I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 131 The Outrageous Hayasaka Ai, The Deceived Shinomiya Kaguya (Please Subscribe~)

"Eh? Miyoko, I thought you only wore cheongsam..."

"How is that possible? But I still like the cheongsam the best. To be honest, the cheongsam is really a work of art. It highlights one's temperament and figure, and different patterns and colors can completely change a person's appearance."

"Is this so? It feels very powerful..."

"Miss, my suggestion is that in order to compete for favor, you should prepare some clothes of all kinds, and if Rientan and the others have to prepare them, then you can't live without them if you have a group photo or something."

"It makes sense! But...it's all about competing for favor..."

"Miss, you will understand my good intentions in the future, Miyoko, please take Miss and me to prepare cheongsams when the time comes..."

Hōjō Miyoko's face turned red. Sister, do you really not think about me, a girl who just cheated on me? Why are you talking about competing for favor?

However, Hōjō Miyoko still nodded and said: "Okay, but, Sister Kaguya, your figure is relatively slender, and your temperament is also very good, so wearing a cheongsam should work well."

Hōjō Miyoko really didn't say the word "poor". She was worthy of being the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family. Now the wife of the Ye family, she has a private airport at such a young age. She is really rich. Shinomiya Kaguya didn't listen. Come out and just nod your head.

Hayasaka Ai sighed and said: "Miyoko, that is really a big help. You can also see that the eldest lady has no motivation at all. Although she is her own sister, she does not want to be left behind by other sisters."

"Sister Ai, what you said is so painful..."

"Rather, it's a blessing in life to have a husband who allows you to spend so much time trying to please me, isn't it, young lady?"

Shinomiya Kaguya thought for a moment and then nodded with approval and said: "Indeed... life is short, and it is really rare to find a partner you really like.

"So, Miss, about the cheongsam..."

Shinomiya Kaguya's face turned red but she still nodded and said: "Haasaka, you are right, I want to be too comfortable, Miyoko! Please!"

"Um...Sister Kaguya, you suddenly became aroused...Is this the legendary power of love?"

"I don't know, but... I think it makes sense! So... it should be..."

Hayasaka Ai raised the corner of her mouth and said softly: "Yes, Miss, it is the power of love. After all, Mr. Ye Mu is your fiancé, and you also admire him, so being excited about this is not a response to your love. ?”

"Okay...that makes sense!"

Hōjō Miyoko always feels that something is strange, Hayasaka Ai is definitely not a simple person.

Hayasaka Ai thought silently in her heart: "Miss, what should I do if you don't fight for my favor, so [I will give you a good lesson in ten days! Mrs. Ye Mu! Miss, I will definitely surprise you!"

According to a later inquiry to Shinomiya Kaguya who was at work, he got this: "Everything that guy Hayasaka said was right, but there were subtle deviations. I didn't know what happened until I came back to my senses. Something."

Hōjō Miyoko coughed lightly and said, "I didn't expect you, Kaguya-sama, to be a eldest lady and know how to pack things."

"No, I didn't learn it recently. After all, I am a lover. Not to mention how good a wife I am, I must at least be a good wife."

"Oh...but if Senior Ye is very good, Sister Kaguya, you will be under a lot of pressure."

Hayasaka Ai sighed and said: "That's true. Ringtong and the others are already a little bit stunned after practicing their cooking skills, especially after knowing that the location has been determined. Zhanzhan and the others are also working hard. The eldest lady and I are now I’m also looking for ways to improve myself.”

"Eh? But, how do you get promoted? You haven't graduated yet, right?"

"Yes, you can improve your wifely skills and learn knowledge about business and management. At the same time, the most important thing... is to learn Chinese. If you want to live in China in the future, you can't speak Chinese. In that case, Master Ye Mu We are already very busy, do we have to rely on the translator and Master Ye Mu to do everything? That would be too lazy."

Hōjō Miyoko suddenly said: "Yeah...I didn't expect it. It seems that I should also learn Chinese, but I have seen Chinese recipes and programs before. It's too difficult..."

"Yes, and the pronunciation is already difficult, and writing is even more difficult. This does not include various polyphones and the like, and some words have several meanings, and one word also has several meanings.

And different intonations have different meanings, which is so difficult..."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and said: "Yes, and I have been studying for a while, and there is progress, but it is nothing to brag about. Miyoko, you are okay, you are only a freshman in high school, at least you are still good. We have two years to study. As for us, we still have to find time to attend bridal training classes and professional courses. We are really pressed for time."

"Bridal training class?"

"Yes, Sister Su found it and said it was professionally trained. It looks like many daughters and daughters-in-law of big families will go to 960 to learn."

"Eh? There is such a training class. I'm really curious about what kind of courses they will prepare."

"We are also very curious, but curiosity only happens after graduation. Miyoko, do you still play basketball?"

"Well, yes, I'm pretty good at basketball and volleyball."

"No wonder, then do you want to take this basketball away?"

"You don't need this one. I still have one in my dormitory. This one is for playing in the gym. Besides, I think we should put the basketball away for a while. After all, I am now Senior Ye's secretary and I have to improve my cooking skills. I don't have much time."

"Also...eh? Miyoko, there is a knock on the door."

"Coming! Who...eh?! Mother?! Why are you here so soon?!"

"I'm sending you some documents. How are you packing them?"

"It will be packed up soon."

"Well...come with me. I've brought you something and I'll tell you something by the way."

"Oh! Sister Kaguya, sister Xiaoai, please wait for me first."


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