also know that we will establish a star restaurant and star wine. As Mu's secretary, if you want to inherit Hōjō Tower is no problem.

"But if you want to have a try, you can come directly to the store, and you won't be a waiter, because you are the only one of you who specializes in Chinese food, so there is a high probability that you can be Mu's deputy, Liangzi Just as a deputy.

Star... Star Dining serves as the chef's assistant?! Or is it three stars?!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said: "Yes, in the current restaurant, in addition to our seven Elite Ten, Hisako, Ryoko, and Alice, there is also the girl Mikukuchi who was deceived, and I plan to win over Tsunozaki Taki. Therefore, what will be finalized will be more than ten Elite Tens, who will jointly operate a restaurant in different regions."

"More than ten Elite Ten chefs?!"

"That's right, and obviously, Mu hasn't finished the selection yet, and will add more people later, so if you choose to try it out, the position of deputy can always be yours. By the way, no matter what, , the deputy of the three-star restaurant (Ma Wang Zhao) can also prove your efforts better than the chef of your Hōjō building.

Hōjō Miyoko nodded blankly and said: "Although this is the case, but..."

“Including normal times, when everyone goes out together, you don’t need to be responsible for meal expenses and shopping expenses.


"Yes, the above are the most direct and clear employee benefits you can get as Mu's secretary.

Hōjō Miyoko was dumbfounded and said with a blank look on his face: "Isn't it the same as what I said?"

"Yeah, there's no difference, it's just a little more polished.

"Isn't this what you call it? That's ridiculous!"

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