I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 192: Fujiwara Chika Was Dumbfounded By The News About Fujiwara Manho (Please Subscribe~)

Chika Fujiwara is completely stupid now. What the hell? What does Kirori's words mean? And why does her mother feel that she really has something terrible to say to her?

After struggling for a while, Chika Fujiwara finally plucked up the courage and said, "Mom, what do you want from me?"

"I just want to ask you, you are about to graduate, what are your plans? Are you going to enter politics directly or prepare to go to school? But even if you enter politics, you have to take the exam.

It allows you to take care of it. "

"Eh? But why wasn't my sister asked that question at that time?"

"Your sister... Now when it comes to what your sister does, the focus is on you. What do you think?"

Chika Fujiwara took a sip and said in a low voice: "Um...Mom, if I choose to continue my studies, can I study abroad?"

Fujiwara Manho on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment and then said softly with a raised corner of his mouth: "Tell me, where do you want to study abroad?"

"Tianchao... I go to the same school as my sister and the president..."

Fujiwara Manho was silent for a while, while Fujiwara Chika was extremely nervous, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Kiroli looking like she was watching a good show. Fujiwara Chika didn't know where the courage came from, so she calmed down immediately.

In just two or three minutes, Fujiwara Chika felt that several hours had passed, until Fujiwara Manho said softly: "Okay, there happens to be Toyomi and Zhanzhan here, so there is no need to worry about anything going wrong with you."

"Great! That...Mom, I

Fujiwara Manho said softly: "You don't need to talk for now, I still have some things to tell you, and Feng is just in time, so I can say hello to her.

Fujiwara Chika was stunned for a moment and glanced at Fujiwara Toyomi with some confusion. Fujiwara Toyomi also had a confused look on his face. How could this have anything to do with herself?

"Fengshi, how are you getting along with that kid Xiaomu recently?"

Fujiwara Toyomi said with a serious face without thinking: "I get along very well with Mu, I feel very loving... Mu is also very good to me, and I have been working hard to improve my housekeeping skills recently. What’s the ability?”

"Very good. Also...gdj) have you and Xiaomu made any real progress?"

Fujiwara Toyomi's face turned red but he still nodded and said: "Well...I have been the real granddaughter-in-law of the Ye family a long time ago...Mom, what's wrong?"

"As expected of you, it's nothing, I'm just asking. By the way, Fengshi, you are already old enough to get married. You are already over 20 years old. Xiaomu is still your fiancé, so there is no need to pay attention to those who have No, while you are still young and about to start your own career, seize the opportunity to have children."

"Yeah! I'm looking forward to this too!"

"That's good. Also, Fengshi, I have something to tell you. I don't think I'm just talking to you, I'm just asking for your opinion..."

Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said in confusion: "What's going on?"

"Well...father met Uncle Nakiri a few days ago."

"Eh? Grandpa?!/Grandpa Nakiri?!/General Commander?!" xn

"You are all here... By chance, Fengshi, your sister is Shinomiya Kaguya, so I will be more straightforward. You must know what happened to Shinomiya Kaguya's family some time ago. That young man After settling the matter with the Shinomiya family, he went to find Uncle Nakiri."

Erina said blankly: "What is he doing with grandpa? Could it be...no way?!"

"Erina reacted quickly. Yes, he had a letter in his hand that Uncle Ye left for his father and Uncle Nakiri. A letter that needed to be delivered to them in the near future. That is to say...

Tianyu Zhanzhan said in a deep voice: "In other words, there is a high probability that Grandpa Ye left it a long time ago, just to hand it over to you directly after solving Kaguya's matter. However, how could Grandpa Ye do this? Know about Kaguya.”

"Who knows what Grandpa Ye is thinking, but it is enough to know for sure that this letter was written by Grandpa Ye. Besides, we originally doubted whether Grandpa Ye really passed away. Maybe we learned about it recently. ?Aunt Wansui, what did Grandpa Ye say?"

Fujiwara Manho breathed a sigh of relief and said: "You don't need to know what I said specifically. I only have two questions. Ringtong, how do you usually get along with Qianhua?"

"Very good, we are all sisters! Aunt Wansui, what's wrong?"

"Well... the second question... if... I mean... if Qianhua is also your sister, will you have any angry thoughts.

"We are actually sisters...eh?"


Chika Fujiwara still didn't react and said with a blank expression: "Eh? Mom, what did you say? We are..."

"Shut up first!"xn


Busujima Saeko was about to speak when she saw Fuyumi Mizuhara on the phone screen on the side, saying with rare excitement: "Auntie! What do you mean...is that what we think?!"

"Yes...Uncle Ye seemed to mean that young people should just let them go as they please...Then my father said that he really didn't say that there was only one marriage contract. Besides...Alice, you I also know about it, you had a few quarrels with your father, right."

"Well...but grandpa and mother are on my side! But! Auntie! What you mean is that Qianhua is also...also..."

"Yes, Dadi and I also talked about it, and he finally felt that if Qianhua himself doesn't refuse, we won't object, but we are more concerned about your thoughts."

Fujiwara Chika was still looking at Kobayashi Ringtong and the others with a blank expression for a long time before she saw Kobayashi Rhitou rushing over to stand on Fujiwara Chika's shoulders and shouting: "Chika! Your attitude! Attitude!"

"Ah? Ah?!"

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