I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 133 Hayasaka Ai Begins, HōJō Miyoko’S Helplessness (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko didn't know that in the eyes of his parents, he was a member of the Ye family, and he went to heaven for love without hesitation. Hōjō Miyoko didn't know about this until much later.

"So, Miyoko, these are really all you have?"

"Definitely not, there are still some in the dormitory, including some of my shoes and books.

After Hōjō Miyoko moved the suitcase to the online car-hailing service, she said with a strange expression: "Eh? Sister Kaguya, can you two enter the school?"

"That's right... Hayasaka, what about your arm strength? Tell Erina and the others?"

"No need, Master Ye Mu just sent a message, saying that he had already told the school that he could enter at will."

"That's good. Tōtsuki's doorman is still very strict in management."

Shinomiya Kaguya said helplessly: "Absolutely, after all, Tōtsuki is a big industry no matter what, and the place is so big, with a mountain, who knows if a wanted criminal or thief will come over. "

"It shouldn't be that serious...Eh? Sister Kaguya, there is something I have wanted to ask since this morning."

"Ah? Just ask me what's going on."

Hōjō Miyoko pursed her lips and said tentatively: "Well... 353 Sister Kaguya, I think Sister Fuyumi and the others will go crazy if they don't see Senior Ye. Sister Kaguya, you seem to be very calm..." "

Shinomiya Kaguya scratched her head and said: "Indeed, although I don't know why, I also miss Ye Jun and everyone..."

Hayasaka Ai said helplessly: "Miyoko, you don't understand. There is a qualitative difference between the eldest lady and Fuyumi-san, so the eldest lady doesn't understand."

"Eh? Hayasaka, what's the difference between me and me? Why don't I know?"

Hayasaka Ai sighed and said: "What an innocent look..."

"Well... Sister Kaguya is indeed very innocent..."

"So, this is also one of the eldest lady's sure-fire moves to win favor!"

"Eh?! How did I get favored again out of nowhere?!"

Hōjō Miyoko looked at Kaguya Shinomiya, whose face was red but still a little excited and curious. This sister is so simple and easy to deal with, so she is easy to understand.

"Hey, Hayasaka, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Why am I so open-minded?" (cgch) Hayasaka Ai sighed and said: "Miss, if you are so clingy to Mr. Ye Mu and ask a question In other words, this is a coquettish behavior that comes with a magical buff."

"Being coquettish?!"

Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya who was down, Hōjō Miyoko silently gave a thumbs up, good guy, I am really yours, you don’t even know you are acting like a spoiled brat?!

"By the way, Sister Xiao Ai, will you go to China directly after graduation?"

"No, it seems that I heard from the president and others that I have to wait here for a year, take online classes this year, and then study Chinese hard, and then there is the bridal training class [to wait until after the marriage is completed before enrolling.

"Oh... Sister Xiao Ai, what do you plan to study? I think Sister Zhanzhan and others are studying management and some are studying investment. What are you and Sister Kaguya planning to study?"

"I currently plan to study human resources or corporate planning. As for the eldest lady...it seems that the eldest lady plans to study business law or international business."

"Really, all the important departments are our own people."

Hayasaka Ai nodded and said, "Of course, this is a family business. It must be in the hands of the family. I don't know what will happen to Yaeko-sister when the time comes. She is very talented."

"But it can't be used here."

"So, Sister Yaeko works so hard and is just a manager. Should you go home and put some away first, or should you take them all back together?"

"Take them all back, otherwise it will be troublesome to run back and forth."

"Okay, by the way, Miyoko, let me ask you a question."


Hayasaka Ai's words made Hōjō Miyoko a little nervous. Just kidding, this is a dangerous person that a girl's sixth sense told her, and she felt like she was going to be cheated.

Hayasaka Ai said calmly: "Miyoko, have you ever been in love?"

"Ha?! How could I have ever been in love? I don't have any boys that I like."

Hayasaka Ai pretended to be stunned and said with some confusion: "How do you think you mean that if someone can enter your heart and catch your eye, you will like him?"

"I don't know...I haven't thought about this, but if there is such a person, I won't say whether I like it or not, but I definitely won't hate it, and I don't know what it means to like someone. Such..."

"Because in my mind, I have always been compared with boys since I was a child, so whether I like a boy or form a family with a boy, or have children, I have never considered the impact of these on me. It’s just common sense or knowledge from books and movies..."

Hayasaka Ai pursed her lips and said: "Your obsession is really a waste of your girlish heart, but...it's really not good to like someone. Simply put, it means that your heart will beat faster and you will care. The other person’s thoughts, they want to revolve around the other person, and they may have random thoughts occasionally.”

"Is this so? What a complicated psychological activity..."

"So, when it comes to love... it's not the case. Love is a kind of calmness. You will still care about what the other person thinks and want to be by his side all the time. You will no longer think about things in the future but will , will calm down and face life squarely, instead of continuing to long for fairy tales like a little girl."

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and said, "Is that so?"

"Everyone has a different answer, but if you say how the sisters at home feel about Master Ye Mu, it is love. After all, you have also seen that they all have different performances, but they will all work hard and silently. Looking forward to life in the future."

"Does everyone have a different answer...?"

"Right, Miss."

"Ah? Are you there?"


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