I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 165: Nakiri Mana’S Helplessness, What Should I Do If They Are All Undercovers (Please Subscr

While Dekla and Lantabi were chatting here, in the room on the other side, a blond beauty looked at the computer screen in front of her with a gloomy expression.

"Sure enough, we couldn't find any information at all. The president was not personally involved in this matter. The question is how did this guy get into enmity with the young master...

"Lord Mana, I have passed on the message. From today onwards, WGO will ignore all institutions and relationships related to that man."

Nakiri Mana nodded and said in a deep voice: "An... How could a young head of the General Chamber of Commerce have a grudge against a gastronomy training institution that has just emerged?"

"I don't know, if it were an ordinary second-generation rich man, I would wonder if it was because the man had offended this rich second-generation woman again when he was trying to trick her with sweet words, but...it's obvious that this one is not, he Basically, he is not in these 26 countries, and it is rumored that he is clean and self-sufficient, and he is an elite person with strong business ability."

"So, such a being has nothing to do with the women in the bar, neither in terms of vision nor his own personality. After all, not all men are the same as that man. Besides... I think

"What do you think?"

"Sir Mana, I don't know whether I should say it, that is, the young master has repeatedly canceled and withdrawn the lawsuit. It is obvious that he is just to delay time. He is not an unreasonable person. This time, it is obviously aimed at, that is to say, that man wants to Something he did made him or the person behind him very dissatisfied, so that's why this happened."

Nakiri Mana nodded and said: "I think so too, but... An, what did you say before? Does that guy often flirt with women in bars and other places?"

"Um... Although I don't really want to discuss this matter, but... yes, he is a frequent visitor to bars, nightclubs and other places, and there will always be women accompanying him. Usually at such times, he We go directly to the hotel in the evening..."

"Hey...he is really a hopeless guy, but An, how did you know?"

"In fact, I have seen him several times before, but I only saw him from a distance. Lantabi also said that I have seen him many times. She often runs out to buy snacks, go shopping, go to the game arcade, etc., so Said I saw it more often..."

Nakiri Mana waved his hands and said casually: "If you don't talk about it anymore, it has nothing to do with me. The focus now is on two things, what is this guy going to do, and what is it about being able to command this young master?" Man, this man is definitely not very old, at most he is just a middle-aged man."

"And this person is definitely related to the catering industry, most likely in China, but he will also be related to Tōtsuki... The most important thing is that these two people must know each other, and that guy does What actions made the person behind the scenes very dissatisfied."

An's mind thought of the Mr. Ye from China whom Dekla introduced to her a few days ago when she wanted to take her on a blind date.

Basically everything is in line, but...impossible, absolutely impossible. Nakamura Ji came to this country very early and has never left. It is impossible for Mr. Ye to have seen him. Even if he did, it was many years ago. The grudges many years ago can definitely be easily resolved with Mr. Ye's strength. At that time, Nakamura Jiu had nothing and could be easily resolved.

There is no need to wait until now. In addition, many years ago, Nakamura Thistle did not have the ability to contact people of Mr. Ye's level. Thinking of this, An chose to remain silent.

However, according to Nakiri Mana's recollection many years later: "Of the four executive officers, three directly defected to the enemy, and one guessed but didn't say anything, so I felt extremely complicated when I was tricked."

"Eh? An, when will Clara come back?"

"She will be back in a few days, and according to the length of time, she will not have any business trips in the next four months. She will mainly stay at the headquarters."

"Is that so...does she know the latest news?"

"You see, Dekra should have told her, they have a very good relationship."

"Don't you all have a good relationship? I remember..."

An breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Dekra and Clara have fallen in love with a man recently, so they are very close to each other. Lord Mana, you don't have to worry about how that man will have any contact with them after he comes out."

"As expected of you, you knew what I wanted to say right away. That's good. But who do these two girls like? Don't be deceived. The first-class executive officer of WGO was deceived. That would be embarrassing.

"No, I heard Dekra say that he seems to be a really excellent man in all aspects, and Kraqi has also passed multiple verifications. Although they haven't gone any further, the two of them seem to be locked in."

"If you're really good and you happen to like it, it's okay to pursue it, but it must be a cook."

"Yes, although 343 has never tasted his cooking, his taste and knowledge reserve, as well as his grasp of the most critical details, can prove that he is a very good cook.

Nakiri Mana sighed and said: "No matter how good you are...so what can you do..."

"Lord Mana...."

"Sometimes I really want to be an ordinary person. In that case, these things won't happen... An, you are over 20 years old. It's time to find your other half. Stop thinking about everything. Work.

"Actually, Dekra said before that she would introduce that gentleman to me for the same reason as you, but I don't have this idea at the moment. Although he is very good, Master Mana... Do you know the legend of the God of Cooking? "

"Of course... But I don't know if it really exists. The kind of cooking skills that crush all the chefs in the world, the delicious food beyond comprehension, I don't know if it really exists... The God of Cooking... I also vaguely remember my father telling such a story when I was a child..."

"Master Mana, it's time to replace the nutrient solution."

"All right..."

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