I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 132: Fairy Aunt, HōJō Miyoko Feels Something Is Wrong (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko followed his mother to another bedroom before stopping. Hōjō Miyoko said with some confusion: "Eh? Mother, what are you going to tell me?

Hōjō Miyoko's mother coughed lightly and said, "Well, your father has told me that you are now Ye's secretary, right?"


"You are going to move into his house now? And you will go abroad with him from time to time in the second half of the year, and you will also follow him to live in China in the future?"

Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said, "Yes, I'm just here to pack things. Mother, did you bring my ID?"

"I brought them all to you, but Miyoko, how did you meet Mr. Ye?"

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and then said directly: "We met during the residential training before. It was the first time I had such close contact with Senior Ye! But... I was exhausted after the assessment and my back was sore. It hurts so much that I can’t even lift my arms..."

Hōjō Miyoko's mother was stunned for a moment and then raised the corner of her mouth. She was indeed her own daughter, she was really amazing, but looking at it this way, she was indeed from someone else's family a long time ago.

"Ah, that was really hard work.

Hōjō Miyoko nodded. Indeed, she knew for the first time how terrible Ye Mu's cooking skills were during the last day of the assessment during the residential training.

Hōjō Miyoko's mother coughed slightly and said: "Well... Miyoko, do you have a colleague?"

"Yes, Liangzi, she was Senior Ye's secretary before."

"That's it...but then again, if you suddenly become Mr. Ye's secretary, does Ryoko have any objections?"

"Mom, you have watched too many TV series. How is that possible? We get along very well."

"Let me guess...that Liangzi likes this classmate Ye, right...

"Eh? How did you know?"

Hōjō Miyoko's mother said angrily: "So you child is not a worry. You have destroyed the precious world of two people. Well, no matter how good the relationship is, there will be a little jealous, right? It’s you, what do you think?”

"It seems to be the same..."

"So, you guys have to cooperate well. And, Liangzi, you are classmate Ye's person now, so you have to calm down and don't have such a bad temper like before. It's okay. Talk to classmate Ye more. Communicate and cultivate your relationship. After all, you have to live under the same roof in the future and you have to care for each other."

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment, hissed...Why do my parents feel weird when they talk? But there seems to be no problem.

"Yes! I understand! I will assist Senior Ye well!"

"Just assisting is not enough."

"Huh? What else should I do?"

"This is up to you, girl. But, Miyoko, if you have the chance, you should get along with classmate Ye more. This girl can't be too clingy, but she can't be clingy either. You know. Yet?"

Hōjō Miyoko thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I just need to spend more time with Senior Ye, right? I understand!"

"Hmm! And, Miyoko, your personality is also rare, so you don't need to change your personality on a regular basis, but sometimes if you are a little bit as weak as an ordinary girl, Mr. Ye's eyes will light up. "

"Oh...I can't be strong in front of Senior Ye..."

Looking at her daughter who was blushing slightly, Hōjō Miyoko's mother also chuckled lightly, suddenly thought of something and said with a serious face: "Miyoko, do you usually take any measures?"

"Measures? What measures?"

Hōjō Miyoko's mother sighed and said: "I know you girl won't pay attention, but since you are determined to follow him, I won't say anything. But, you should be more prepared if you can, now , here are some medicines that I have prescribed for you that are good for girls, as well as some tonics and body conditioning and other health products.

"Oh...Thank you, mother, but how can I eat so much?"

"Just eat a little of this when you think of it. Let me introduce it to you. This nourishes qi and blood. This regulates endocrine. This is good for menstruation. This supplements vitamins. This can calm the nerves. , if you are nervous, angry, or stressed, you can eat some, girls don’t always be so angry, and then..."

Miyoko silently remembered that they were indeed good supplements for the body, especially for girls. Finally, Hōjō Miyoko's mother coughed lightly and said: "In addition, if Miyoko, you really do a good job If you are mentally prepared, you can also take some of this, which is folic acid.

"All kinds of mental preparation? I'm always prepared!"

"She is indeed my daughter! She is so determined!"

"Hmm! So this..."

"You can eat these when you remember them. It's okay if you don't eat them if you don't remember them. They are basically eaten after meals. Well, that's it. From now on, I will have a good time with Student Ye."

Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore."

"Yes... Go ahead and pack your things."


Looking at Hōjō Miyoko leaving, Hōjō Miyoko's mother also breathed a sigh of relief and said: (Noli's) "Young people's love, but this girl Miyoko really doesn't know how to fight for favor if you don't remind her.

"Sister Kaguya, sister Xiaoai, I'm back."

"Oh, these are documents, then what are these? Medicines?"

"Oh, it was my mother who bought me some vitamins, folic acid, supplements to replenish qi and blood, etc.

Hayasaka Ai was stunned for a moment, and then silently gave a thumbs up. This is to show Hōjō Miyoko's mother, aunt! It has to be you! Folic acid and vitamins have been arranged to ensure high quality!

"Sister Ai, Kaguya, you can also eat. You look very good to girls."

"It's really good..."

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