I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 193 Chika Fujiwara Succeeded In Taking The Position, Everyone Was Excited (Please Subscribe~

At this time, Chika Fujiwara was in a state of confusion. Too many things happened today, which made her head, which was about the size of a walnut kernel, a little overloaded.

Fujiwara Chika came back to her senses immediately when Kobayashi Ringtong and the others shouted like this and said quickly: "Mom! What did you say?!"

Fujiwara Mansui breathed a sigh of relief and said: "That's it. If you have a good impression of Xiaomu, you can consider it. Of course, this is not an engagement, nor is it mandatory. I just want to tell you."

Before Chika Fujiwara could speak, she heard Manho Fujiwara continue: "After all, girls always have to marry, especially for families like ours who are engaged in politics and business. Marriage is necessary. It doesn't matter if you choose not to do so. matter."

"But my idea is that you can be single, or you can find someone you like in the future, but if that's the case, you have to choose someone who will be helpful to the Fujiwara family in the political arena. He doesn't have to be in politics, but he has to be A certain right to speak and a certain strength."

"When your father told us about this, your father and I were also very surprised. We didn't expect you Qianhua to be among them, but it wasn't very clear, so my father also asked me to talk to you. Do you agree? It’s up to you, there are no relationships or restrictions.”

"If you agree, we won't say anything, because Xiaomu's connections and strength will be enough even if you don't join politics in the future or work in an international organization in the future. And we also understand Xiaomu's child. If Say that you want to choose a son-in-law to entrust you to."

"Xiao Mu is a very good choice. I have no choice in every aspect. On the contrary, I have to take more care of you. This is what this matter is about. So, Qianhua, you can say whatever you think. There is no need to think about it. many."

"If you like it, then go ahead. If you don't like it, then just pretend it didn't happen. This thing will end with this phone call. Whatever happens in the future~"

It was rare for Fujiwara Manho to speak in such detail. Kobayashi Ritsou and others also nodded, and they already talked about the factors of the Fujiwara family, Fujiwara Chika's own wishes, the right to choose freely, future arrangements, and the concerns of her parents and relatives. Care, no consequences, no forced demands, just like introducing a boyfriend to your daughter.

If you think it's okay, then you can go out with each other, and we agree. If you think it's not okay, just pretend that you haven't said anything about it, and it will be the same in the future. This is much better than going to the Chang family.

Chika Fujiwara looked at her phone blankly, and Natsume Chika quickly shouted: "Chika! What are you thinking about! Don't keep Auntie waiting like this! Show your attitude!"

"Ah? Oh! Mom, what you said is true... You're not lying to me..."

Fujiwara Manho's eyes twitched and he said angrily: "I have nothing to do to deceive you?! It's so slow and there's no sense of surprise, so I'll treat it as if you chose to give up, and I'll go tell my father."

"No! Mom! Mother! I didn't refuse! I agree! I totally agree! Ten thousand agrees!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara and others almost didn't cheer. You know, the only uncertain factor in the family has always been Fujiwara Chika. Alice, the girl, already knows what is going on, and has also made her attitude clear, that is one of her own, Ryoko. I'm just worried that I don't have a chance.

As for Hiratsuka Shizuka and Hōjō Miyoko, I'm sorry, it's not unreasonable for Hiratsuka Shizuka and Hōjō Miyoko to become good friends, otherwise why would she move here?

As for Hōjō Miyoko, no one said anything, as if Hōjō Miyoko would solve it by herself, and Hōjō Miyoko is not stupid, this girl is as reliable as a Fujiwara Chika tied together.

Looking at it this way, the only thing that makes everyone itch is the natural Chika Fujiwara. If this girl's identity is confirmed, we will find a way to deal with this girl later, and then won't the good days come?

"Weaving painting, weaving painting... Calm down, calm down..."


Fujiwara Mansui breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Ever since you ran to Xiao Mu's house every two days, and finally returned home and never left Xiao Mu, I knew that you, this girl, absolutely liked that child. You, this girl, have been growing up since childhood. This is what I did to this kid Xiao Mu."

………Please give me flowers…0

Chika Fujiwara's face turned red and she scratched her head and said, "Mom, it turns out you know..."

"You won't lie and act. Let me tell you exactly. If you are sure about the money, I will tell my father. After that, you will have no chance to change it. You have made up your mind. This is your life. happiness."

Fujiwara Chika said with rare seriousness: "Mom, I am very serious! I just like Ye Jun, otherwise I would not consider coming to China to study abroad. Originally, I didn't know whether you would agree to it, mom, no. I thought there was an unexpected surprise. After you told me about it, mom, I didn’t think about it at all. All I could think about was surprise and disbelief ["

"Furthermore, what I want to tell you today is that I want to discuss with you whether you can let me come to study abroad. I also want to marry Ye Jun and so on... but I dare not say it yet.

"Huh? What a coincidence? Why did you girl suddenly remember what you said today? Did Qi Luoli tell you?"

Fujiwara Chika shook her head. She didn't know if she was being naive, but she told Fujiwara Manho what happened today exactly as it was, without adding anything to it, while Kobayashi Ringtong and others covered their faces.

Even if Ye Mu is now the fiancé of Fujiwara Chika, even if Fujiwara Manho agrees, this matter is definitely not a matter between a young couple just with this careless behavior.

Got scolded.

"Qianhua! You damn girl!"

"Hey! Mom! Why are you so angry all of a sudden! Isn't Ye Jun my fiancé now?!"

"These are two different things! Fengshi! Switch to a video call! Qianhua! Stand up!"


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