I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 136: Good Wife Hayasaka Ai, Big Liar Hayasaka Ai (Please Subscribe~)

Hayasaka Ai and Hōjō Miyoko looked at each other after putting the "cleaner" back, and took Shinomiya Kaguya away without paying attention to Kaguya Shinomiya, who was still thinking about buying a bicycle.

"Hey...little sister Ai, what do you think?"

"I don't dare to think about it."

"Hey, Hayasaka, what are you two talking about? What is this?"

When they heard this sentence, Hayasaka Ai and Hōjō Miyoko both trembled. Sister, you are a treasure hunter, right? You can find everything! Have you found something?

Shinomiya Kaguya ran to the guitar and shook it. Hayasaka Ai and Hōjō Miyoko were both stunned for a moment. There was something under the guitar.

"Miss, how did you find out?"

"Ah? Just now I turned sideways and saw something like a small notebook. I thought I saw it wrong..."

Hōjō Miyoko squatted beside the guitar, looked down and then nodded and said: "It does look like a small notepad. Could it be that it was placed under the guitar on purpose?

"I don't know 26, Hayasaka, do you need to take it out and take a look?"

Hayasaka Ai also took a look and found that it was a notepad about the same size as a sticky note. Hayasaka Ai shook her head and said: "Forget it, it's better not to look at it. Maybe it's just a pad, there's no need to look at it."


Hayasaka Ai knew very well that it was definitely not a pad. There was definitely something written on it, or that it was a mark. The real thing should be inside the guitar?

She doesn't know, but she won't investigate because it's meaningless. Just like Kobayashi Rgentan said, if she knows other things, she won't be able to participate, so she'd better be a good housekeeper.

Speaking of this, Hayasaka Ai is also a little resentful. Her eldest daughter is so disappointing and has no intention of competing for favor. It is really helpless.

If my eldest lady doesn't use some tricks, Xiaolin Ringtong and the others have children, and my eldest lady probably doesn't know what's going on. You can be cowardly. The question is, think about me!

Miss! You’re not in a hurry, I’m still in a hurry! But

Hayasaka Ai glanced at Hōjō Miyoko. Although this child is a tomboy, he seems to know a lot of things unexpectedly. In this case, it is necessary to deceive and communicate more.

If Hōjō Miyoko heard this, she would probably look at Hayasaka Ai in horror. Sure enough, this big sister is also a BOSS!

Hayasaka Ai has decided that when Ye Mu comes back, the eldest lady must speed up her progress. If she is too stupid, then she has to take the first step! After all, she has deceived Shinomiya Kaguya to go to Ye Mu. Mu chatted.

Hōjō Miyoko has packed up. Students who live on campus have more items at school than at home, but they are also more single [Hōjō owner was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh? It turns out that I can pack more than two suitcases of luggage. ?Are there that many?”

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head and said: "Not many. When Hayasaka and I moved here, we each had more than three suitcases. But we didn't bring them all at once. We took some from the previous few times, and they were all taken away on the day we moved out. I brought one over, right, Hayasaka."

"Yes, there are some that were bought during this period. Also, Miss, in addition to cheongsam, your clothing should also be more diverse."

"Eh? Diversity? It's so diverse, what else is there?"

"I'll buy it in a few days."

"Oh... Miyoko, you should come too."

Hōjō Miyoko's mouth twitched, why did it feel like Hayasaka Ai didn't say that she just wanted Shinomiya Kaguya to say this? Wait, what does Hayasaka Ai mean? What won't she do?

"Sister Ai, you... you suddenly said that, which made me panic... I feel like you have some premeditated plan."

Hayasaka Ai shook her head and said: "No, that's just your illusion, because if I wanted to trick you, I wouldn't choose it at this time, because it's just me and the eldest lady, so it's not interesting at all."

"Uh...why did you say it so directly?"

"There's nothing I can't say. Because I'm a member of my family, it's just a joke at best. If it's an outsider, it's really a lie.

"Suddenly I feel that you are also in danger, little sister Ai, but whatever clothes you want to buy, I have everything."

Hayasaka Ai narrowed her eyes and then said seriously: "What is your position?"

"Secretary, what's wrong?"

"As a secretary, you must have special clothes. At least, a business hip skirt, black stockings, and a shirt. Of course, if you like it, a maid outfit is best. I usually When I was at Shinomiya's house, I wore a maid outfit."

Hōjō Miyoko's eyes twitched, she knew, the scary thing about Hayasaka Ai is that every word has another meaning, but it sounds reasonable to you.

"So, little sister Ai, I haven't seen Ryoko wearing a hip-hugging skirt or anything like that."

Hayasaka Ai narrowed her eyes and said, "Ask a question, what is the relationship between Ryoko and Ye Mu?"

"Boss and secretary, Liangzi likes Senior Ye..."

"Then what do you think would happen if Ryoko really dressed like this?"

"The two of us went out to discuss business or something... Oh... I seem to understand."

"So, Miyoko, you don't have to wear 587, but you can't live without it. You have to be professional."

"Okay...it still makes sense."

The corner of Hayasaka Ai's mouth curled up slightly, "Master Ye Mu, I will be sorry if you don't give me a good wife award in the future."

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's go back and clean up the room. As for the ingredients, Sister Jing and the others bought them when they came back from get off work. Miyoko, do you want to show off your cooking skills?"

Hearing this, Hōjō Miyoko breathed a sigh of relief. It was better to deal with cooking. Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said: "Okay, then I will show my shame, but I should just prepare one or two dishes. The main course It's a matter between Fuyumi-san and Hinata-san. By the way, I can gain more experience...

"Then go back and pack your luggage quickly."




"Well... about cleaning the lubricant, you don't need to ask Master Ye Mu. If you need a bicycle, you can buy one. You won't need a new one.

"Yes, yes! And I feel like even Totsugi-san and the others don't need to tell them, because they all have cars and they don't need to use them when they are busy."


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