I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 187 This Is Enough, Qi Luoli Has Known It For A Long Time (Please Subscribe~)

Ye Mu and others were just eating and chatting, while Kraqi was sitting not far away, still writing reports and taking a sneak peek from time to time.

In this case, even if she was discovered, she could still pretend to be writing a report, and it could also be said that she was too absorbed in writing the report that she didn't notice.

After drinking for three times, Sister Su smacked her lips and said, "Snow Country is still beautiful. It has a unique feeling. The ingredients are so simple. Ye Zi, you also like to drink it. Why don't you make two cups by yourself?"

Ye Mu said casually: "Do you know how long it takes to wash the cup?"

"As expected of you, but, Ye Zi, you should have planned to go to Northern Europe, even if the old man didn't tell you, you would go.

"It's a high probability. It depends on whether anything interesting happens."

"As expected of you...Okay, let's change places?"


After seeing Ye Mu and others leaving, Kela Qi poked her head out to take a look. After confirming that they had left, Kela Qi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I really discovered something incredible... But Who is Mr. Ye? This social circle and 640 leadership are a bit too strong."

"Yi Zi, who did you find just now?"

"What do you think? Sister Su..."

Sister Su was stunned for two seconds before she said in surprise: "I'll go...that executive officer was not at the bar just now."

"So, sometimes when you start certain plans, even if you don't want to involve many people, you will still be involved with many people. It's really interesting. This is consistent to a certain extent. It’s Murphy’s Law.”

"Okay, stop talking about this, what are we going to do? Why don't we go play billiards!"


"Let's go!"xn

At the same time, in the manor on the other side, Kiroli and others were doing beauty treatments leisurely. Yumeko Yumeko closed her eyes and said softly: "President, so you are here just for the purpose of getting married?"

"Hmm? Isn't this a big deal? It's a big deal in life. Ah Hua, help me get a facial cream. There is VC over there. Get me one with less purity."


Snake Mengzi turned over and said with a smile: "President, if you come back this time, I dare to swear that you will definitely have other purposes. But, President, Sister Calamus and Sister Yanzi, don't you think it's quite surprising?" of?"

Qiluoli said casually: "No, no, no, I am not surprised at all after knowing these two people. After all, I know about Sister Changpu, and Sister Yanzi is also reasonable. The most important thing is...this I was counting on Sister Yanzi from the beginning of this matter."

Zi Anyan, whose face was steaming, was stunned for a moment, raised her head and said with some surprise: "Qiluoli, you...how did you know so early? We didn't know until we came that Ye Jun was the person I was looking for."

Lilixiang on the side whispered: "Because...it's the xun we put away..."

"Ha?!" xn

Even Himuro Iris was a little surprised. Good guy, wouldn't it be that these people knew who it was after they knew it was Xun, but they never said it.

Fujiwara Chika said in a rare and bold way: "But! If you know, tell Sister Yanzi! She wants to find that person in her dreams!"

"If I tell her, how can I feel like it has a beginning and an end? And it's not 100% sure, although it's close to 100%. In the end...if Sister Yanzi wants to favor her, she needs an opportunity (cgei) ."

Zi Anyan sighed and said: "Yes... You are right. If I hadn't found it myself, maybe I would have been a little bit unwilling in my heart... Sister Calamus, do you know about it too?" "

"I know, but I didn't expect that Sister Changpu would be so interesting, but there's still no progress at all.

Himuro Iris opened her mouth to say something but stopped. She felt that Kirori still had something to say, and Kirori did not disappoint her. She chuckled and said, "Sister Iris, I'll give you something." Got an ultimatum.


"Although Gentian doesn't say it anymore, there is one sentence that we all agree with.


"That's how it is now. It only needs everyone's approval to accept it. But...if after marriage, no one, no matter who they are, will have the opportunity to participate again, even a determined Sister Su Don’t even think about being single. Of course, this guy will most likely choose to come here often to live with her... He also has to take care of her food... It’s really hard for Xiao Mu.”

Himuro Iris was stunned for two seconds before he understood what Kirori meant by the ultimatum, which meant that her time was up to when they got married. If they still hadn't made a decision by then, there would be no chance, no matter how familiar they were. Qiluoli and the others will not let him go.

In this case, not to mention that you will miss a wedding memory, and it will be very troublesome later, and... once there are countless times, so this precedent must not be set.

Himuro Airi shook his head and said: "But, I still don't know what liking is... and I can't help it..."

Before Himuro Airis finished speaking, he saw Kiroli holding her face and saying casually: "Like it? Apart from your parents, have any other boys walked into your heart?"


"If you were asked to marry someone, if you didn't hesitate, would you choose Xiaomu?"


"Ah, as expected, scientific thinking is very frank. So...if Xiao Mu said that she wants to marry you now, would your heart beat faster? Or...would you feel a surprise?"

"Surprise...I think my heart will beat faster..."

"OK, that's enough."


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