I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 189 Himuro Iris Proves That He Likes Himuro, Himuro Iris Wants To Take Action (Please Subscr

This sound of liking was particularly obvious in the already quiet beauty room. Everyone looked at Himuro Iris in great surprise, maybe he really had enlightenment.

Yumeko Snake Ghoul said with a smile: "Ah, it seems that Sister Acorus has found the answer to the question she cares about from another direction. It's really interesting."

Himuro Iris was rare and said eagerly: "Yes... I like it? Is this like it?"

Chika Fujiwara thought for a while and said: "Well...if I were asked to marry someone, and this person still occupies my whole heart, I think...I would never choose anyone else except this person. Yes, if you have to say it...if you don't like it, you will never decide like this. After all, you can choose to be friends or just keep a distance."

"After all, I won't marry someone I don't like in a daze, stay with someone I don't like for the rest of my life, be a husband and raise children... I don't want that... I'm scared just thinking about it... girls Don’t give your youth, happiness, chastity and feelings to someone you don’t like so casually..."

Himuro Iris said blankly: "So...I...like it?"

Tianyu Zhanzhan tilted his head and said: "If you are a person who is not casual about feelings, then you have already made your own choice.

Qi Luoli suddenly became much quieter, and she was handling the bottles and jars of skin care products in such a leisurely manner, as if the three questions about the explosive killing just now were not hers.

The atmosphere was so tense, and I don't know how long it took before Himuro Iris came back to his senses and said blankly: "I..."

Qiluoli smiled and said: "Sister Changpu, according to mathematics, you should say now, proof is complete, or say a sentence or... and then prove the next answer. If you can find another answer, That’s right, mathematics has a beginning and an end.”

Himuro Iris breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Although I still don't know what love is... But you are right, I would rather be single than marry someone who can't enter my heart," Tianhua said. ...Maybe that’s what you like?”

"I don't know. Logically speaking, I should continue to search, but...as you said, I have no way to prove the second answer, and this answer was calculated by you using non-scientific methods. Another answer I think should still be the same..."

"Perhaps... you are right, neither the world nor the feelings can be calculated with numbers... If you want to prove a non-digital question... then you can only have non-digital thinking. ..”

"Just like the answer, I will choose to agree without hesitation. There is only one person in my heart...Under the condition that I don't want to give in...I feel..."

Busujima Saeko and others were looking at Himuro Iris with bated breath. Even Kobayashi Ryodan and others who just opened the door and walked in with snacks were quickly covered by Zi Anyan and others.

"I think... this question can be proved


Erina broke away from Tianyu Zhanzhan's hand and blinked, "Eh? Are you studying science questions? Is it so boring?"

"What! What kind of science topic are we studying? Do you still remember the only exercise that Sister Changpu is studying now?"

"Isn't the only thing I study is what I like...Eh? Eh?! So... So the meaning of proving it is..."

Akanekubo Momo and others also looked surprised. Himuro Iris nodded and said: "Although I still can't give a clear definition of liking, I think I like it... Therefore, for this question, the certification area

Hisako said blankly: "Finally... Sister Acorus, you finally realized that you like her, but how did you suddenly prove it?"

Kitagawa Kaimu said with a smile: "Sister Kirori is really amazing. She solved the problem with just three questions."

"What's the problem?!" xn

After everyone talked for a while, Kobayashi Ringtong clapped his hands and said: "As expected of you, yes, how can you form a family and live with someone you don't like and don't understand without being forced and without any hardship? If you want to be your pillow partner, husband and child, let alone whether you will be happy or not, just the feeling of unknown is already very anxious...

"Because the main purpose of my coming here this time is to get married, so the premise has changed. It is not for dating. If the end of the relationship is a happy ending,

That is a perfect marriage and a fulfilling life afterwards. "

"You are struggling with how to prove your love. It is better to prove whether Sister Changpu will choose to marry Xiao Mu. This will solve the problem faster. There is no need to prove what love is. You only need to prove that you love it and that it is your choice under the current situation. knew."

Everyone nodded, and Alice came over curiously and said, "So, Sister Calamus, what do you plan to do next?"

Himuro Iris shook his head and said: "I don't know, but if I am leaving soon and will be busy after that..."

"Hmm, what next?"

Himuro Airis narrowed his eyes and then said softly: "I know what to do, Kirori, thank you..."

"You shouldn't thank me. What you should thank is that in the end you don't see yourself as a bunch of numbers, but as 0.8, a living person who can be excited, jealous, and whose heartbeat is racing."

"Hmm... But, Gentian, what are you doing? Are you holding snacks in your hands?"

"Yes, yes, we were practicing our cooking skills just now. Then, we prepared some snacks, which are similar to the peppery twists in hot pot. This can also be refined and improved as a side dish. Come on. Come on, have a try.

"Oh, this smells so good! What did it come from?"

"Hey...keep it secret!"

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