I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 188: Kirori Killed Indiscriminately, Himuro Iris Understands (Please Subscribe~)

Himuro Iris was still a bit unresponsive, but Kiroli said casually: "No other man can enter your heart.

"First of all, it is certain that you will not fall in love with others, or fall in love with others easily, because everyone's memory and heart are limited.

"Sister Chang Pu, you only have so many people to socialize with, and only one Xiaomu can enter your heart. This is not the key. The key is, what do you think one more person can enter your heart? Where are the people?”

"This...well...seems like there is no..."

Qiluoli chuckled and said: "Right, no, and sister Changpu, if my understanding is correct, you are either single, or you will not choose to give in, but can enter your heart, and The person who is already in your heart, I don’t need to say anything more.”

"Secondly...if I ask you to marry someone, you will choose Xiaomu without hesitation, or the person in your heart. In this case, what you think, worry about, and look forward to ...are all the people in your heart. What you have to admit is that your heart is very small, and a small heart can only hold so many people."

"It's not because of your persistence in feelings, but simply because you are Himuro Airi, an absolute science fanatic. Your world is made up of numbers, and the only thing that is not digital is the special existence in your heart."

"You don't have time to consider the many colors in life. This is the reason why your world is not big. Purity is who you are. Therefore, those who can leave a strong mark in this pure world will never be forgotten. It doesn’t fall, and it will never be a number.”

"You won't compromise with your feelings, even if you don't know what love is. To be honest, few people can give you the answer, because there will be 10,000 answers for 10,000 people, but if you don't want to compromise, , and I have not considered being single.”

"One is not a number, one cannot be digital. The only man who walks into your heart and lives in your heart for the entire youth. The one who can make you confused, can make you expect, can make you want to prove that he is For others, if you work hard to find a man who has both the necessary and sufficient conditions instead of love, you may meet him again in the rest of your life."

"But you, Himuro Iris, Sister Iris, your character and your thinking cannot be met. You know this better than anyone else."

Himuro Iris opened his mouth but couldn't say a word. Kirori was right. Himuro Iris just looked at Kirori blankly. Fujiwara Chika and others also looked thoughtful. He nodded, as expected of Qiluoli, the leader of the Hundred Clan, a madman who can see into people's minds.

Qiluoli said with a smile: "As mentioned above, in this case, you should think about it, why you accepted Xiaomu's proposal, and it is a very firm answer, you should think about it carefully."

Himuro Iris was also stunned for a moment and said: "Why did you answer directly, because...Eh?"

Fujiwara Chika and others also looked over, what a guy! Kirori actually has a tendency to kill!

Qi Luoli continued to fiddle with these bottles and jars with a nonchalant expression, just smearing them on her face, and the entire beauty room was quiet for a while.

Himuro Iris sat blankly, there was always one man living in her heart besides her parents, that was Ye Mu. She had known this man since she was a child, and that man had appeared in her heart since she was a child, just like this. The person who left an unforgettable impression at the beginning of youth is Ye Mu. She has known it since she was a child and has always known it.

As Qiluoli said, she will either be single for the rest of her life, or she will not settle for anything. She will not just find someone to marry, nor will any normal person do such a thing. She does not understand romance or love. , but she knows what no regrets mean, what chastity means, and what the rest of life means.

To live with a person who has never entered your heart for a lifetime? To form a family? To live in an unknown place? You don’t know your personality, your character, your hobbies, your outlook on life, or even having a child in the future. ...


And this all has to start with a person who has never entered her heart? Himuro Airis said that she would rather be single all her life, so when the problem comes, she will give up her body and mind, spend the rest of her life with one person, marry one person, and understand someone People, people who appear in one's heart, can only...

Will she spend the rest of her life with him? She may feel a rare sense of expectation, because she understands him, and he understands her. There is a shadow of him in her heart that will never disappear. Will she live with him...

She didn't know what career she would have in the future, maybe in a research institute? But when she came home from work, she saw the person she wanted to see. She opened her eyes every day and saw the person she wanted to see. She would spend the rest of her life with such a person. We can support each other when we get older in the future.

From youth to old age, it was him in her heart and in life. Until she closed her eyes forever and was surrounded by him, Himuro Iris felt the feeling of expectation... In that case, she would definitely feel at ease until the end. The moment I close my eyes, I feel at ease and have no regrets about this relationship and marriage...

So, under such circumstances, Ye Mu proposed to her. Under the premise that she had thought of this, why did Himuro Airiam agree to the proposal? Why was he so focused on proving whether he liked this man?

Why did she feel uncomfortable and jealous when she was with Clara before?

This word suddenly appeared in her mind. Himuro Iris's pupils shrank when she thought of this, and her beautiful eyes widened slightly. If she was jealous, if she had gone through it from beginning to end, if she didn't look at it as numbers, she didn't need numbers to prove it. What is like...

There is an extra word in her heart now, a word that makes her heart beat faster


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