I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 135 Shinomiya Kaguya Found A Treasure, Hayasaka Ai And Miyoko Were Dumbfounded (Please Subsc

Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai both looked puzzled. Why do you still have a questioning tone? But this is not important. It has nothing to do with your family anyway.

"This is Yueyan House...it's much better than ordinary dormitories. It's surrounded by gardens."

"Yes, Tōtsuki's high-end dormitory is said to be a dormitory, but in fact it is a villa. However, there are several empty ones because none of them have a room each."

"But, even if it's empty, Rgentan and the others can go there at any time."

Hōjō Miyoko shook his head and said: "I don't know, it's something I haven't thought about, but it stands to reason that you can just apply. No one can take care of Elite Ten. In other words, if you apply but don't live there and it's vacant, that's no problem." of.

Shinomiya Kaguya said helplessly: "Should we say that Tōtsuki is rich, or should we say that the gap in the reward and punishment system of choosing the moon is too big?"

"It's really extreme, so it's quite impressive to be able to graduate smoothly in the middle. Senior Ye and his class had close to a thousand students, and by the second year of high school there were only over 80 left... It's really a terrible elimination rate."

Hayasaka Ai nodded and said: "Hyakuka King's madness, Shuchiin's academic ability, Otonogizaka's quality, Tōtsuki's competition, these are all famous characteristics..."

"Indeed, but having said that, these four schools are the only ones with such obvious characteristics.

"No, there is still Katagiri's ordinaryness."

"Um... I feel like this is not something worth showing off... But Katagiri is indeed ordinary and terrible. He is average in studies, average in sports, and the school spirit is very good, which is terrible. Four

Shinomiya Kaguya thought for a while and said: "Most of them are like this, but it is said that Asuna and the others seem to be studying very well, and what I have seen so far, Katagiri has so many beautiful girls... who can compete in beauty contests.

"Is that so? But who is Asuna?"

"Your name should be Asuna-senpai. They are both third-year students, Katagiri's. Basically, they get very good results in every exam. They are quite impressive."

"Ah? It's full marks, or pretty good?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? Is it difficult to get a perfect score?"

"Ha?! Sister Kaguya, you..."

Hayasaka Ai coughed lightly and said: "The eldest lady is a top student, but she only failed in the latest exam.

Shinomiya Kaguya's face turned red and she whispered: "At that time, I had just become Mu's fiancée... Then I was often distracted and couldn't sleep well. I fell asleep directly during the quiz.

Hōjō Miyoko was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said: "Then what? Didn't the teacher talk to you?"

"We talked... I just told me directly that I have been suffering from insomnia recently, and the teacher said it was a short test. He saw that I only handed it in half of the time, so he asked me and asked me to pay more attention to rest, and gave me a break for half a day. Leave... Although if I want to ask for leave, I can just tell the president directly...

"Fortunately it's a small test, otherwise, Sister Kaguya, you would probably have to make up the exam during the summer vacation."

"That's right, eh? Wait... Gentian sent a message... When you go out and turn right, there is a key in the fourth flower bed... eh?! How did they know we were coming?"

"Huh? Is it that easy to understand..."

Hōjō Miyoko thought for a moment and said: "It's not that difficult to understand. After all, if you come to Tōtsuki, it's understandable that Sister Kaguya and you come to the Tsukiyansha."

"That's right...but the timing is such a coincidence?"

Hayasaka Ai coughed lightly and said, "Miss, I asked Xiao Taozi."

"Ah? I thought it was really easy to understand, so I'd better go and have a look. I'm quite curious about their living environment."


According to the message sent by Kobayashi Gentian, the three of them took the keys, opened the door and were stunned for a moment. It was quiet, but it was also very clean, and the sun was shining slightly.

Whether it is the furnishings of the room, the green plants, or the dolls on the sofa, no matter how you look at it, there is an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind. This is decorated by a person who enjoys life. "This should be the only idea.

"It's really similar to the style at home, but it's quiet and makes people feel at ease..."

"This is Little Taozi's room. You can tell at first glance that there are so many dolls, it's really amazing..."

"Then this is Sister Ringtong's room. It has a light and luxurious style, but it's quite simple..."

"I think Ning Ning is more simple. There is nothing, just a set of calligraphy tools on the table."

"If Sister Ningning is very fancy, it would be weird, but then again...this is Senior Ye's room..."

The three of them were silent for a while before they decided to go in and open the door. None of the three of them knew what to say. You could say this room is simple, with many dolls. You could say it is rich, but it still has a simple yet luxurious style.

Shinomiya Kaguya walked to the bed and picked up a doll and said: "Xiao Tao seems to come here often to stick to Mu, the dolls are all piled up..."

Hōjō Miyoko and Hayasaka Ai looked at each other and were stunned for a moment. Sister, can you really not see that this means living together?

"Well...Sister Ai, look, there are many books here, in various languages."

"As expected of Mr. Ye Mu, it seems that just knowing a few foreign languages ​​is not enough. It's time to burn the midnight oil and study Chinese.

"Eh?! It's so sudden! This is Senior Ye's guitar. I've heard of Senior Ye's guitar for a long time, but I've never seen it. It looks like a very good instrument."

"This is the best guitar brand in the world, and it's a custom-made guitar."

"That's really awesome..."

"Eh? Mu still rides a bicycle?"


Hayasaka Ai was stunned for a moment and said: "Miss, why do you say 4.7? Mr. Ye Mu usually walks or hails a car online, or drives by himself. I have never seen a bicycle so far."

Shinomiya Kaguya turned around and held a bottle and said: "Hey, look, isn't this a special cleaning lubricant for bicycle chains? It must be for bicycle chains. I haven't ridden a bicycle yet. Hayasaka, go back and buy one. Get a bicycle. 11

Hayasaka Ai and Hōjō Miyoko stared blankly at Shinomiya Kaguya. Hayasaka Ai and Hōjō Miyoko were dumbfounded. Where did you get such a big bottle?

"Haasaka, what's wrong with you two?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" x2

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