I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 164: Kraqi’S Guess Is Not Impossible (Please Subscribe~)

After hanging up the phone, Kraqi looked out the window weirdly and said softly: "Looking at it this way, it's just a purely targeted behavior. I have no idea what happened..."

"But at this time... isn't that guy planning to go to Japan? If there is a problem at this time... who can have this ability?"

"Wait...Chinese people...in Japan...WGO...Tōtsuki?! It can't be him..."

Kraqi didn't know why she suddenly thought of Ye Mu. Ye Mu worked at Tōtsuki and was a very powerful and prestigious Celestial person.

If the son of the president of the Chamber of Commerce would listen to one person, it would definitely not be from Japan, it would definitely be from another Chinese people, and it would definitely not be that "203" is particularly old, otherwise he would not let the younger generation Doing this would have already made the president take action.

In other words, he is just a middle-aged man at most. He may have found the president of the chamber of commerce, but it is not convenient for him to come forward. It is normal for young people to have problems while racing, so they let the younger generation take action. If you look at it this way, then This person is definitely not weaker than the president, and on the contrary, such an existence is definitely engaged in catering and the like.

But he seemed to have blocked the opportunity and deliberately launched an attack at this time. In other words, this matter is definitely not a trivial matter, but the question is, how did such a catering group get involved with him?! It is also involved Arrived at WGO?!

Another possibility is that this is a young man whose family is also engaged in catering. Nakamura Jiu definitely provoked this person, and this person is a good friend of the son of the president of the chamber of commerce, so he helped out of brotherly loyalty. Being busy is normal for many children of big families.

In fact, she thinks this is the most likely possibility, because his return is too sudden. Secondly, this matter has not alarmed the Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber of Commerce has not come forward. It is simply letting the young master do this, which is absolutely impossible.

If she thought so, the first person she thought of was Ye Mu! Ye Mu once said that he worked at Tōtsuki, and the purpose of Nakamura Ji's return to Japan this time was for Tōtsuki.

If the son of the president of the Chamber of Commerce has a good relationship with this person, he must have been a good brother since childhood, and at least a good brother who has slept with him for four years in college. "But will such a person live in a dormitory in college?

The good brothers who grew up playing together can only be from China, because this young master often travels around the world, but spends most of his time in China. Ye Mu's age and nationality once again meet the requirements.

Engaged in catering, it is obvious that Ye Mu's family is definitely engaged in catering, and not just catering, which makes more sense.

As for the last item, she once suspected that Ye Mu had known her identity for a long time. Although Ye Mu was a good person and would not do anything to harm others, but now it seems that if Ye Mu knew about WGO and didn't care about it, Careful attitude... He is not afraid of WGO!

When Clara thought about this possibility, she swallowed hard. She probably wouldn't have met the big boss behind the scenes just by chance while having a meal! And she seemed to have secretly made a crush on this big boss?!

"So... so exciting... Master Mana... If this is really the case, I am not a traitor... I am really not a traitor... ||||

After thinking about it, Kraqi quickly shook her head and coughed slightly and said: "It seems that before leaving, I must meet Mr. Ye... But who is Mr. Ye... and Nakamura What kind of grudge does Ji You have? No, no, no, no... maybe it’s not Mr. Ye?"

"However, this is too coincidental..."

At this time, Kraki had no idea that she had guessed correctly! According to Kraki's memories many years later, when she knew the truth, she was very excited, just like in the movie, so she rebelled smoothly.

After hanging up the phone, Dekra on the other side looked at Lantabi who was tinkering with something not far away strangely, and said angrily: "You girl are lazy again?"

"Um...you don't make any sound when you walk in high heels?!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you are lazy during working hours, what are you doing?"

Rantabi coughed lightly and said, "It's nothing, just my uncle sent me a message saying that their rainforest scientific expedition is about to end, and he brought me a souvenir!"

"What souvenirs can I have in the rainforest? They are just specimens. Do you still like this?"

"How handsome! Moreover, I asked my uncle to help me prepare a lot of edible fungi, fruits, etc. that I don't need to study but are hard to buy outside. I can make hot pot later!"

Dekla nodded and said: "That's true. The rainforest is a treasure house of animals and plants. There are indeed many varieties..."

"Hey... you and Clara will come over later and bring Sister An with you when you have time. Pure natural ingredients, the taste is absolutely delicious."

"You have a conscience, but I really haven't had much hot pot."

"So, you first-class executives have lost a lot of fun in life! Another thing, my uncle said that he met a pair of very interesting young people when he went to the rainforest this time."

"A couple? Your uncle is urging you to get married again. You are a girl who only knows how to play and eat. You are already in your twenties now, and you don't have a boyfriend yet. Be careful no one wants you in the future."

"Am I that bad?! Besides, aren't you and Clara single too?!"

"We both have too high standards. You girl, you don't even have a standard until now. When you can't find it in the future, you will regret 4.8. Kelaqi and I should be anxious first."

"Why do you two feel the same as those in your thirties or forties... That's not the case, aren't you only in your twenties?"

"How many girls are in their twenties?"

"It makes sense...So, you and Kraqi are eyeing that Mr. Ye?"

"That's right! I'll introduce you to you later?"

"don't want.

"He can race cars, is good at cooking, is handsome, has a good family background, has a good personality, and has no problem with his character. He can also do martial arts and so on..."

"Then...that's not...it's not impossible..."


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