I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 121 HōJō Miyoko’S Mission, A Special Phone Call (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko became nervous all of a sudden. Even through the screen, he could feel the strong masculinity brought by Ye Mu. This made Hōjō Miyoko, who had just cheated on her girl's heart, really didn't know where to look. .

Kobayashi Rgentan and others also snickered. Sure enough, when a strong woman meets someone she admires, the contrast will be more interesting.

Fuyumi Mizuhara said softly: "Mu, she has already agreed, and she has also talked about some employee benefits. We will talk about the specific work and other things later during the meal.#

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said: "Huh? If you say that, it saves me trouble. I didn't expect that Hōjō-san agreed so smoothly."

"I...I don't know myself..."

"Pfft...." xn

Alice smiled and said: "What? Why don't you even know it?"


Hōjō Miyoko also blushed. 26 She felt that her brain was not enough, so she could only hesitate.

Ye Mu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's talk about it later. I'm going to take a shower and we'll talk about it later."


After Ye Mu left, Hōjō Miyoko was about to speak when she heard Yu Ryoko say: "Hōjō-san... we will be colleagues from now on, please take care of me."

"Just call me Miyoko..."

"Okay!" xn

Kobayashi Ringtong and others also exchanged contact information, and also added Hōjō Miyoko to the group. Hōjō Miyoko also changed her title in a daze, from Kobayashi-senpai to Ringtong-san or the like. Category.

The ability of women to communicate with each other is really hard not to give a thumbs up. Hōjō Miyoko was very nervous before, but now she is chatting happily, and she is talking about Rindan sister.

Calling her Sister Ningning, the relationship is progressing rapidly.

By the time Ye Mu arrived at the restaurant, Hōjō Miyoko had already washed up and changed into her coat. When she thought she could face Ye Mu calmly, she felt a little overwhelmed when she saw Ye Mu himself.


Hōjō Miyoko coughed lightly and said: "Um...Senior Ye, I am your secretary now, you can just call me Miyoko."

Ye Mu smiled and said: "Okay, that makes it a lot easier... So, Miyoko, you are now my second secretary in the school. Ryoko is responsible for everything inside and outside the school."

"As for Miyoko, it's mainly on campus, but sometimes Ryoko is too busy, or if she needs to travel frequently, and Ryoko can't bear it, she may need you to accompany her, or Ryoko stays, and you and I go abroad to do business, etc. Tumei and the others should have told you."

"Yes, Sister Fuyumi and the others have told me, and I'm ready, but I just don't know what tasks I should handle."

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Sure enough, I will tell you what to do now, but before that, Kaguya, Xiao Ai, you two take the time to take Miyoko to apply for a passport or something. Miyoko, you probably can't do it. Live it.

"No, I will handle it as soon as possible."

"So, let's talk about your job. Your specific job is to cooperate with Liangzi. Liangzi will tell you what to do specifically. The second thing is, if we leave

For on-campus work, you stay temporarily and sort documents. At the same time, pay attention to the office phone during that time. If someone calls, you can respond accordingly. "

Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said: "Understood, but what if it is business cooperation or something like that?"

"Then you don't need to worry about it. The main thing is to pay attention to the special calls. Special calls are usually interesting.

"Yes...I understand, other than that..."

"Other than that, there's nothing else going on. I believe you and Liangzi will work together very well.

Ryoko Sakaki said with a smile: "Miyoko was very prestigious when she was in school. If she becomes a secretary now, she will definitely achieve great results.

"Not really..."

Kobayashi Rgentan coughed slightly and said: "Um... Miyoko, you usually live in an ordinary dormitory, right?"

"Huh? That's right... However, our dormitory originally had a lot of people, but when we came back from the dormitory training, there were only a few people left.

"Do you have a good relationship?"

"Not really... It's just a relationship where we can just chat. We usually have our own things to do, and we usually prepare everything by ourselves when we eat. [That's pretty much it."

Ryoko Sakaki was stunned for a moment and said, "Eh? Is this what ordinary dormitories are like?"

"Isn't that your dormitory?"

Erina waved her hand and said: "Ryoko's dormitory is the only dormitory in Tōtsuki. They live like a farmhouse. There are breeding farms, vegetable gardens, fermentation rooms, etc., and they all get along well. It's a pity that... they actually sneaked in. Got an orange!"


Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said: "This dormitory is too good...but...oranges? What oranges? Orange trees? Your dormitory also has an orchard?


Kobayashi Rgentan smiled and said: "I'll tell you this later. This is just Erina's complaint. This girl is very dissatisfied."

"He's just an orange!"


Hōjō Miyoko was also stunned for a moment, what the hell? Nothing happened if he offended God's Tongue Pianran? And why didn't it seem like Kobayashi Ryubo and the others were not angry at all? What on earth is going on? Who is this guy...011611026 Feilu 022232190]

Ye Mu coughed lightly and said: "Don't talk about it for now, Miyoko, there are two things I hope you can help me deal with recently, just take some time to do them."

"What is it?"

"The first thing, take the time to check whether there are any high-level meetings held in Otonogizaka recently. The second thing... prepare for me a list of restaurants or dessert shops that Tōtsuki cooperates with. Ryoko, you two can check it together."


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