I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 194 Chika Fujiwara Realizes It, Everyone Cheers (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Ringtong and others also had expressions of admiration on their faces at this time. Good guy, Fujiwara Manho has fully demonstrated why he is so prestigious.

It was really more than two hours. They all felt their eyes darkened after nagging Chika Fujiwara for more than two hours. Chika Fujiwara knelt down obediently the whole time, shouting sorry from time to time.

"Is there a next time?!"

"No more! No more! Absolutely no more! Mother! Please forgive me!"

Fujiwara Manho slammed the table and shouted: "Are you trying to piss me off?!"

"Ah?! What's wrong with me?!"

"Forget it, you can figure it out yourself, don't worry about it! Fengshi, let's talk!"

After hanging up the phone, everyone clapped dumbly, and Erina said blankly: "Aunt Wansui is really amazing... She can train for more than two hours without repeating a word, it's really It’s amazing.”

Hisako said helplessly: "But when I think about so many of us nagging Mr. Ye Mu all afternoon, I feel very irritated... I feel like I am nagging myself."

Everyone sighed, while Fujiwara Chika said blankly: "Then should I be happy that I can marry Ye Jun? Or should I wonder why I was scolded by my mother?"

Shinomiya Kaguya also said seriously: "I'm also curious why Aunt Fang Sui was still angry after Qianhua admitted her mistake."

Everyone's eyes twitched, yes, it's still the innocent Shinomiya Kaguya, but even putting it on a piece of white paper feels dirty.

Hayasaka Ai said softly: "Everyone, don't worry about this problem. After all, there are not many ways for young ladies to compete for favor. After all, you still need to practice a lot."

"Eh?! Hayasaka! Why am I competing for favor again!"

Hayasaka Ai sighed and said nothing, Himuro Iris also had a puzzled look on her face. When Fujiwara Chika was about to speak, Kobayashi Ryoden came over and said in Fujiwara Chika's ear: "Chika, let me ask you, before my aunt Why are you nagging me?"

"Because...hey, how do you say this? Don't you know it?"

"Did you know at that time that you could become your husband's fiancée?"

"I do not know."

"Then what's your relationship? At most, we're just a family, but you're not someone who can stay with you for a lifetime, right?

Fujiwara Chika nodded, Kobayashi Ringtong continued to whisper: "Then what is your relationship now?"

"My fiancée! That's great!"

"Yes, fiancée, fiancée, that is, a wife who has not yet been married, and other people don't know it. Our family must be equivalent to a real wife, right?"

"Uh huh huh!"

Kobayashi Ryudan whispered: "You used to be careless. Girls should remain reserved in front of boys and pay attention to their reputation and innocence. But you and your husband are still so honest?"

Chika Fujiwara blinked and then clapped her hands suddenly and said: "Oh! I know! So that's it! Yes...I thought I couldn't get married before...but I have nothing to do with my husband!"

Kobayashi Rgentan nodded and said: "Right, so, don't be stupid and act like you understand this matter and go tell Aunt Wansui, otherwise you will be scolded even worse.

Just live your life well.


Erina raised the corner of her mouth and said: "Hey... Sister Fuyumi, don't hold it in, you are definitely going to laugh out loud."

"Aunt Wansui! Long live! Sai Gao!" xn

Fujiwara Chika was stunned for a moment and scratched her head as she looked at her sisters who suddenly became excited. It is understandable that Totsugi Nasaki is more lively, it is understandable that Inui Hinako is childish, and Shinomiya Kaguya is also confused and can be ignored.

Orie Sentata is also a very clingy and childish person in private, which is understandable, but the overly rational and poisonous Fuyumi Mizuhara, the strong women Natsume Sentata and Yaeko Minezaki, and the expressionless Ai Hayasaka all cheered. Okay, what is the reason for this?

Moreover, what is the reason for Hōjō Miyoko’s expression, why is she looking so panicked, and why is Hiratsuka Shizuka looking at the cheering group of people with a weird look on her face?

However, if Fujiwara Chika can figure it out, her walnut-sized head can probably step into the realm of normal people...

Fujiwara Chika scratched her head with a naive smile and said: "So you are all so happy, you don't need to celebrate me like this."

Hearing this, everyone glanced at Chika Fujiwara with a strange expression. Fuyumi Mizuhara said directly: "No, we are cheering for ourselves and being excited about our future life. You must not have any It’s an unrealistic fantasy. After all, in a sense, you were almost on the must-kill list for a while.”

"Ha?! No! Why am I so miserable?!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara said softly: "But you can cross it off the list now, yes, today is a good day, Xiao Ai, you go get two bottles of red wine and come back, you want to celebrate a little.


Seeing the rare energetic Hayasaka Ai, Shinomiya Kaguya was also a little confused. She turned her head and pulled Hōjō Miyoko, a little sister she had been getting along with recently, and whispered: "Miyoko, it's not a celebration of Thousand Flowers, what is that? .”

Hōjō Miyoko's eyes twitched. How do you explain this? Wait, Fuyumi Mizuhara didn't let Hayasaka go there on purpose, 0.0 In this case, Shinomiya Kaguya would ask herself! No way!

In fact, she really thought too much. Fuyumi Mizuhara just called someone casually. Hōjō Miyoko looked at Kaguya Shinomiya's innocent eyes and coughed lightly and said: "That... Sister Kaguya , it’s not that Sister Qianhua comes to live at home all the time, but I don’t know what to do in the future, so I don’t have to separate, and I don’t have to think so much.

"Oh I got it!"

Hōjō Miyoko's eyes were also a little complicated. She was a strong woman who never lied. Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya's innocent eyes, Hōjō Miyoko also turned her head subconsciously, feeling guilty․

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