I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 130: Outrageous Parents, The HōJō Family’S Thoughts (Please Subscribe~)

Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai also know the strength of the Hōjōlou family. The taste is indeed good, but it is still far away from restaurants like Kiriya. Kiriya cannot be a star meal, let alone Hōjōlou.

"Eh? Miyoko, can you cook these dishes?"

"I do know how to cook these dishes, but... the taste is similar to this. It seems there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"It's okay. Sister Dongmei and the others are also improving themselves. Apart from Mu, you are the only one in the family who is good at Chinese food."

"Miss, what you say will only make Miyoko more nervous."

Hōjō Miyoko sighed and said: "I will work hard to improve myself, but having said that, I suddenly feel that this autumn election is very stressful, especially the curry in the qualifiers. Sister Xia "Zero One Zero" and the others are in If so, I really need to rethink it.

"It's okay, as long as your scores are about the same."

Hōjō Miyoko sighed and said: "Although this is the case, there are only eight people selected for the autumn election. I have calculated it, and I am really in danger..."

"It's okay, it's okay even if you're not selected. You were selected by Mu Qin. Who dares to say anything? Just try your best. Everyone sees it. Not all the top eight are suitable to be secretaries. Yes, forget about the boys, among the girls, besides Hisako and Alice, who do you think is more suitable as a secretary? Who else is left?"

Hōjō Miyoko pursed her lips and looked determined. Even though she said this, she definitely didn't want others to think that she was not strong enough.

While Hōjō Miyoko and others were eating the food, a woman who looked somewhat similar to Hōjō Miyoko's eyebrows also came to the Hōjō Building [Hōjō Miyoko's father breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Did you bring them all?"

"I brought them all, but why do you suddenly need Miyoko's ID? Does the school need it?"

"It's not that the school needs it, it's that Miyoko needs a passport or something."

"Eh? Miyoko is going abroad? When?"

"have no idea."

"Eh? Then...Who are you going abroad with? Which friend is abroad?"

Hōjō Miyoko's father breathed a sigh of relief and said, "With my boyfriend."

"Oh...Eh?! Boyfriend?! Really?! Miyoko actually has a boyfriend?! Who is it? What kind of boy is he? Doesn't she look down on those boys her age the most? Could it be... ..Is it a girl?! This is not okay!”

If Hayasaka Ai were here, he would definitely say directly: "Your Hōjō building must have a unique way of thinking. It's really very worry-free."

"What are you thinking? Although Miyoko is not convinced by the younger generation of cooks, it does not mean that her preferences are abnormal. She is a very outstanding young man. Do you remember what Miyoko said before..."

"That Mr. Ye? Really? Miyoko is dating him?!"

Hōjō Miyoko's father breathed a sigh of relief and pulled the woman aside and whispered: "What's more, yesterday, Miyoko seemed to have something on her mind, and then I asked her to go out to relax, but do you know where this girl went?"

"What an exciting topic, where did it go?"

"Um...that classmate Ye lives outside the school, Miyoko went directly to his house and didn't come back all night.

"Eh?! Really? That's not right...Is the kid here during the summer vacation?"

"No, I'm back to heaven."

"Eh? Bai is excited, what's there to say?"

"But, Miyoko was directly chosen by him as his secretary. Moreover, in the next semester, he will often take her and another secretary abroad. In addition, Miyoko will move to his house now. From now on, I don’t even want Hōjōlou anymore, and I am determined to follow him to live in heaven.”

Hōjō Miyoko's mother's eyes lit up and she said: "Wow! Young people's love is so exciting! But... doesn't this mean that we will start a family in heaven in the future?"

"Yes, and when we talked about moving there before, can you believe that our daughter would blush!"

"Eh? It looks like they are actually dating. Maybe they are already hers. No wonder they are so admired. They are so cute...

"That's right. We've reached this point and can't say anything. Moreover, the two girls she brought called Miyoko "good sisters". Alas...it's hard to stay in a female university, but Miyoko can I can rest assured if I get together with this guy."

"What should I say? Tell me carefully about my son-in-law, but isn't it said that he has many girlfriends?"

"The thing is like this...(a few thousand words are omitted here)...So, I think this guy really didn't say anything about everything, he is very responsible, and he values ​​our daughter very much."

Hōjō Miyoko's mother nodded and said: "Indeed, he is really a good man, and his background is really incredible. Every inch of land in the capital city is precious, which is incredible... But... this girl..."


"Well...this girl also has a secretary beside her. Although they have a good relationship and it is true that the family should live in harmony, but...this girl shouldn't be too rigid and don't know how to fight for favor.


"What's wrong? Do you think our daughter is so stubborn, like she's competing for favor? It's really not easy to worry about..."

"Yes, but let young people do their own thing. After all, everyone belongs to others. The women around this boy are very harmonious. He will handle it well. We just hope that this girl will be happy in the future. "

"Oh... yes, but... no, I still have to find time to talk to Miyoko, and I want to meet my son-in-law."

"Huh? How did you meet me?"

"I'll go to the school festival. Don't worry, I know what to say. It's great. My Miyoko can also marry.

"Um... What is Miyoko's image in your eyes..."

"You're still talking about it! It's all you! Otherwise, would that kid Miyoko be so into cooking?! Humph!"

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