I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 120: Insomniac Girls, HōJō Miyoko’S Girly Heart (Please Subscribe~)

Ryoko Sakaki really felt the pressure. After all, Hōjō Miyoko was a real beauty, and although she had never been in love, she knew very well that girls like Hōjō Miyoko would have a different kind of attraction to men.

Ryoko Sakaki said that this time she needed to get serious. That night, Himuro Iris still stayed up late reading novels. Although she had a stomachache, she still said that she seemed to have learned some incredible knowledge.

Ryoko Sakaki also kept thinking over and over what to do. Although she felt the pressure, she was not a jealous person. Hōjō Miyoko was her colleague and classmate, and she was also one of her own. In the future, she didn’t know if she was one of her own. Just get along well.

Naturally, Hōjō Miyoko also has no rest. She is still thinking about how "940" will get along with Ryoko Sakaki by then. Will Ryoko Sakaki feel that he will distract her attention? Ye Mu needs to pay attention to her. ?

Although Ryoko Sakaki is a legend who is easy to talk to and has a gentle personality, if she were a girl, although she has always been single, has no interest in falling in love, and has no regard for other boys, Ye Mu is different!

When she was betrayed and almost thought that she was going to date Ye Mu, besides being nervous, she was only looking forward to it. She had no thoughts of resistance or anger. She was already like this. Ryoko Sakaki was so much more feminine than herself. Will there be too many girls who don't like her? Just kidding, there are no girls in the school who hate Ye Lin.

Now that she is here, if Ryoko Sakaki likes Ye Mu, she will be under a lot of pressure.

Obviously, at this time, Hōjō Miyoko had no idea what kind of psychology he would be like, nor how he would get along with Ye Mu in the future. Instead, he thought directly from the perspective of whether he would become a love rival. question.

In this way, the three girls were in a state of insomnia until the next morning. Hōjō Miyoko fell asleep in a daze in the early morning, but she was woken up within an hour and a half after falling asleep. .

Hōjō Miyoko said in a daze: "Hmm? Mizuhara-senpai, do you get up so early during summer vacation?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara shook his head and said: "No, of course not. We don't get up early in normal times. We get up early in the summer vacation because if you get up early now, you can see Mu's practice."

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for two seconds, then quickly came to his senses and said with bright eyes: "Senior Ye's practice?!"

"Yes, Hai Meng called us before, so if you get up early every morning and call Hai Meng and the others, you can see Mu's practice, and Zhan Zhan is also practicing."

Hōjō Miyoko quickly said: "I...I...I'm going to wash up and change clothes now!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara shook his head and said: "It's okay, you don't need to change or wash up. You have to eat later. After you finish practicing, come back and wash up. It's time for you to talk while eating."

"Is this...will..."

"The difference between you and before going to bed is that you haven't put on makeup yet. There is no change. Let's go. It looks like you have insomnia."

"Um...how did you know?"

"Because you are easy to understand, that's all..."

By the time Hōjō Miyoko also came downstairs, Inui Hinako and others were already preparing breakfast, and Minesaki Yaeko also made a video call to Kitagawa Uimu early, and a group of people were chatting.

"Hey! You guys are here! You must have had a bad rest yesterday.

"Uh...why are you so sure?"

"Because you are very understanding!" xn


When Hōjō Miyoko didn't know what to say, he suddenly heard a groan and glanced at the TV. Tianyu Zhanzhan was staggered by a wooden dummy. Hōjō Miyoko swallowed his saliva. This is true. A hero among girls, that sharp, knife-like look in her eyes is really scary. She deserves to be the one who single-handedly killed a school delinquent, the Iceberg Empress!

However, it is said that such a beautiful lady like the Iceberg Empress is a strict husband. She feels that she really cannot think about Ye Mu's charm with her barren girl's heart. "At least wait until my girl's heart crawls out of the grave and sees the sun." Say it again.

But soon, Hōjō Miyoko turned his attention to Ye Mu, who had an obvious black unicorn tattoo on his body. Ye Mu was still handling the wooden dummy with ease at this time. It can be seen by comparison, Ye Mu's physique is really not comparable to that of his peers. Tianyu Zhanzhan cannot be beaten by ordinary people. If you hit Ye Mu, you will be kicked to death?!

However, the subsequent practice of cooking skills made Hōjō Miyoko's heartbeat extremely fast. Men or women who do something seriously are very attractive, and Ye Mu is like this at this time... ...

With that sharp and determined look, Hōjō Miyoko admitted that she did feel as if her girlish heart that had just broken open the grave was about to crawl out.

After a long time, when the last snapper turned into pieces of almost transparent sashimi stuck to the ice, Ye Mu also casually threw down the carving knife that was still smoking cold, his fingers were slightly red from the cold, Fujiwara Fengshi quickly came over and held his hands in his arms and said with some worry: "Mu... Do you have to use such a cold knife? It will hurt your hands..."

"You can't play the most beautiful song in the world without bleeding fingers. What's more, with my physique and the old man's secret recipe, don't worry. This is the most intuitive way to exercise your ability to cut raw food to retain the best flavor. The way, ice..."

Zi Anyan said with some confusion: "But, can't you even use gloves?"

"When it really reaches a certain point, any resistance of 0.9 will affect the performance. Besides his cooking skills and kitchen utensils, the only thing a chef trusts most is his own hands and willpower. Don't worry, it will be fine... ...Fengshi, no need to..."

"No, it's your business that you're fine. It's my business that I feel sorry for my husband. I can feel the cold even when I hold him. It's so cold for my hands... Erina, go prepare the potion later.


"You guys... um? Hōjō-san, did you have a good rest yesterday?"

"Huh? Huh?! Uh...that...well! I have no problem!"


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