I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 129: Dihua’S Old Father, Something Seems Not Right (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko thought that his father disagreed. Just as he was about to speak, he heard his father sigh and say: "If that's the case, that would be for the best."


"Miyoko, I have told you a long time ago that you have proved that you are not weaker than me and not weaker than other chefs. You are only limited to a Hōjō building, but your arrogance and heart are far beyond what a Hōjō building can carry. Yes, this is not your goal, this is your obsession."

Hōjō Miyoko sighed and said: "I just realized it, but I feel relieved. Father, what will happen to Hōjō Tower in the future?"

"In the future? Let's talk about the future later. So what is your third thing? And do you have any plans? -"

"Father, the third thing is..."

Hōjō Miyoko's face turned red when he said this. Hōjō Miyoko's father also raised his eyebrows. How could his daughter blush? But this also made him more sure that his little cabbage was definitely eaten by a pig! The next moment Hōjō He doesn't even think it's strange that Miyoko wants to get married.

"Um...Father, that's...amn't I now Senior Ye's secretary? I told Senior Ye before that their goal is a three-star restaurant and a five-star hotel. The location has now been selected. It’s in the capital of the Celestial Dynasty, and then...it was said that I would be asked to serve as Senior Ye’s deputy.”

"It seems that you have made up your mind. Okay. You are already keen on Chinese food. There is no place where the Chinese food is more authentic than the local Chinese food in Tianchao. Moreover, three-star restaurants and five-star hotels are not our Hōjō's honors. It can be compared to the building, more than ten Elite Ten... It is really a terrifying formation."

"Yes, but this is not the third thing I want to say..."

"Huh? What is that?"

Hōjō Miyoko's father also narrowed his eyes when he looked at his daughter who had a slightly red face. His daughter has not said anything yet, that is, she does not want to talk about her relationship with Ye Mu now. If this is the case, it must be the daughter's family's thoughts. This will What could make her blush? It must have something to do with Ye Mu.

If it's not about admitting the relationship or getting married, then... Mr. Ye's house?! Hōjō Miyoko's father suddenly thought of something. Could it be that he wanted to move out and live together! (Xiao Di: It's on fire!)

Hōjō Miyoko coughed lightly and said: "Um... Senior Ye and Sister Rindian knew that I had a normal relationship with my roommate, and then they said that as a secretary, they... asked me to move to the villa outside the school. live...."


"Eh? Father, is it true?"

Hayasaka Ai's lips curled up, hehe, it seems that her uncle's brainstorming ability allowed her to use new tactics. She originally thought she could only march alone, but unexpectedly she skipped the process. This is because her daughter has not yet reacted. Parents have already imagined a terrifying progress.

Hōjō Miyoko's father coughed lightly and said: "I mean, if that's the case, then you can go. It will definitely be better than the environment you have in the dormitory, and you can also learn a lot. The most important thing is that you can interact with These sisters and friends of yours get along well with each other, and it is convenient for them to do things."

"However, Miyoko, you have to remember that you are no longer a child. Since you have chosen this path, you have chosen to become that classmate Ye, and I also value you very much and have reserved the deputy level of a three-star restaurant for you. You can't be too lax in your position. Although you have more freedom and life outside school, you still need to practice harder."

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment. Who is Ye's classmate? Why does this sound weird? But there seems to be no problem.

Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said: "Yes! I will definitely work hard! Especially when I know that Senior Ye is so good and will practice hard, I have no reason to relax."

He will show enough strength to be the deputy of Star Meal!"

"Okay, this is worthy of your previous spirit! However, Miyoko, even though this is the case, don't forget that you are that boy's secretary, and we get along day and night in daily life. You must cultivate your relationship and improve yourself in the future. We must also support each other, respect and love each other.”

…Please give me flowers…

Hōjō Miyoko blinked, eh? Why do these words sound so much like what an old father said to his daughter's son-in-law when sending his daughter off to get married? But...it seems like there is no problem.

On the other side, Hayasaka Ai was holding the teacup with no intention of putting down her hand. Otherwise, she wasn't sure whether she would laugh out loud. "Uncle, I really have you!"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and said: "Uncle Hōjō, don't worry, we will get along well. Everyone also likes Miyoko's character, and she was also appointed by Mu before."

"That's good, that's good... By the way, your food will be here soon. Are you going to go home and pack your things later or something?"

"I don't have anything to bring at home. I have a lot of stuff here. I'll pack it up later and have to go back to the dormitory to get my stuff."

"Okay, if you need anything, don't run back and forth. Just ask your mother to mail it to you."


Hōjō Miyoko's father breathed a sigh of relief, and said solemnly to Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai: "Two of you, Miyoko hopes that you will take care of each other in daily life. The same will be true in the future in heaven. I hope you can always cooperate with each other." Respect and love each other.”

Hayasaka Ai's lips curled up, okay, Shinomiya Kaguya felt like she had taken over a heavy burden, and said with a serious face: "Uncle Hōjō, don't worry."

"Okay! Let's talk slowly, Miyoko. If you need anything, just call the waiter. It's time for me to go back to the kitchen. How about this? I'll ask your mother to bring you the ID in a moment."


"If you need anything else, just send a message to your mother and send it to me, and I'll go back first.

"Thank you father!"

"Goodbye Uncle Hōjō!"

Ai Hayasaka finally put down her tea cup and said with a faint smile: "Uncle, don't worry, Miyoko is our good sister."

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