I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 191 Chika Fujiwara’S Thoughts And Manho Fujiwara’S Affairs (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, in front of the dining table, Ye Mu still looked helpless, while Kobayashi Ryodan and others covered their mouths and snickered. As for Fujiwara Chika, she just lowered her head and said nothing.

She is natural, and she is a bit naive sometimes, but she is also a normal person. Chika Fujiwara feels that her mentality has undergone some subtle changes now. She does not dare to look up at Ye Mu. This is too embarrassing. Got it!

It was rare for Fujiwara Toyomi not to tease Fujiwara Chika, but the snickering look showed that Fujiwara Chika would rather Fujiwara Toyomi cheat her now.

Kobayashi Gentian smiled and said: "Qianhua, isn't this what you like to eat? Hurry up and eat."

"Ah? Oh..."

"Pfft...." xn

Fuyumi Mizuhara and others who had already made a video call were also stunned by the atmosphere. What is going on? Why are you so silent all of a sudden?

Kitagawa Kaimu quickly clicked on his mobile phone and sent a message to Fuyumi Mizuhara's mobile phone. Fuyumi Mizuhara couldn't help but chuckled after taking a look. The others looked over and took a look with doubts. After that, they all had the same suppressed smile expression.

Shinomiya Kaguya's face turned red. Fujiwara Chika didn't dare to raise her head. She ate her meal very quickly and then disappeared. After Fujiwara Chika disappeared, everyone burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha! Qianhua is such a coincidence! Hahahaha! I will never forget that confident expression in my life!" by Kobayashi Ryoden

"Na na! My dear! You have earned your blood! Hahaha!" by Qian Tao Zhihui

"Sister Qianhua, I guess she will never forget it for the rest of her life! Hahaha... I can't forget that confident look now! Hahahaha!" by Kitagawa Uimo

"Where has Chika gone now...she really is...poof..." by Shinomiya Kaguya

Everyone just laughed like this, and Ye Mu also smiled helplessly. Chika Fujiwara obviously didn't mean it, but this unintentional thing is really extraordinary.

Fuyumi Mizuhara breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Mu, what are you going to do? You can't pretend that nothing has happened, but... you can't take the initiative to talk to Qianhua, otherwise Qianhua would probably be so natural. You must be so embarrassed.” "

Ye Mu said helplessly: "After all, I really don't know how to deal with this matter..."

"Hey...it's up to your wife at this time! We'll help you talk to Qianhua later, just calm down and wait. It's true...Qianhua is so careless, fortunately at home The only guest I have is Sister Su."

Sister Su said angrily: "What do you call a guest? I plan to come to your house to live together after I have wandered around a lot. I am nothing but a guest."

"Okay, okay, but when it comes to this matter, you really can't just jump over it easily... Husband, where have you been today, and what did Sister Su do to find you?"

"Nothing, I just went to play billiards and drink tea with a few friends. How was your meeting today? It's rare for Qi Luoli to be so serious."

Kiroli said with a smile: "Of course. When I wrote the plan, I almost jumped up with excitement. Mengzi, you are very calm."

"No, I'm very excited. After all, I am Ye Jun's person, so I will definitely be very excited. But...Ye Jun, can we chat alone after dinner?"

"No problem at all."

"Ah, I'm really looking forward to it."

At this time, Fujiwara Chika was unusually not wandering around or playing games. Instead, after returning to the room, she lay motionless on the side with a pillow in her arms. Unexpectedly, she thought she was cold.

"Ugh! What should we do! How can we meet Ye Jun like this! Ah!"

"According to this situation...if you can't get married...should you commit yourself to me?! What kind of situation is this!"

"Wait...if mom knows, help me! No...no, no! Maybe you can just ask mom to marry me too! Marrying Ye Jun...seems like a good idea..."

"This is a hypothesis! Mom won't kill me! Help! Why don't you go home! But...where else can you go if you don't go home! We still have to face Jun Ye! What should we do!

"Bah ba ba... I feel inexplicably happy to see Qianhua like this."

Fujiwara Chika was stunned for a moment and turned around to see Kobayashi Ryodan and others coming to her room at some unknown time, all looking at her with smiles on their faces.

Chika Fujiwara whispered: "Why are you here...and...Why are you so happy, Gentian! It's not you who can't marry!"

Kobayashi Rōdan leaned over and hooked Fujiwara Chika's neck and said with a smile: "Come on, others don't know. Who knows if you don't tell me." "

"But! You have to be honest! And...and..."

Fujiwara Chika muttered something in a low voice, but no one heard it. Kobayashi Ringtong smiled and said: "Well, if you say that, then you can just marry your husband."

"Eh?! Is that okay?!"


"Ahem...I mean...it's not what I say...Mom will kill me if she finds out! Sister, you know it, right?

Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said: "Yes...but I'm not sure...if you have to say it...just tell your mother directly. She will nag you a few words at most, and then she will think about it." Well...it mainly depends on your own thoughts."

Qiluoli said with a smile: "Ah, it's really a coincidence. How about you call Aunt Wansui and tell her, maybe there will be some unexpected effects."

"Eh?! Qiluoli! What do you mean by this?! Do you know something?"

"If you ask me about my time, you might as well tell my aunt. Otherwise, who knows what the effect will be? There is no gain in guessing like this."

"I...I think it's still..."

"Fengshi, why do you want to see me so late?"

"Mom?! Sister! You..."

"Qianhua? It just so happens that I have something to tell you. It seems that Kiroli has heard the message, but you seem to be very scared. Do you not want to talk to me so much?"


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